15+ AA runs over the past week with guildmates, 12 group members across 3 separate bosses = 540 individual chances to receive a signet. Nada. Zilch. The drop rate is effectively nonexistent.
CoolsHisHands wrote: »The Warlock set is currently the only set where it's significantly useful with just 3 jewelry pieces, leaving all your armour and weapon slots open for other dropped/crafted sets.
Everyone wants the jewelry. People pay crazy prices even for VR1 signets! You can buy all of the Warlock armour pieces on the cheap though.
That's untrue. Warlock is not the only magicka-based set with 3 jewelry pieces. There is also the "of the Healer" set and the Soulshine set for magicka users.CoolsHisHands wrote: »The Warlock set is currently the only set where it's significantly useful with just 3 jewelry pieces, leaving all your armour and weapon slots open for other dropped/crafted sets.
I've said this in three other Warlock posts now. If you are DC, your first vet zone is Auridon. Mehrune's Spite delve in Auridon drops this set.
The rings do drop, at least the purple v 12's do, as you can read in the thread the cursed ring of the warlock
If you look carefully you can even see where
I've said this in three other Warlock posts now. If you are DC, your first vet zone is Auridon. Mehrune's Spite delve in Auridon drops this set.
Does it drop if you are above VR1? I have spent some time in there with a VR2/3 character and not gotten any of the Warlock items. Not a 1000 Mobs worth of time, but I would expect something from the amount of things I killed in there.
15+ AA runs over the past week with guildmates, 12 group members across 3 separate bosses = 540 individual chances to receive a signet. Nada. Zilch. The drop rate is effectively nonexistent.
I really, truly hope this isn't the case. I figured (seeing as I'll never buy them) that at some stage I'll have to try a 4 hour farm session, but if these numbers are true I might as well give up on it
dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO wrote: »Snip
The thing is why are people so surprised its expensive/ difficult to find things that are dropping in end game content?
dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO wrote: »Well they released more pieces you can wear so you can still get 5 clothes, not as good but still. I did aa a lot,took me quite a while to get 2/rings even a couple months ago. The thing is why are people so surprised its expensive/ difficult to find things that are dropping in end game content?