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Here's why 99% of the playerbase will never become Emperor

Basically, if you don't apply the zerg-ball tactic you'll never be able to compete on the leadboards because the few ones that do this tactic rake in alliance points like it has gone out of fashion.

Zerg-ball explained:

1. have a group of 10-15 people
2. use the best aoe / healer builds
3. run around in a circle inside enemy keep wall and aoe players down
4. or keep raid stealthed and wait for opportunities.

campaign reset, one day after there's already people closing in on half a million AP.

  • Ezareth
    I've got emperor solo twice now and I know many others who have done it solo. Being in a group puts you at a disadvantage actually. You could follow the zerg ball group and snipe their kills and make far more AP if you had the time and skill to pull it off.

    Making the most AP on a campaign just requires that you play as long and more efficiently than the #2 player on your side.
    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • Braidas
    i'm not even homed on tb b/c i could care less about emp, but i made over 650k between friday night and yesterday, playing in a group of less than 6 most of the time. not even hardcore farming for the most part. small group of good players>zerg ball.
  • krim
    Who cares
  • Sypher
    417k points = ~600 solo kills.

    If you played for ~15-20 hours like the people on the leaderboards did and averaged in ~30 kills per hour and a few defense or offense ticks. Add in the kill quests, kill assists, any heals done, and you have a chance at getting on top of the boards.

    If you want emperor on a competitive campaign. You can't just play 4-6 hours a day. Most of these guys pull close to 10+ hours. That alone throws out a majority of the player base from the runnings.

    Edited by Sypher on October 6, 2014 6:39AM
    DC Dragonknight 'Sypher - AD Nightblade Sypher Ali - AD Sorcerer Sypher Sensei - EP Sorcerer Sypharian - DC Templar Ali Sypher

  • tordr86b16_ESO
    I've got emperor solo twice now and I know many others who have done it solo. Being in a group puts you at a disadvantage actually. You could follow the zerg ball group and snipe their kills and make far more AP if you had the time and skill to pull it off.

    Making the most AP on a campaign just requires that you play as long and more efficiently than the #2 player on your side.

    Yes, you get more AP solo but if you keep the zerg-ball group small you'll still get more AP compared to anyone else in the campaign. Also, how am i suppose to "snipe" off their kills when they kill players in seconds?
    Edited by tordr86b16_ESO on October 5, 2014 5:19PM
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    Emperor was never something everyone was supposed to have.

    People got fat and lazy about it due to the Emperor farming from the latter parts of the 90 day campaigns and Celarus.

    You want to be emp? Outperform the rest and then convince your faction to flip the inner ring.

    Good luck.
    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • eliisra
    Other noble ways to become the emperor:

    1. Guildies feeding you AP with their alts.

    2. Solo-leeching AP from blood-porters. Crazy AP when an entire raid runs in to suicide. Extra points of you use this method combined with the one above.

    3. Camping choke-points with oil, catapults and PBAoE. Usually recourse towers, but there's loads of lovely places for this play style. When you eventually wipe, use camp, set up new operation.

    One thing is for sure, trying to help your faction win the campaign, will not grant you the emperor title. Because sieging keeps, running scrolls, riding half the map or disturbing the transit = crap AP.
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    eliisra wrote: »
    Other noble ways to become the emperor:

    1. Guildies feeding you AP with their alts.

    2. Solo-leeching AP from blood-porters. Crazy AP when an entire raid runs in to suicide. Extra points of you use this method combined with the one above.

    3. Camping choke-points with oil, catapults and PBAoE. Usually recourse towers, but there's loads of lovely places for this play style. When you eventually wipe, use camp, set up new operation.

    One thing is for sure, trying to help your faction win the campaign, will not grant you the emperor title. Because sieging keeps, running scrolls, riding half the map or disturbing the transit = crap AP.

    Ezareth of Haderus absolutely disproves this. Ask him how to maintain leaderboard status for emperor.
    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • WarrioroftheWind_ESO
    99% of the player base isn't meant to be emperor. People need to accept this. Yes zergballs are a problem but the top ranking players are seldom part of 'zergballs'. They're the creme of the crop so to speak. The top ranking players on Had pick their targets and are able to mow down vulnerable targets with relative ease. It's not easy by any stretch and they invest a huge amount of time and resources into it. If you can't commit, you shouldn't be able to get it.

