Hello great developers of wonderful helpful ESO addons! I have a challenge for you that hopefully can be completed by one of you admirable devs (I hope I have spread enough butter

I am looking for an addon that will remember my key-mappings so that I may apply them to a newly created toon or even be able to apply them to the PTS server or even when ZOS wipes them out on me.
I know it sounds like a tall order for something that would be usually only a couple keys to remap, but in my case it is a lot more that 2-3 keys it is all the movement and skill keys. Due to an amputation of most of my right hand, I can not use the default keyboard setup and have learned to remap the number pad to satisfy my needs (it does all movement/skills ulti/q-slots) but as you can see it is somewhat of a pain to remap everything every time I make a new toon or Zeni wipes them out. I am not sure why there is no global key mapping that applies to all toons the same.
I have looked into the game files to see if there was a simple way to save the mapped keys but they seem to be built into the game. Any help in this matter would be awesome, thanks!