Calling all Creatives!

Hey, gang!

My wife and I used to play an MMO that had a very active events forum that would host various creative endeavors (writing, designing, actual crafting, etc.). The entries from the online community ranged from just plain awful to absolutely stunning with in-game prizes being awarded by the event judges to the best of the best. To this day, I'm still bitter about an event in which I thought I had nailed the winning entry only to find out that my wife won the entire thing with hers. I came in 4th. She still smirks about this. *sigh*

After giving it some thought, I'd like to give the same kind of events a go in this game. During the ESO Live segments we've seen that there are quite a few creative minded players out there. I'd love to help give you guys an outlet to showcase your talents and win some in-game prizes while you're at it.

Would there be any interest from you all with this?

My guild has just started up our first event on our website. It's just a simple caption contest to test the waters. We have MANY more ideas ready to go but wanted to gauge the creative community first to see if there would be any interest.

So...whaddya think?

Thanks for your time,


P.S. Almost forgot to put in the link to our events forum that explains how they'd work in more detail.

P.P.S. And here's the first event:
GM of The Night Prowlers - North American Server.
Active trade/PvX guild. 470+ members. Weekly guild trader.
Email @KenThinks for an invite. Shadow hide you.
  • Mercutio
    I am intrigued.
    The problem with arguing with a jackass is that they never stop braying.
  • KenThinks
    Good! If you're our lone entry for the first contest, you're guaranteed to win it all. ;)
    GM of The Night Prowlers - North American Server.
    Active trade/PvX guild. 470+ members. Weekly guild trader.
    Email @KenThinks for an invite. Shadow hide you.
  • Mercutio
    Haha rather not win that way :) Thinking on a caption though...
    The problem with arguing with a jackass is that they never stop braying.
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