Hey guys so I've been noticing a really annoying trend with spellcasting monsters while going through vet levels. (less so at lower levels) They deal waaaay too much damage compared to their melee counterparts.
I'm playing a med armor NB bow/resto staff. I have double the amount of spell resist compared to armor, yet I still take insane amounts of damage from regular spell attacks from enemies. Even blocking spells does a huge amount of damage.
I'm totally fine against 3 or 4 melee enemies (even with my lower armor) but the second a spell caster gets into the mix, if they aren't dead first, the fight turns sour.
I'm not even going to mention elite spellcaster enemies. Two unblocked hits from them and i'm toast. (I'm not talking about interruptable spells. I'm talking they simple staff attacks)
I'm not just standing there taking hits. I'm healing, I'm using passives and skills available to me to try to lower damage, but it doesn't help much. (I also note that I have a decent amount of health too) It's usually either I kill them extremely fast before they can get more than one hit, or I die.
I don't feel like I should be forced to throw on cloth armor to avoid spell damage. If you block a spell it shouldn't deal more damage than a fully charged heavy attack from an enemy.
Anyway just my thoughts. I feel spells are grossly overpowered in general, plus the whole cloth wearers having more survivablilty than med or heavy. But that's another topic.
Anyone else share my thoughts or am I the only one who things this?