You might remember me from an earlier topic, the person that solved all AD que issues by suggesting we make population cap for them at 500 while keeping dc and ep at 200. you are welcome
now today i come to you with a new issues. CLASSES balance, BUILDS balance, GENDER balance, and other Balance issues you are facing
let me first explain to you the REAL problem
its not batswarms, its not battleroar, its not impulse, its not talons, its not boltescape, its not cloak, its not blazingshield, its not snipe, its not what ever you think it is.
here is my reason, if lets say player A is killing player B very very very bad and not giving him a chance at all. Nerfing any skill from player A wont solve the problem
OBVIOUSLY player A is a GOOD player who will adapt and kill player B over and over and over again no matter what you do to him and no matter how you nerf him
example. No-Mercy bullying entire server will not get solved by nerfing any of their skills or classes. the will simply ADAPT and kick your ass over and over and over again until you get tired
someone must say the solution is learn to play?
WRONG. some people are incapable of learning
the solution is simple, and it is the only solution to bring the bad players on par with good players.
simple decrease all damage output from any PVPer who hit rank 30 pvp rank and decrease it more and more everytime he advance in PVP rank.
for example, batswarms do 500 a tick for anyone below rank 30. after that it start doing 250 until rank 40 then it start ticking for only 150.
This will force players to run new char if they want to keep their dmg.
to all the baddies out there, I believe I solved alllll your nerfing request in 1 solution.
you are all fken welcome. and no need to learn to play anymore. i got your back homie
~~ Mrs Jones ~~
~~ Self-proclaimed Best Player in the game ~~
~~ you jelly? ~~