For the most part, DoTs in this game perform similarly to other games in the MMORPG genre. The damage and length of time is similar to most other MMO's. While that should be reassuring, it actually presents a number of problems because of one simple fact: we are limited to a 5 skill bar. This limitation can be moderately sidestepped by weapon swapping but it is heavily inadvisable to use both skill bar sets just to inflict damage against a single target. (As DoT builds are mostly created for doing single target damage, that will be the focus of this thread. There are a few multi Dot setups, but I want to focus on dealing single target damage.) What's more, even if you max the damage output you are only doing damage every second which can easily be subverted by insta-heals and damage shields.
I'll give an example:
- My V4 Templar can output 110 dps with Reflective light, Consuming Trap, and Degeneration. (That figure does not include the initial damage of reflective light, I will address that later.) Over 14.4 seconds, I will have dealt 985 with DoT damage. (1243 raw damage total, with the Reflective light initial damage.) That will cost 650 magicka to use all 3 of those skills consecutively.
- With Blazing Shield, I can block 490 damage. This will cost 300 magicka.
- Honor the Dead will heal me for 636 health. (This is the standard value. A crit would be about 900.) This costs 424 magicka.
So using two instant skills I can easily undo the damage inflicted by three DoT's. So, this is all fine and dandy in Theoretical Land where I can use Binding Javelin to stun enemies and other skills to increase my success. However, in the real world, this output is way too ineffective to have any practical value in high level content. (I focus on these three DoT's because they are one class DoT and two available to everyone.) It's rather clear to me that there needs to be an increase in variation or output for DoT dps to have a leg to stand on.
Now let's not misunderstand, I'm not asking for damage buffs to DoT's. That would be overkill. What I believe is needed I can summarize into three groups.
1. DoT Stacks- These are fairly common amongst MMORPG's. For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, stack building in MMO's is where abilities build up a bebuff or buff a number of times when the skill is either used repeatedly or over time. Stack buildups can have a variety of effects but are usually used in conjunction with other skills. (Which is addressed in point 2.) Having stack buildups that increase the DoT damage isn't really necessary, but it would be a start. Instead, the focus should be on increasing debuffs or buffs.
2. Ultimate Synergies with DoTs- If stack buildups are implemented, there should be a synergy with ultimates of the same line. For example, Soul Strike would detonate Soul Trap stacks on the target dealing damage and stunning the target for 1 second. This increases the effectiveness of ultimates not commonly used and give greater focus on skill combinations.
3. Variation in damage tics- Virtually all non-ultimate DoT's inflict damage every second. This makes them rather easy to plan around given the length of most of them.
-Using my templar example, I have 116 Magicka regen. After three seconds I have enough magicka to cast Blazing Shield. If Consuming Trap does 325 over ten seconds, I can easily block a majority of the damage just by dodging and waiting on my magicka to regenerate. -
If the damage tic'd faster, it would become a more urgent matter to reduce or heal the damage. So in particular, I think that Soul Trap should be the fastest ticking DoT in the game, simply because it is available to everyone. This would particularly make it more useful when morphed into Consuming Trap, making that self heal happen faster. If the DoT skills tic'd at different rates, it makes them more formidable against opponents who use self heals and damage shields to negate damage. They are more difficult to plan around without the major consistency.
Overall, I think that most of the DoT skill damages are where they need to be, there just needs to be some variation.
I'll also provide some information about each of the individual DoT's here as well, for people who keep asking what good they are. Please note nonreflective only applies to Reflective Scales, not Eclipse. Eclipse will literally reflect all single target spells.
-Correct me where you find errors.
All of the weapon DoT's are nonreflective with the exception of Poison Arrow. Poison Arrow and Twin slashes are the only single target DoTs of weapon skills. Both can be used against multiple enemies.
Universal DoT's
Soul Trap- Usable on multiple enemies, nonreflective.
Entropy- not usable on multiple enemies, nonreflective, heals instantly on cast and over time.
Scalding Rune- Multi-DoT, nonreflective.
Shadow Silk- not usable on multiple enemies, Reflective, longest DoT in the game when synergy is activated and capable of highest DoT damage.
Templar DoT's
Blazing Spear- Multi-DoT, nonreflective, Stuns one target on impact. Procs burning light, and thus, is somewhat capable of moderate damage output.
Sun Fire- usable on mutliple enemies, reflective, Does initial damage. Snares enemies over duration.
Reflective Light is a Multi-Dot. (I'm unsure as the the reflective status on this skill. Please inform me.) Reflective light can hit targets anywhere around the caster. Higher DPS output than normal.
Dragon Knight DoT's
Searing Strike- Usable on multiple enemies, nonreflective.
I believe that the Burning Embers morph can use the heal effect from mutliple enemies.
Fiery Breath- Multi-DoT, nonreflective, deals initial damage.
Inferno- Multi-Dot, Nonreflective.
Burning Talons- Multi-DoT, Nonreflective.
Cinder Storm- Multi-DoT, nonreflective.
Sorcerer DoT's
Lightning Form- Multi-DoT, Nonreflective.
Lightning Splash- Multi-DoT, Nonreflective, Tics faster than standard DoT's.
Nightblade DoT's
Path of Darkness- Multi-DoT, nonreflective.
Agony- Technically usable on multiple targets, nonreflective, stuns target for a long duration. Higher DPS output than normal.
Cripple- not usable on multiple enemies, nonreflective.
Crippling grasp does damage on impact.
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Current main PC build:
i7 3770 (Not overclocking currently.)
MSI Gaming X GTX 1070
32gb RAM
GTX 1060
16gb RAM
Secondary build:
i3 2330
GTX 660
8gb RAM