I haven't been playing ESO for very long, but one thing I notice about the graphics is that the lighting effects are very well done.
Particularly with the SweetFX mod and the gamma turned very dark, the ambiance of dungeons and caves is just excellent. Everything becomes dark and creepy, and feels much more like a dank and eery place that takes courage to explore.
This experience becomes even cooler when I activate Almalexia's Enchanted Lantern! That is a really cool artifact which really illuminates dark places. When everything is very dark and spooky, when I activate this artifact it just has this ineffable effect - this "WHOOSH! LET THERE BE LIGHT!" aura that I find thrilling.
However the thrill doesn't last very long - just a few seconds in fact. Also there is a cooldown.
The /torch emote is also an interesting addition, however the lighting of torches pales in comparison and barely lights anything at all. Furthermore you cannot move, activate anything or engage in combat or the torch effect is cancelled.
As someone who really plays at a slow place and stops to fully absorb the visual experience, I just love playing with the lighting turned way down. Therefore what I would ask for is an option to use torches on the move, and increase their power. Or perhaps increase the duration of Almalexia's Enchanted Lantern by a significant amount, and/or remove its cooldown.
These changes would have little to no impact on game balance, as lighting would not a gameplay balance issue for the vast majority of min/max endgame players or pvpers. It would simply add more ambient pleasure for us turtle-paced casual players who enjoy milking the experience as much as possible.
Thanks for hearing me out.