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Cant hit anything in game

my game is messing up by making it so I cant hit anything with my weapons it works outside of eso internet other games etc. I use duel axe's and med armor but iv put on my heavy armor and fire staff and still is acting all funny. is anyone also getting this bug anyone know a fix please help its making the game unplayable.
Pees-In-Your-Mead awesome lizard better stealth fighter
Proud owner of every pet in eso
  • Pees_In_Your_Mead
    iv repaired the game and also restarted my computer but still is messing up
    Pees-In-Your-Mead awesome lizard better stealth fighter
    Proud owner of every pet in eso
  • Sav72
    You are hitting. its just that you are getting (Reflect...Dodge... Absorb...Block)

    Do you have a combat data add on installed?

    Savoifair, EP NB

    If you break something, you can glue it back together and fix it, but, it will always be broken...

  • Pees_In_Your_Mead
    yea I do and no im not hitting my guy just stands there like a doof. he will not even swing his axe's
    Edited by Pees_In_Your_Mead on October 28, 2014 9:43AM
    Pees-In-Your-Mead awesome lizard better stealth fighter
    Proud owner of every pet in eso
  • Gedalya
    Can you tell us more about your setup? System specs and speed offered by your ISP? Have you reached out to ZoS through a Support ticket? I have only had similar issues when my bandwidth was eaten up by other processes I had running.
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  • Jitterbug
    I have a similar bug at times, but usually hitting the escape key works
  • Sindala
    Sometimes when I get the 'no hit' bug, the only way I make it go away apart from completely reclogging is to open the char menu and eat/drink something then close out the menu and I can normally hit mobs again.

    Though this bug was ment to have been fixed a few patches back and I've not had it recently.
    Sounds like you have an 'out of date' addon messing up your game.
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • Woolenthreads
    /reloadui was one of the suggestions given to me.
    Oooh look, lot's of Butterflies! Wait! Butterflies? Get out of here Sheo, stop bugging me!

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  • AlexDougherty
    /reloadui was one of the suggestions given to me.

    Well to be fair, it does cure 80% of the bugs, for a while at least.
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    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Sindala
    not just reloading the UI.
    Closing the game down to desktop and starting again from d'clicking the icon.

    Another thing to note is that if you play the Euro server, it may just be a lag spike. we get them that stop any action apart from moving and they can last well into 5 minutes.
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • phtony06b14_ESO
    This bug has been around since beta. You have to close the game completely out, then reload the launcher. And when it happens again, repeat.
    Edited by phtony06b14_ESO on October 30, 2014 2:29PM
  • JessieColt
    Try clicking on the Alt key on your keyboard 2x.

    Nightblades suffered from this bug a lot before a few fixes were rolled out, and it does still happen sometimes both to my NM and my healer.

  • Sighlynce
    Happened to me in Cyrodiil. I jumped a V2 mage and then just stood there while she destroyed me :\ .. It was kinda funny , because when there was no defense, she hesitated .. any other time I would have decimated her ;) .. Had to log out and back in to fix it, still happens every now and then. I've been killed by wolves because of this bug.... seriously wolves :# .. I think they filled a soul gem :\
    "What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" - Paarthurnax
  • ZOS_TristanK
    It's possible that addons might be causing some desyncing between your input, your character, and the server, so first we recommend disabling your addons to see if your character is fighting more smoothly.

    If your character still isn't fighting the good fight, we recommend sending your Game Consultant File directly to our Support Team, as there's likely a connection issue causing the problem.
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  • seneferab16_ESO
    I noticed this bug for the first time a few days ago, and can reproduce it 100%.

    For me, it is the Codex addon. If I am in combat and hit the hotkey to open up the window and then close it again, my character will just stand there and not hit a single thing. I can walk around, and I can use hotkeys just fine, but I can't loot, no skills can be cast and no weapons can be fired.

    It works perfectly fine to open up the statistic window of Codex when I am not in combat.

    No suggestion of making it go away have been working, except a complete restart of the game.

    OP, try disabling your addons one at a time. It is most likely one of them.
    Aerin Treerunner, pre dinner snack
  • Pees_In_Your_Mead
    sorry have not replied in a few days stuff came up also iv exited the game and fully restarted my computer and still it's all funky. doing the thing with the add-ons today as all my add-ons are out of date and minion did not update itself so that is most likely it. fixing that now so crossing my fingers that helps. also have no idea how I would send the files to support but hopeing I do not have to do that as like I was saying minion has not been updated in a long time so that is most likely it. Also thank you all for the ideas and sorry I did not respond sooner stuff has been crazy over here.
    Pees-In-Your-Mead awesome lizard better stealth fighter
    Proud owner of every pet in eso
  • Pees_In_Your_Mead
    so updated my add-ons turned all of them off and now I cant attack while moving even if all add-ons are disabled.
    Pees-In-Your-Mead awesome lizard better stealth fighter
    Proud owner of every pet in eso
  • Baphomet
    All... the... time... and it's been happening since beta. When it happens to me, I cannot soft target anyone either, but sometimes AoEs still work. My single target abilities will simply just grey out.

    Sometimes hitting ESC or C a couple of times will fi it right away but sometimes I have to wait 10-20 secs before I can engage in combat again.

    Doesn't help that the game is laggy, clunky, sluggish, and unresponsive right now. It's really bad... I can almost not swap weapons either if someone is hitting me.
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  • Pees_In_Your_Mead
    well this started happing bout 4 days ago why would it hit all of a sudden I find it vary odd
    Pees-In-Your-Mead awesome lizard better stealth fighter
    Proud owner of every pet in eso
  • Pees_In_Your_Mead
    still having prbs hitting while moving and sometimes while just standing there iv deleted all my add-ons redownloaded it repaired it restarted my comp all that still not working. Worked fine 2 weeks ago what happened and any other fix's out there please help this game is no unplayable due to I cant really kite and hit things please help
    Pees-In-Your-Mead awesome lizard better stealth fighter
    Proud owner of every pet in eso
  • Deheart
    Wish I could help. Ive had that bug, alls I have to do is hit esc or the . and then hit that key again. Have you tried deleting your "Elder Scrolls Online" folder that is located in your documents folder? NOT THE ONE IN YOUR PROGRAM FILES FOLDER, DONT TOUCH THAT ONE.

    Sometimes the add ons mess with a game setting and even if you delete the addon the setting is still messed up. Deleting that folder will reset all the settings back to first install, and delete any add ons you missed.
    As a casual player I was satisfied that at one point I had a char max level and near max crafting with almost all motifs and I pretty much lost interest. Then ESO discovered DLC's and now my main is just a wanabe and I am happily pulled back into the game.
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