    The only reason there's so many scrubs running around with emp that didn't earn it legitimately was because of the boom in emp farming in season 1 and 2 of the campaign cycles. Those guilds pretty much ruined things for everyone...and I'm fairly certain most of them don't even play anymore ironically enough.
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    99% of the player base isn't meant to be emperor. People need to accept this. Yes zergballs are a problem but the top ranking players are seldom part of 'zergballs'.

    Actually, 10 of the ppl on that leadboard are part of the zerg-ball team. :)

    Edited by tordr86b16_ESO on October 5, 2014 5:22PM
  • Braidas
    and yes the point is that 99% of the playerbase shouldn't get emp....not sure what you're trying to say here :P
  • Grim13
    Braidas wrote: »
    i'm not even homed on tb b/c i could care less about emp, but i made over 650k between friday night and yesterday, playing in a group of less than 6 most of the time. not even hardcore farming for the most part. small group of good players>zerg ball.

    uh huh


    More like a small group of players who abuse the fotm builds like they're going out of style... oh, wait! they are.
    Edited by Grim13 on October 5, 2014 5:38PM
  • Asgari
    Only the few should have Emp. No reason at all should every raid have an Emp unless it's an elite group.

    Like Braidas siad, on my v1 DK in a group with 1 other player last night alone I had 270+ kills and over 100k ap earned. That's just 1 night on thornblade.

    Making AP alone or with 1 other person is incredibly easy, especially if you use your meat on the enemy! However, I didn't do that I mostly dragon leaped into the AD Zerg balls all night.
    Formerly @Persian_Princess .. Now @Asgari
    Princess Asgari | Sorc
    Asgari | NB
    -Asgari | Stamplar
    Ariana Kishi | DK | True Liberator of Haderus
    Banner Down!
    No Mercy
    Youtube: Asgari
  • Braidas
    Grim13 wrote: »
    Braidas wrote: »
    i'm not even homed on tb b/c i could care less about emp, but i made over 650k between friday night and yesterday, playing in a group of less than 6 most of the time. not even hardcore farming for the most part. small group of good players>zerg ball.

    uh huh


    More like a small group of players who abuse the fotm builds like they're going out of style... oh, wait! they are.
    awww ty <3
  • Columba
    i won't be emporer ever since everyone hates me in game, lol.
  • Ezareth
    I've got emperor solo twice now and I know many others who have done it solo. Being in a group puts you at a disadvantage actually. You could follow the zerg ball group and snipe their kills and make far more AP if you had the time and skill to pull it off.

    Making the most AP on a campaign just requires that you play as long and more efficiently than the #2 player on your side.

    Yes, you get more AP solo but if you keep the zerg-ball group small you'll still get more AP compared to anyone else in the campaign. Also, how am i suppose to "snipe" off their kills when they kill players in seconds?

    It is all about target acquisition. Every class has it's own styles so I'm speaking from a strictly ranged Sorc viewpoint. I've seen a DK (Tenzisam) do just as well from a melee perspective while solo. When I see zergballs clash I often execute every enemy player. As you say they die in seconds and Mages fury will explode(doing great AOE damage) every time a player drops below 20% health within 4 seconds of my casting on them. 80% of the time this will kill the player giving me around ~25% of that players AP plus extra AP for every player the explosion hit.

    Usually when zergballs clash there are people like myself around the edges. I'll pick a target around the edges that I know isn't in that group, or a player that didn't nut-hug his crown close enough, kind of the lame animal in the herd mentality. The best part of zergs fights are they go for the largest group of players to farm so I make sure I'm off by myself. A tactical weakness of zergballs is they will never go after a single player unless there are no better targets nearby. This gives you practical invisibility and allows you to fire away at whichever targets you like. You just need to pick your targets well and ensure you can kill them.

    Another thing you need to do is notice who dies often and who doesn't. If you are spending your resources killing the player who streaks into a group batswarms and impulse spams until he dies you're not going to be getting much AP from them. The ganker nightblades and players on the edges who either offer support or attack from ranged are typically worth the most AP as they haven't died nearly as much as front liners.

    Finally the most important thing is, always be aware of the ticks and know the radius of each resource and keep. (You can check if you're in range of an award radius at a keep by casting a heal on yourself with the support healing bonus passive. If your heal is giving you the bonus you'll get the AP tick, if it isn't you're too far). I don't know *anyone* who has gotten emperor by charging off after a tough successful defense to chase down the last few straglers or push a resource. All you're doing is giving the share of AP you earned to the people still at the keep. Unfortunately this mechanic is counter-productive but that is a thread in itself.

