My first thought was L2P or one these mmo-terms but then i saw your signature, which means you obviously learned to play already.
At least pve.
PVP is a different world man, you can't just faceroll anything in cyrodiil just 'cause you have the top-dps in your pve-guild.
If you fight a DK make him UNABLE to get his ultimate up by pinning him in place somehow and get his stamina down. If he gets his ultimate up he has an immediate 700 stamina return. If he's cc'ed he can't cast dragonblood
I've had several reports in this forum and other players I know that say their DK alt has eaten their play button.
I wonder if other people have been experiencing this as well as other unfair skills that DK's (also called "God's unwanted Children" by many) might have.
I've heard other reports I wanted to share with you guys/girls since this is getting problematic IMO.
It appears DKs also have the ability to:
- Tell the future.
- Talk to Devs.
- Make food with better stats.
- Kill characters in their own alliances.
- Be so unstoppable that they can kill themselves with spell symmetry.
- Eat Children (which is why there are none in game).
- Read your mind.
- Control NPCs.
- Fly.
- Enable GOD MODE.
- Beat Chuck Norris
- Give you Pink Eye
- Pay your rent
I also heard it's their fault the Guild Traders System exists and that the game servers can't hold that much OPness inside of them which is why PVP is laggy.
I think this shouldn't be admissible and @ZOS should react to this ASAP and nerf DKs or plain and simply remove them from the game by impeding any player to make a new DK character.
When I was reading your mind it was more like
"Maybe if I smash all my keys and throw everything at him he will die"
"He's reflecting damage on me but if I continue it will surely hit him at some point"
"Maybe I should stop, opps I'm dead"
"Maybe I should Learn to pl.... errmm no, NERF DKS SO OP"
My first thought was L2P or one these mmo-terms but then i saw your signature, which means you obviously learned to play already.
At least pve.
PVP is a different world man, you can't just faceroll anything in cyrodiil just 'cause you have the top-dps in your pve-guild.
If you fight a DK make him UNABLE to get his ultimate up by pinning him in place somehow and get his stamina down. If he gets his ultimate up he has an immediate 700 stamina return. If he's cc'ed he can't cast dragonblood
I think you failed to see the sarcasm in my post.
And i play a DK