I play NA Thornblade for DC, and my log in time coincides with primetime (usually log on 8-9ish EST on week nights) when all three populations are locked. For the past 2 weeks I have not had to wait in a queue once despite the blue bars showing as locked every single time. Prior to that, the queue would usually be anywhere from 5-35 people long.
I'm not sure what to make of this or exactly what my question is. Is there some sort of buffer on when the status shows as locked? For example, if the hard lock is 200 people, does it begin to show as locked at 190? And as long as it remains below 200 you don't wait in a queue despite the symbol showing locked?
Just thought I would share.
Heder - V14 DK, Thornblade NA
Schrecken - V11 NB, Thornblade NA
The Undead Lords