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So... Why not give weapon skill trees their own ultimates? The ultimates in this game have a markedly lack of... idk... EPIC feeling about them. you save up all your rage and are supposed to unleash it in one mind boggling display of power, but you just kinda... raise your hands and make a purple bubble appear? very lack luster.

They should also need to be Fing channeled during their use so you can't waltz up, knock on someone's door, say "hey there, nice day" and BOOM, ultimate/talons/impulse spam out of nowhere. Make an ultimate ULTIMATE, but make it so that if you're doing an ultimate thats all you're doing.


2H: "Rend The Earth" (channeled)
Sword - Raise your sword up in the air, plunge it into the ground, the ground fissures, fire spews from the cracks, AoE and snare
Hammer - pound your hammer into the ground, AoE damage and knocks enemies into the air
Axe - ???

Destro: "Fury of the Elements" (channeled)
Fire - raise staff into the air, call forth the fury of the elements and fire shoots down from the sky, enveloping you in a torrent of fire. AoE damage, reduced enemy healing and knockback within 5 meters.
Lightning - Similar to fire, except a bolt of lightning hits you, decreases enemy damage done by a large %, similar to shock effect.
Ice - call blizzard, ice rains down, snares by a large %, and gives enemies a chance to miss while active.

Resto: Power of Akatosh
Big HoT, allies take 50% reduced damage for 15 seconds.

Bow: Multishot
Shoot 6 arrows simultaneously at 6 different targets, or shoot all 6 at one target.

Dual Wield: Whirlwind
reduce incoming damage by 30%, does AoE damage and you can move while channeling. Similar to barbarian whirlwind from Diablo 2/3.

S/s: Last Bastion (50 ultimate)
similar to magma armor from DK
AoE Taunt?!
  • mousekime111rwb17_ESO
    lel everything you listed would literally blow every other alternative out of the water into obsolescence. Perhaps you should do some research into balancing before making suggestions like this.
  • TheBull
    /signed, the title.
  • mousekime111rwb17_ESO
    TheBull wrote: »
    /signed, the title.

    Oh yeah, and this.
  • chipputer
    I really like the idea of having to actually channel ultimates. It's the reason that I really find the soul magic ultimate (soul strike, I believe it's called?) so utterly balanced in every aspect it has. You have to channel it. Sure, you can move, but you're forced to channel it to the end, whether that end is the spell itself, death, or some other interrupt.

    I won't comment on the ultimates you've listed, since I have no opinion, either way, on those, but I will comment on that idea that I did.
  • jelliedsoup
    Weapons aren't wanted in this game. It seems Zos realised that they were in previous ES games after 95% of the game had already been designed, and then thought they better squeeze them in there...somehow...amazing what they've done since....nothing. Apart from realising that they inadvertently buffed them, and quickly nerfed them.

    I will never touch a Paul Sage game.
    Edited by jelliedsoup on October 28, 2014 10:48PM
  • Voodoo
    I will never touch a Paul Sage game.

    ..Yet you'll troll its forums. Funny!

    Back on topic. I like the idea of ultimate's for weapons. Why not. More design and spell choices. More diversity. Would have to nail it on the balance issues first tho.

  • Salmonleap
    I wouldn't go with the exact weapon Ultimates as described by the OP, but I've been asking the same question since Beta.
    Beware he who would deny you access to information for in his heart he dreams himself your master. -- Pravin Lal
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    I would line there to be ultimats too, but I would rather they be good buffs rather than attacks.

    For 2h for instance I rather have a buff that makes attacks unblockable. And each different weapon ultimate has a passive slotted so it does something just by equipping it that would also affect other weapon lines (but not the active ultimate).
  • jelliedsoup
    Voodoo wrote: »
    I will never touch a Paul Sage game.

    ..Yet you'll troll its forums. Funny!

    Back on topic. I like the idea of ultimate's for weapons. Why not. More design and spell choices. More diversity. Would have to nail it on the balance issues first tho.

    Couldn't give a *** if you think I'm trolling or not. I've played and paid for the game for the past 6 months, don't like my opinion? Bad luck.
  • Voodoo
    Voodoo wrote: »
    I will never touch a Paul Sage game.

    ..Yet you'll troll its forums. Funny!

    Back on topic. I like the idea of ultimate's for weapons. Why not. More design and spell choices. More diversity. Would have to nail it on the balance issues first tho.

    Couldn't give a *** if you think I'm trolling or not. I've played and paid for the game for the past 6 months, don't like my opinion? Bad luck.

    haha got anything intelligent to add? nope=troll

  • jelliedsoup
    Voodoo wrote: »
    Voodoo wrote: »
    I will never touch a Paul Sage game.

    ..Yet you'll troll its forums. Funny!

    Back on topic. I like the idea of ultimate's for weapons. Why not. More design and spell choices. More diversity. Would have to nail it on the balance issues first tho.

