New player here trying to give some constructive feedback. While there's a lot I like about ESO I find myself enjoying and playing it less every day. Not sure at this stage how long I'll stick around.
Here's why.
ESO has by the far the most diabolical inventory management experience of any MMO I've played. There's just so many crafting materials and the design is clearly for players to use alts for storage. Arbitrarily annoying with no added fun value but fine. That's what you want - players logging and out to juggle stuff.
However, you have classes and factions with restricted race options. As a new player I'm a bit on the fence between two factions and also need to try out all of the classes to decide which one I want to play. There's only 8 character slots so I can't create one of each profession in each faction. Obviously when I settle on a faction I'll want four characters in that faction and the four spread across the other two factions.
So I can't just straight away create 8 characters and start using them as mules. Especially not permanent mules eg. spending too much money increasing their bag slots.
There's also a bit of an issue with the character deletion restriction. I understand it's designed to minimise spam and I'm delighted to say after more than a week of playing I haven't seen any spam at all. That's semi-miraculous. But it's also seriously slowing me down in making the above decisions.
First thing I do when I start playing a new MMO is make some temporary characters with names I like, so those names are there when I want to use them. Doesn't work so well with ESO. Plus there's a bit of a lighting issue with the character creation screen. I've only found it to be a problem for Argonians which are one of my two preferred races, but their colouring can look very different out in the game world. In the worst case I had one which I thought looked great in the character creation screen but made my eyes want to vomit once I had him in the world. The colours seem to be more saturated in the game world.
So I have to wait 24 hours to get a new deletion so I make a new one and hope I get something I like. I'm still going on that.
Meanwhile I find myself compelled to just make levels as quickly as possible on my first character so I can a) park him as a crafting alt and b) have him farming money to buy inventory horses/slots for all my other chracters. That is massively detracting from the game's fun value.
Two suggestions.
1) Overhaul inventory management. Completely unhook it from alts. Take that out of the equation and most of the issues I talked about cease to be a problem.
2) I wouldn't suggest removing the character deletion restrictions. The absence of spam in ESO is fantastic. But maybe have a warning screen appear for new players describing the system and how it works so they know - rather than needing to go googling for that info after they find themselves stuck and waiting, waiting, waiting.