Attorneyatlawl wrote: »MoeCoastie wrote: »Kill the AFKer. Why do you need ZOS for that? There are a ton of reasons why someone would go afk in a pvp zone but they all face the risk of dying while afk. In the situation you described, seems the afker was in an extremely vulnerable position. Take advantage and gank him! Gank anyone who does that! Never heard anyone complain about free AP before =/
This thread isn't about just going AFK legitimately, but doing so in a location you cannot easily be killed, and are able to earn game points & leveling unattended. Night after night.
I have a very hard time fathoming how anyone could think, let alone have the hubris to claim, that using a macro or any other automated means, physical or virtual (software), to accrue earnings in-game (AP, skill line ranks, and the AP can be sold/used to buy items to sell at a very favorable exchange rate in gold nowadays), is "OK" in any way, shape, or form. It's not only obviously immoral (cheating to get stuff free in a game or bypass mechanics intended to combat that), but if people are truly unable to understand why cheating in an online game is wrong... then read the Terms of Service you agreed to when activating your account.
When you created your game account here, you specifically stated and confirmed that you understood using exploits was wrong and you would be banned for doing so if caught. This isn't a debate. Arguing that abusing a game mechanic by bypassing the game system intended to prevent you from doing exactly that is cut and dry. The queue? There's rarely any queue, and when there is, and you are not going to play, why does anyone have the gall to claim they should be able to reserve the slot in the campaign when they are not even going to be there for hours, blocking out someone else actively trying to play from joining in the first place?
And really... the whole "but I need to go to the bathroom" or "I wanted to go out to dinner" excuses people are making up here? Don't insult everyone else's intelligence by even saying them. I don't think there's any way to be more transparent about knowing it's wrong in the universe, other than perhaps a vacuum in outer space where no matter exists. If you need to go to the restroom, you don't AFK repeatedly where you are already well aware (& just to play hypothetical devil's advocate, as ridiculous as it is... by commenting in this thread about it you demonstrated you know it), and 99% of the time specifically moved there for this exact reason that you would earn things in the game for doing so and even set things up purposefully with a way to avoid being logged out. You go AFK. If you take too long, you log back in.
That's what people normally do, if they aren't aiming to cheat.Normal gameplay doesn't involve quote-unquote "using the bathroom" every day of the week, miraculously occurring almost every time inside of a resource tower that your faction owns at a location people will frequently suicide into for travel, and somehow magically the game "glitching" (quote-unquote) leaving you logged in.
Also, last I checked, your toons don't normally cast various damage shields on themselves randomly while you're out at a restaurant.@Lionxoft, have you seen that happen ever on your character? I sure haven't on mine!
MoeCoastie wrote: »Attorneyatlawl wrote: »MoeCoastie wrote: »Kill the AFKer. Why do you need ZOS for that? There are a ton of reasons why someone would go afk in a pvp zone but they all face the risk of dying while afk. In the situation you described, seems the afker was in an extremely vulnerable position. Take advantage and gank him! Gank anyone who does that! Never heard anyone complain about free AP before =/
This thread isn't about just going AFK legitimately, but doing so in a location you cannot easily be killed, and are able to earn game points & leveling unattended. Night after night.
I have a very hard time fathoming how anyone could think, let alone have the hubris to claim, that using a macro or any other automated means, physical or virtual (software), to accrue earnings in-game (AP, skill line ranks, and the AP can be sold/used to buy items to sell at a very favorable exchange rate in gold nowadays), is "OK" in any way, shape, or form. It's not only obviously immoral (cheating to get stuff free in a game or bypass mechanics intended to combat that), but if people are truly unable to understand why cheating in an online game is wrong... then read the Terms of Service you agreed to when activating your account.
When you created your game account here, you specifically stated and confirmed that you understood using exploits was wrong and you would be banned for doing so if caught. This isn't a debate. Arguing that abusing a game mechanic by bypassing the game system intended to prevent you from doing exactly that is cut and dry. The queue? There's rarely any queue, and when there is, and you are not going to play, why does anyone have the gall to claim they should be able to reserve the slot in the campaign when they are not even going to be there for hours, blocking out someone else actively trying to play from joining in the first place?
And really... the whole "but I need to go to the bathroom" or "I wanted to go out to dinner" excuses people are making up here? Don't insult everyone else's intelligence by even saying them. I don't think there's any way to be more transparent about knowing it's wrong in the universe, other than perhaps a vacuum in outer space where no matter exists. If you need to go to the restroom, you don't AFK repeatedly where you are already well aware (& just to play hypothetical devil's advocate, as ridiculous as it is... by commenting in this thread about it you demonstrated you know it), and 99% of the time specifically moved there for this exact reason that you would earn things in the game for doing so and even set things up purposefully with a way to avoid being logged out. You go AFK. If you take too long, you log back in.
That's what people normally do, if they aren't aiming to cheat.Normal gameplay doesn't involve quote-unquote "using the bathroom" every day of the week, miraculously occurring almost every time inside of a resource tower that your faction owns at a location people will frequently suicide into for travel, and somehow magically the game "glitching" (quote-unquote) leaving you logged in.
Also, last I checked, your toons don't normally cast various damage shields on themselves randomly while you're out at a restaurant.@Lionxoft, have you seen that happen ever on your character? I sure haven't on mine!
Not sure what post youre reading but the OP gave an example of someone who was afk in a resource. Im not a good player at all and I can solo a resource and kill that afker. Another poster mentioned someone who he thought was afk in a delve or cave...again, easily accessible. The only half way decent way to afk your way up the alliance ranks is at relic gates. when the gates are closed they are totally not accessible by the enemy faction unless they have multiple keeps to open them.
Im not saying afk xping or macro'ing is okay. But in all but one example given so far in this thread the situation can EASILY be turned and the afker becomes the free AP. Doesn't your group enjoy taking a keep only to find 5 afkers inside? FREE AP! When I solo resources, finding an afk enemy in the tower is like finding a dollar in my pocket! woohoo...dollar menu time!
Im all for following the rules and see myself as someone with a pretty strong moral compass but there are currently systems in place to minimize such "botting." Almost every pixel in cyrodil is accessible by the enemy faction. Players cant be perched up in some starting area collecting match rewards and being completely invulnerable like in certain other games. Like I mentioned before, Im not a good player at all so if you cant figure out a way to get free APs from afkers just let me know where they are and I'll take it.
MoeCoastie wrote: »doh! failed but Im not ashamed! LONG LIVE THE ZOMBIES!
In all reality they aren't earning a lot of AP per hour sitting at a keep collecting D ticks.
When I am on dad duty with my toddler daughter, I am semi AFK all the time at the emp keeps and I might get a few k per hour. It's absolutely not a viable way to farm AP.