    Couldn't give a *** if you think I'm trolling or not. I've played and paid for the game for the past 6 months, don't like my opinion? Bad luck.

    haha got anything intelligent to add? nope=troll
  • Cody
    why the fudge not?? put some weapon ultimates in the game!!!!!!!
  • kongkim
    Like to see ultima under weapons skills. But not like you made it :)
  • GreyBrow
    I would line there to be ultimats too, but I would rather they be good buffs rather than attacks.

    For 2h for instance I rather have a buff that makes attacks unblockable. And each different weapon ultimate has a passive slotted so it does something just by equipping it that would also affect other weapon lines (but not the active ultimate).

    Yeah the suggestions I made weren't the best, just an idea for people to start thinking about the potential possibilities.

    Making a weapon ultimate that was as amazing as banner or nova available to any class would really drive home the "play as you want" idea and provide an opportunity to equalize the classes a little more. It would also provide an easy way to buff stamina builds

    While I detest the forums for the troll feeding grounds they are, and because of the fact that the players are doing the Devs jobs for them (even though they never listen), it's nice to see some positive ideas from time to time.
  • Gyudan
    Weapons aren't wanted in this game. It seems Zos realised that they were in previous ES games after 95% of the game had already been designed, and then thought they better squeeze them in there...somehow...amazing what they've done since....nothing. Apart from realising that they inadvertently buffed them, and quickly nerfed them.

    I will never touch a Paul Sage game.
    Wait, you don't want a Paul Sage pet either?

    I agree with OP's suggestions. Weapons need ultimates, especially for players using weapon damage as their main source of DPS over spell damage.
  • Asgari
    Weapon ultis are not a bad idea. They can all do physical damage similar to dawn breaker. Have a single target morph and an AoE morph. Maybe cap their damage to a certain extent.
    Formerly @Persian_Princess .. Now @Asgari
    Princess Asgari | Sorc
    Asgari | NB
    -Asgari | Stamplar
    Ariana Kishi | DK | True Liberator of Haderus
    Banner Down!
    No Mercy
    Youtube: Asgari
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    GreyBrow wrote: »
    I would line there to be ultimats too, but I would rather they be good buffs rather than attacks.

    For 2h for instance I rather have a buff that makes attacks unblockable. And each different weapon ultimate has a passive slotted so it does something just by equipping it that would also affect other weapon lines (but not the active ultimate).

    Yeah the suggestions I made weren't the best, just an idea for people to start thinking about the potential possibilities.

    Making a weapon ultimate that was as amazing as banner or nova available to any class would really drive home the "play as you want" idea and provide an opportunity to equalize the classes a little more. It would also provide an easy way to buff stamina builds

    While I detest the forums for the troll feeding grounds they are, and because of the fact that the players are doing the Devs jobs for them (even though they never listen), it's nice to see some positive ideas from time to time.

    Oh people have been thinking about them for a while.

    My ideas from a weapon skill line thread a while back:
    Then there's the lack of ultimates in the weapon lines. All weapons should have ultimates tied to them. They should be buffs ultimates instead of attacks, so they only apply buffing to the weapons they derive from.

    2h Ultimate: Increase damage dealt with 2h attacks by 30% With Greatsword. Attacks bleed for 250% of weapon damage over 5 seconds on hit with Greataxe. Attacks Ignore 80% of armor with Maul.
    Morph 1: Make attacks unblockable. Passive equip 5% chance for attack to be unblockable
    Morph 2: 2h abilities cost no stamina to use. Passive equip to further lower cost of 2h abilities by 20%

    DW Ultimate: Increase crit chance with DW attacks by 25% per dagger equipped. Increase Damage dealt by 15% per sword equipped. Bleed 150% of weapon damage over 5 seconds on hit per axe equipped. Ignore 30% armor per mace equipped.
    Morphs: thinking of some complex morphs for this, morph 1 increasing the per weapon type, and morph 2, giving bonuses for mix matching weapon types.

    1h/sh ultimate: Blocking Mitigates 100% of incoming damage
    morph 1: 45% of the damage that would be dealt by attacks are returned to the attacker. Passive equip reflect 5% damage dealt to you.
    morph 2: 45% of the damage that would be dealt by attacks are restored as health. Passive equip restore 5% of damage dealt as health.

    Bow ultimate: Mega version of volley with longer duration and wider radius.
    Morph 1: halves the radius but increases damage by 100%. Passive equip increase bow damage by 5%
    morph 2: snares targets in the area of effect with 10% chance to immobilize on every hit. Passive equip 5% chance to snare target with bow attack

    Destro staff ultimate: Impulse lol

    Resto staff ultimate: Radiate healing to surrounding allies.
    Morph 1: Decrease damage dealt to surrounding allies by 20%. Passive equip decrease damage taken by allies by 5%
    Morph 2: Increase healing done by 50%. Passive equip increases healing done by 10%

    All cost 250 ultimate with 15s duration (increasing 1s per rank).
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on October 30, 2014 9:52AM
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Two Handed and other Weapon ultimate ideas to me would work either as a one shot hit that's quick to charge up or act as a stance or state of mind type deal, something similar to Overload but for weapons.