    All of these things and more I use to get more AP than practically all of the people I've competed with. You'll rarely be able to compete with a reigning Emp however, especially if he is solo as his killing power is easily tripled if not more by being emp.

    eliisra wrote: »
    Other noble ways to become the emperor:

    1. Guildies feeding you AP with their alts.

    2. Solo-leeching AP from blood-porters. Crazy AP when an entire raid runs in to suicide. Extra points of you use this method combined with the one above.

    3. Camping choke-points with oil, catapults and PBAoE. Usually recourse towers, but there's loads of lovely places for this play style. When you eventually wipe, use camp, set up new operation.

    One thing is for sure, trying to help your faction win the campaign, will not grant you the emperor title. Because sieging keeps, running scrolls, riding half the map or disturbing the transit = crap AP.

    I agree sieging *undefended* keeps, and running undefended scrolls is crap AP.

    1) No one to my knowledge has ever gotten Emp in a non-emp swapping scenario by being fed by alts. There are mechanics in the game that are designed to prevent this. That's just a baseless accusation because you don't understand how they are getting AP.

    2) Unfortunately there have been a few EP players who have gotten insane AP from doing this, and one player did get Emp from it on Thornblade.

    3) This is a great zergball fighting tactic but I dont think it results in getting you the most AP anymore because the majority of PvP players are aware of it and know counters so the meta has changed there.

    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • Columba
    yeah, I love skirmishing the edges of the zerg. marked target, cloak lethal arrow and poison injection and boom
  • hammer_fella
    Oh, this thread again.
    Aldmeri Dominion (NA)
    Ferawen - VR14 Bosmer Nightblade
    Quvalwe - VR2 Altmer Sorcerer
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Belwurz gro-Yungash - Lvl 35 Orc Dragonknight
    Ebonheart Pact
    Dutseiwitsei - Lvl 27 Argonian Templar
  • Xsorus
    I can make fairly decent Realm Points if i'm solo and defending a keep... But no way in hell i'll ever get Emperor...but i'm not worried about that.
  • Tintinabula
    eliisra wrote: »
    Other noble ways to become the emperor:

    1. Guildies feeding you AP with their alts.

    2. Solo-leeching AP from blood-porters. Crazy AP when an entire raid runs in to suicide. Extra points of you use this method combined with the one above.

    3. Camping choke-points with oil, catapults and PBAoE. Usually recourse towers, but there's loads of lovely places for this play style. When you eventually wipe, use camp, set up new operation.

    One thing is for sure, trying to help your faction win the campaign, will not grant you the emperor title. Because sieging keeps, running scrolls, riding half the map or disturbing the transit = crap AP.

    Ezareth of Haderus absolutely disproves this. Ask him how to maintain leaderboard status for emperor.

    Tag away = profit.
  • Rylana
    I am the 1 percent.
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • FluffiestOne
    Emperor is meant for people with too much time on their hands, and not enough of a life to do anything... *Reflects on self* No wait, I'm good, already got mine. But really, it's not hard to get a lot of AP, it's just hard to stay ahead of the other hardcore players, that and the fact that you need to convince your factions zerg to flip the ring.
    Senior Fluffykins, Daggerfall Liberator of Haderus, Dragonknight.
    Fliffers, Daggerfall Liberator of Hopesfire, Templar.
    Prophet Fluffy of Death, Casual of the Dominion, Sorceror.
    Nozdorumu The Timeless, Daggerfall. Dragon. Nightblade.
    All my toon names are subject to change.
    " Ignorance must be bliss because I can't imagine why anyone would live in it. " -Fluffy
  • tordr86b16_ESO

    Tag away = profit.

    I'm not a sorc so that won't work for me unless I can spam Entropy from Mages Guild.
    Edited by tordr86b16_ESO on October 5, 2014 8:50PM
  • RedTalon
    10+ hours and zergballs/spamballs is the key but who cares about that title anymore.
    Edited by RedTalon on October 5, 2014 9:22PM
  • Cody
    actually, you have to use a shield, hold block, and spam batswarm the whole time:D no using anything besides a shield or a staff!!!!
  • frosth.darkomenb16_ESO
    The first time I joined a zerg ball group, I was 180 on the board after the campaign was halfway through.(7 day campaign)
    After two hours, I was 17th, way above people that put 10 times more time than me, and the 16 above me were the 16 other members of that group.

