.... Has a plethora of things to complain about with a templar.... complains about probably templar's biggest weakness... I don't even...
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I honestly wear my peasant costume because everytime I expose a little skin I end up on my back, sliding from DPS to DPS like some thing to be ravaged then left for dead. being the victim of invasion after invasion. Repeated wrecking blows against my soft, supple, skin. Long swords riddled with disease stuck inside of me repeatedly.
People dont understand outside of the spotlight, away from all the glamour, fame and heals....we are people. people who are abused and used just because of the class we chose to roll.
I honestly wear my peasant costume because everytime I expose a little skin I end up on my back, sliding from DPS to DPS like some thing to be ravaged then left for dead. being the victim of invasion after invasion. Repeated wrecking blows against my soft, supple, skin. Long swords riddled with disease stuck inside of me repeatedly.
People dont understand outside of the spotlight, away from all the glamour, fame and heals....we are people. people who are abused and used just because of the class we chose to roll.
= #StillWaitingForChampionSystemFrameworksFluffiestOne wrote: »#StillWaitingForTemplarPatch