Constant Crashing

I've been playing since launch and have never had this problem before, but for the last couple of weeks -- since just before 1.4.6 -- I haven't been able to play five minutes without crashing.

I've repaired multiple times, disabled add-ons, reinstalled graphics card drivers, repaired again, everything. Nothing works.

I crash in Cyrodiil. I crash out of Cyrodiil. I crash while fighting. I crash while standing around. Mounted, walking, during load screens, talking to NPCs, using skills, not using skills, blocking, attacking, healing, with every kind of weapon equipped.

I'm confident it's not on my end; my computer is new, and again, I've been playing since launch without problems, and then all of a sudden the game is unplayable.
We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • ZOS_MollyH
    Hello @Fafnisbane‌ ! It appears that you have tried the initial troubleshooting steps, so we have created a support ticket for you so that one of our Customer Support techs can reach out to you for some more specific information about your system. Thank you!
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  • christophe.goteb17_ESO
    I think I have the same issue, tried the same fixes with the same result. Crashing in minutes after getting in game with my character.

    Please ZOS_MollyH, create a ticket for me too.

    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • ZOS_GaryA
    Hey there @christophe.goteb17_ESO,

    We went ahead and created a ticket for you as well, thank you for your patience!
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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