Currently, while I am researching, I am going through all of my inventory and bank spaces, having to check back and forth between what I can research and what I can sell. This is a huge time sink and inconvenience.
I have 3 dedicated sheets that I have drafted to track what I have researched and what I can research, but clearing an inventory of 200+ items, cross-referencing them with my research charts, every time I get to the city to sell, is beyond ludicrous. Please, ZOS, I suggest you include in the hover tooltip whether the trait on the item has been researched or is currently being researched. You can simply put a single line of text at the bottom of the trait on the item hover tooltip:
Trait Name (already exists)
Trait Description (already exists)
KStatus # B # I
KStatus = Either Researching/Known/Unknown
B = [Banked items that have this trait] Bank Icon
I = [Inventory tiems that have this traight] Bag Icon.
Edited by seanvwolf on November 1, 2014 10:53PM