    Maybe there are ways of gaining emperor that are in absolute value better than zerg balling, but I doubt they are as efficient effort vs AP gains.
    But those that managed it this other way deserve respect, they are the true champions of Cyrodill.
    Edited by frosth.darkomenb16_ESO on October 5, 2014 9:59PM
  • Blackthorn51
    99% of the player base isn't meant to be emperor. People need to accept this. Yes zergballs are a problem but the top ranking players are seldom part of 'zergballs'.

    Actually, 10 of the ppl on that leadboard are part of the zerg-ball team. :)

    Actually I am one of those 10 and every single one of them are part of our group. Thats it your looking at it. 10 of us. That hardly qualifies for a zerg when A: Most of us are Stealthy Snipers who carefully wait for the right target to cross our paths and B: We're often outnumbered 10 to 1.

    For every 10 of us there are 30 AD, bar the occasional day when we have a relatively even fight or the extremely rare blue moon when we actually have more people than they do.

    We rarely if ever 'Zerg'. We lay traps on resource nodes and AD is kind enough to pile in single file, 1 at a time to the meatgrinder of arrows, stampedes and incapacitating strikes. We use NO AOE and NO BUFFS.

    Consider thyself corrected. :D
  • Ezareth
    99% of the player base isn't meant to be emperor. People need to accept this. Yes zergballs are a problem but the top ranking players are seldom part of 'zergballs'.

    Actually, 10 of the ppl on that leadboard are part of the zerg-ball team. :)

    Actually I am one of those 10 and every single one of them are part of our group. Thats it your looking at it. 10 of us. That hardly qualifies for a zerg when A: Most of us are Stealthy Snipers who carefully wait for the right target to cross our paths and B: We're often outnumbered 10 to 1.

    For every 10 of us there are 30 AD, bar the occasional day when we have a relatively even fight or the extremely rare blue moon when we actually have more people than they do.

    We rarely if ever 'Zerg'. We lay traps on resource nodes and AD is kind enough to pile in single file, 1 at a time to the meatgrinder of arrows, stampedes and incapacitating strikes. We use NO AOE and NO BUFFS.

    Consider thyself corrected. :D

    I'll agree with you on one thing, you're not a zergball group. You guys for the most part act individually even though you support each other with heals occasionally. Most of your ults are blown personally to gank and you farm an equally sized group for most of the day until some skilled players show up and slowly start pushing you back.. Still despite being organized you guys dont act as a unit and 10 people does not make a zerg group.

    As far as 10 of you for every 30 AD, maybe at the very end at times but today I watch you guys kicked off the resource at 1.5-1. This is why you'll never be a zerg ball group. Some of your members are learning and getting better, but until you guys open your mind and learn instead of pointing fingers you'll never be as good of players as you could be. And there has never even been remotely close to 10-1 unless most of you have logged off after losing your last position and there are 20 people camping a gates with 2 defenders.

    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • Blackthorn51
    You're almost there. Today was one of the only days I have seen (aside from when Hijinx shows up in force to flip the map) that we had more numbers than AD. Every other time we are thoroughly outnumbered 10 to 1 easily because most of the time our group is 6-8 guys going up against a 5-6 group AD raid. The other bit that your missing is that our guys log off -Before- we get pushed out. Even after we're down to a skeleton crew we still usually hold out for another hour or so, such was the instance today for example. Our group didn't get pushed back to the gate until there were only a very very small fraction of us remaining.

    Also I'd like to point out. The only people who died on EP side today in the first 8 hours of that meat grinder were 'Greenies' who showed up that were not part of our group nor were they in our team-speak. I think up until the final hour when most of our guys logged off we maybe had 2 or 3 deaths from within our actual group. Do some of our guys need a lesson on how to follow orders? Absolutely, but our core members are always where they were told to be. We fight spread out intentionally until the order is given to stack and push.

    Consider us a Militia or Guerrilla Fighters, not a standing army.
  • wafcatb14_ESO
    you forgot that not everyone cares about being Emp , only reason I`m here is because DAOC is dead and Warhammer shutdown . but I could careless about trying to become Emp lol .
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