A suggestion for the forums (Viewed by a Green).

So, many of us use these forums as a way to convey our ideas and desires to ZOS devs and employees, but we are often times left in the dark with no knowledge of whether or not our ideas are actually being viewed by ZOS. So, in order to amend this, I would like to propose a solution:

In order to let forum users know that their ideas have been at least read by ZOS, I would like to suggest that ZOS adds a green " ! " mark icon, similar to the green ouroboros that appears next to threads that have been commented on by the greens. In order to have this new marker appear, an admin must click on a special button at the bottom of the forum thread original post, where all the buttons like "Awesome" "LOL" "Insightful", etc. are located, and when the button is pressed it marks the forum thread as "Read", and thus the green " ! " appears where the green ouroboros would appear, indicating that the thread has at least been read once by the devs or admins. When a dev responds and posts on a forum thread, that green " ! " mark gets replaced by the green ouroboros, since at that point its pretty obvious that if they are responding to a thread, they have at least read some of it.

Would you like to see this feature added?
  • AshySamurai
    I'm not sure that it will change a lot, but it's not a bad idea.
    Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • Razzak
    Not a bad idea, but threads are constantly growing. Such a "tag" would only be useful once, what about those posts that were made after thread was marked?
    Furthermore, who is to stop forum mods from simply tagging threads without reading them?
    The only way to know things we post have been read, is their feedback or some sort of communication.
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