I figured I'd see what people thought about this.
"How do you balance the importance of crafting with the need for future itemization, vertical progression, and more. Have you considered any systems to allow crafters to help upgrade existing items like craft-in-trade to redo item traits or styles? What about the economy for legendary upgrade materials which has been screwed up since day 1?"
This is an issue I've been concerned about for a while now. Why have "end game" gear with traits such as well fitted or exploration, training, yada yada yada?
I figured they screwed up the gear on purpose to balance it out with crafting which is obviously much superior to most of the gear out there. I understand the importance of keeping crafting relevant, but I don't think "end game" gear should be penalized.
I made a thread a while back suggesting we implement a system that would let us change the traits on gear. It didn't get much interest so I thought I'd try again now that's it's an actual possibility.
At the moment there are sets players aren't willing to try because of the poor trait choice. Which instigates players to follow the same cookie cutter builds everyone else is using. I feel there would be more diversity in builds, if we could simply change the trait on gear.
Zavus - Khajiit Nightblade EP | AR 50
Zāv - Imperial Templar | AR 24
Zavbags - Argonian Nightblade EP | AR 19
Zabus - Redguard Nightblade DC | AR 13
Negate Three - Breton Sorcerer EP | AR 19