This is a long post. If you are challenged with ADHD or poor reading comprehension, this thread is not for you!
There are a lot of things making me not want to play ESO. They've bothered me since launch, but lately, I've become so tired of the problems that I have felt more inclined to just not play. In fact, I haven't been on in a week. I am enjoying a Bioshock 1-Infinite playthrough. Prior to this, I've always found some reason to play, but the novelty has worn off and it feels like a chore.
First and foremost in my list of problems is the combat system. It is fundamentally flawed in countless ways. Everyone knows lots of people feel underpowered with stamina builds, and making one effective is more difficult than doing the same with magicka. The decision to have a resource pool that splits itself between maneuverability and offense while another pool is dedicated to just casting was flat-out stupid. You can buff stamina builds all you want, but that won't fix the foundation on which they are built.
On that note, there is the fact that weapons and spells are even split to different pools to begin with. The design philosophy of this game was to be able to have a unique character that fits your style because the game was supposed to allow immense versatility. If different resource pools are in place, the most effective way to build your character for maximum potential is to generally focus on one or the other, rather than going for a mix. This limits versatility and shoehorns you into fewer play styles.
As a Templar, I feel most of my abilities are useless without a magicka focused build. Focusing on magicka then limits the potential of my weapon abilities, leaving me with very few viable offensive abilities. Which brings me to classes. I didn't mind them at first, but the more I play, the more I see that classes do not belong within the design philosophy of this game. It adds just one more element to balance in a game where balance is already a joke.
The lack of ability cooldowns, coupled with the encouragement to focus almost entirely on one resource pool, results in an extremely exploitable system wherein "FotM" builds are running rampant. This is why you have very few challenging opponents in PVP; the unkillable Blazing Shield spamming templar, the unkillable turtle AOE DK, the instant 3k damage NB, the streak / BoL spamming sorc, etc. There are plenty more builds but they are far less common and usually far less effective.
In other MMOs, I feel my success can come down to skill at least as often as luck. In ESO, I feel more like I'm playing rock-paper-scissors when I encounter enemies. Building to counter is a necessary and interesting part of most games like this, but in ESO, it too often feels like it is all that matters. Just another symptom of the exploitable combat system. It is also worth noting that balance changes come very slowly around here, even on the more obvious issues. I understand the desire to not make sweeping gameplay changes, but some things just too obviously need improved upon to let it go this long.
It's also hard to tell exactly what stats you want on your character. The character sheet gives you the bare minimum amount of info, lacking key details on what certain stats do to benefit you. For instance, I have no way of knowing how much crit resist I have and how it translates into a percentage, short of googling it. There is no reason things should be hidden from the player. An option for advanced tooltips would be fantastic, and wouldn't detract from the minimalist UI.
But I guess that doesn't matter anymore, because I've lost interest in the end-game content. PVP is a mess for more reasons than I can count. There's the combat system, the poor CPU multi-core utilization, the servers crashing, the zerg trains, the bugs, and the fact that the entire campaign system seems intent on making everyone want to play on the same server, compounding all of the aforementioned issues. Not to mention, I seem to spend more time finding battles than I do actually battling. Servers other than the primary one were just used for buffs and flipping flags to farm the emperor title, something that caters to people who embrace everything that is wrong with ESO PVP. Nine out of ten emperors I encounter are severely lacking in humility and courtesy as well, a side effect of being a 20-hour-a-day game elitist.
Then there is PVE. Another home of elitists and awful, unfriendly experiences. The primary design of end-game PVE on ESO, trials, once again highlights all of the flaws in the game by implementing a leaderboard and few meaningful rewards for participating. Most serious groups require you to post an achievement or be a certain build / spec just to join. Templars are genenerally unwelcome for anything other than a single healer. Veteran dungeons are more up my alley but that alone can't keep me playing.
So at the end of the day, all I'm left with is questing. ESO really has a beautifully crafted world and lots of rich story to enjoy. It's just a shame that the game itself is so fundamentally designed to turn away people who are interested in typical MMO activities. I'll keep questing when I get the urge, but I hope the future holds something better for this game.
EP: Slania Isara : Harambe Was an Inside Job