Solo Scaling
Solo instances will now scale to your level. This means when you play through the Main Story, Fighters Guild, Mages Guild and other solo content, it will remain a challenge and you can do it on your own time. Below are some things to note about solo scaling:
Solo instances do not scale below the level they are introduced. For example, Thizzrini Arena begins scaling from level 42.
Solo instances do not scale past Veteran Rank 12 at this time.
Solo scaling is determined by your level upon entering the instance, and remains there for the session.
Solo scaling recognizes when you are having difficulty with a particular instance, and will compensate accordingly.
The following solo content will now scale:
Main Quest
Fighters Guild
Mages Guild
Werewolf Quest
Vampire Quest
Thizzrini Arena
Orrery of Elden Root
Cathedral of the Golden Path in Southpoint
That's a possiblity but the bug didn't exist until this update. Since quest scaling was the newest thing added to the lines (besides the updates to the WW line) it's still the likely culprit.ferzalrwb17_ESO wrote: »There is a bug there but it's a journal bug by the sounds. /bug it.
The quest was correctly labelled for its level prior to this update. In fact, it had not changed at all for my WW hopeful, the quest still had the same boss monster for the hunt. You guys are misreading this quite a bit. This is not a "this is too hard" complaint. I simply noticed the quest level had changed for the quest and investigated.Have you considered that any thing in a zone that is specified to be for a particular level is not going to scale down to your characters?
The Vampire and Werewolf quest lines were meant to be taken when your characters reached level 35 and were meant to be difficult. They will not scale down to anything below the level 38-44 zone they are in. Even though some very dedicated players have been able to do them as low as level 10-25.
Therefore the bug is actually in the Journal and has nothing to do with the quests themselves.