    For instance, 2H!

    Name: Fury
    Duration: Each hit consumes Ultimate once activated.
    Cost: Stacks to 200, usable at 50.
    Effect: When active, All Weapon Attacks deal 50% additional damage with damage increasing with more Ultimate built up. Max damage increase is 70%.

    Morph 1
    Name: Bloodied Fury
    Duration: Each hit consumes Ultimate once activated.
    Cost: 200, usable at 50.
    Effect: When active, All Weapon Attacks deal 50% additional damage with damage increasing with more Ultimate built up. All attacks return 20 Stamina with each hit. Max damage increase is 70%

    Morph 2
    Name: Unending Fury
    Duration: Each hit consumes Ultimate once activated.
    Cost: 200, usable at 50.
    Effect: When active, All Weapon Attacks deal 50% additional damage with damage increasing with more Ultimate built up. Enemies killed while this is in effect returns 5 additional ultimate. Max damage increase is 70%.

    I'm hungry, and tired, I got nothing else, but I hope the point gets across -__-;
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • Natjur
    Thought they were taken out in beta for being too unbalanced and the dev's said they would not be coming back
  • GreyBrow
    Natjur wrote: »
    Thought they were taken out in beta for being too unbalanced and the dev's said they would not be coming back

    I played beta and I don't recall weapon ultimates, although I could have missed them. I didn't level weapons up very much
  • Cody
    Natjur wrote: »
    Thought they were taken out in beta for being too unbalanced and the dev's said they would not be coming back

    ZOs dares to list THAT as the reason, based on the state of the game atm?

    are you kidding me?
  • capcody
    wtb a stam ulti.
  • NotSo
    I literally asked ZOS for these in the last twitch stream
    Jump to 52:40

    "Uh... those are something we've been thinking about... uh... for a long time. Right now we're focusing on the abilities that we already have ingame and these four new AVA skill line abilities. Uh... but in the future, yeah we-we're open - definitely to having some weapon ultimates". //ENDQUOTE//
    Gar'Sol the Wanderer VR14 Khajiit Sorcerer Spellblade
  • GreyBrow
    that guy seriously needs to take a public speaking course. I can't believe that he's actually gotten to the position that he's in with those horrendous speaking skills.

    "uh..." "uh..." "uh..." "uh..." "uh..."
  • NotSo
    I dunno, it's not like he rehearsed this. He may have also been thinking about what info he's allowed to leak.
    But who cares, did he not just confirm weapon ultimates? (shutup it's yes)
    Edited by NotSo on November 2, 2014 3:19AM
    Gar'Sol the Wanderer VR14 Khajiit Sorcerer Spellblade
  • Cody
    alright. good.

    now maybe my hopes for being able to drop 6 enemies at once with a single bow shot will come true:)
  • guybrushtb16_ESO
    GreyBrow wrote: »
    that guy seriously needs to take a public speaking course. I can't believe that he's actually gotten to the position that he's in with those horrendous speaking skills.

    "uh..." "uh..." "uh..." "uh..." "uh..."

    Yea, it's almost as if he were an actual gameplay designer, ad-hoc answering questions all the while knowing that any wrong word he says will be held against him until the end of time.

    Seriously, that performance was perfectly acceptable and dissing him for that is honestly just very poor form on your part.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    GreyBrow wrote: »
    that guy seriously needs to take a public speaking course. I can't believe that he's actually gotten to the position that he's in with those horrendous speaking skills.

    "uh..." "uh..." "uh..." "uh..." "uh..."

    Yea, it's almost as if he were an actual gameplay designer, ad-hoc answering questions all the while knowing that any wrong word he says will be held against him until the end of time.

    Seriously, that performance was perfectly acceptable and dissing him for that is honestly just very poor form on your part.

    He would have been better off just saying they never even thought of them, and thank us for bringing it to their attention as we have many many other things.
  • NotSo
    @demonlkojipub19_ESO but that would be lying. Not to mention that would also imply that we would never see them.
    Edited by NotSo on November 3, 2014 1:32AM
    Gar'Sol the Wanderer VR14 Khajiit Sorcerer Spellblade
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    @demonlkojipub19_ESO but that would be lying. Not to mention that would also imply that we would never see them.

    I suppose we could just give him the benefit of the doubt and say they did actually think of weapon ultimates. But, given that that ESO live was about the ONLY time I have ever heard them say weapon and ultimate side by side I'm going to have to believe it was never on their minds until recently.

    They could prevent those feelings if they answer the forums more than on blue moon occasions.
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