The itch to play previous TES games

Morrowind seems aeons ago, and Oblivion feels more like the recent past. My favorite in the whole single-player TES was Skyrim. I'm wondering if anyone else who is enjoying ESO (like me) has this strange itch to revisit some of those classics. Is there anyone who's done the whole series? I think Daggerfall was the first, then Arena??? I didn't do any of them before Morrowind.
I think it would be pretty hard to play through a game like Daggerfall because of the dated graphics and audio, but I wonder if the story (and lore) is compelling enough to play it through.
Edited by Caroloces on September 30, 2014 2:21PM
  • SantieClaws
    I think for Daggerfall you probably had to play it at the time it came out to really appreciate how amazing it was for the time. I think if you play it now all you will see are the pixels (square snowflakes) and randomly generated dungeons from hell. For the time it was amazing. I had never played a game (apart from Legends of Valor) where you could just wander round in a 3D world - such a huge world too. I started my character in Daggerfall and I am still playing her today in ESO.

    Give it a try by all means but you probably just won't get that "feeling" you would get from playing it when it first came out.

    I still hear the snow music from Daggerfall in my head every time it snows ....
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    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Gythral
    Try it, you have nothing to lose as both Arena & Daggerfall are free downloads from Bethesda's website
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • lordspyder
    Arena Was the first, then Daggerfall. They have a box set on Amazon that has all the games with dos box already configured. Bethesda released it right before ESO came out, if you want to play them all, I suggest checking it out
  • Nestor
    Caroloces wrote: »
    Is there anyone who's done the whole series?

    I have. I even had all the games prior to the Boxed Set Release. I have played through Daggerfall once back in the 90's, I played around with Battlespire and Redguard, and I will have to say that Morrowind is my favorite of the series of the stand alone games.

    Daggerfall and Morrowind are closer to this game in complexity of play, Skyrim is closer in look and feel. Oblivion is good if you can come to grips with the Level Scaling or mod it to have it work the way you would prefer.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • jrgray93
    I've been feeling very much compelled to go play Skyrim again and actually finish it instead of modding it to the brink of exploding and playing for ~10 hours before moving on because of life issues, like how my glasses were unwearable the last time I tried.
    EP: Slania Isara : Harambe Was an Inside Job
  • AlnilamE
    Whenever I do PvE in Cyrodiil, I have this urge to go back to Oblivion and play it too. They did a good job with Cyrodiil. It's not the same, but it's sooo familiar.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Soloeus
    Caroloces wrote: »
    Morrowind seems aeons ago, and Oblivion feels more like the recent past. My favorite in the whole single-player TES was Skyrim. I'm wondering if anyone else who is enjoying ESO (like me) has this strange itch to revisit some of those classics. Is there anyone who's done the whole series? I think Daggerfall was the first, then Arena??? I didn't do any of them before Morrowind.
    I think it would be pretty hard to play through a game like Daggerfall because of the dated graphics and audio, but I wonder if the story (and lore) is compelling enough to play it through.

    I liked morrowind the best because it required literacy to play the game. I hate the terribad voice acting, slow scripted monotone garbage.

    I prefer good reading over voice acting.

    Within; Without.
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    I wanted to go back and play the single player games also. So during one of the longer maintenances I decided to get Skyrim off Steam for about $5. I had so many problems with it when I tried to play it was ridiculous. Since release I have had ESO crash maybe twice and both times disabling add ons fixed it. Skyrim wouldn't even start and took me an hour of uninstalling and re installing it 3 times to even get it to load then kept crashing for no reason. Once I was able to play it would randomly freeze, there where graphical glitches, and all sorts of bugs. I think people forget how bad the bugs are in those single player games. Finally after uninstalling and re installing again and doing some more player made patches I got it to work right.

    But while playing Skyrim I realized that it was kind of boring, there where places to go but I would be walking around for a long time without ever coming into contact with an NPC or an enemy, there was no one to group up with so couldn't even go make my own fun. The controls where clunky and felt odd. Every fight was just swinging the sword and that was it, no strategy no dyeing and trying again. I felt like a super powerful god that no one could touch. Having to pause to switch weapons and skills, picking up too many items then can't move. After playing ESO I just don't want to go back. I will be playing Elder Scrolls 6 but I am not giving up ESO either.
  • reften
    I wanted to go back and play the single player games also. So during one of the longer maintenances I decided to get Skyrim off Steam for about $5. I had so many problems with it when I tried to play it was ridiculous. Since release I have had ESO crash maybe twice and both times disabling add ons fixed it. Skyrim wouldn't even start and took me an hour of uninstalling and re installing it 3 times to even get it to load then kept crashing for no reason. Once I was able to play it would randomly freeze, there where graphical glitches, and all sorts of bugs. I think people forget how bad the bugs are in those single player games. Finally after uninstalling and re installing again and doing some more player made patches I got it to work right.

    But while playing Skyrim I realized that it was kind of boring, there where places to go but I would be walking around for a long time without ever coming into contact with an NPC or an enemy, there was no one to group up with so couldn't even go make my own fun. The controls where clunky and felt odd. Every fight was just swinging the sword and that was it, no strategy no dyeing and trying again. I felt like a super powerful god that no one could touch. Having to pause to switch weapons and skills, picking up too many items then can't move. After playing ESO I just don't want to go back. I will be playing Elder Scrolls 6 but I am not giving up ESO either.

    This blows me away. I never ran out of things to do in Skyrim. Not even close...pick a direction, run, hit a cave, dungeon, quest, etc.

    I remember my quest log just being insanely large. Play the game for HOURS on end heh...
    Bosmer (Wood Elf)
    Moonlight Crew (RIP), Misfitz (RIP), Victorem Guild

    VR16 NB, Stam build, Max all crafts.

    Azuras & Trueflame. Mostly PvP, No alts.

    Semi-retired till the lag is fixed.

    Love the Packers, Bourbon, and of those will eventually kill me.
  • Evergnar
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Caroloces wrote: »
    Morrowind seems aeons ago, and Oblivion feels more like the recent past. My favorite in the whole single-player TES was Skyrim. I'm wondering if anyone else who is enjoying ESO (like me) has this strange itch to revisit some of those classics. Is there anyone who's done the whole series? I think Daggerfall was the first, then Arena??? I didn't do any of them before Morrowind.
    I think it would be pretty hard to play through a game like Daggerfall because of the dated graphics and audio, but I wonder if the story (and lore) is compelling enough to play it through.

    I liked morrowind the best because it required literacy to play the game. I hate the terribad voice acting, slow scripted monotone garbage.

    I prefer good reading over voice acting.
    Morrowind was my favorite by far. Best music hands down. It had a gritty, tougher feel to the world. Everybody wasn't crying for your help every 10 seconds. In fact everybody hated you. You were an unwanted guest in the world and had to prove yourself worthy or at the very least useful.

    ESO's world is very whiny and needy which is probably why I have been occasionally itching to go back and play Morrowind. I would just rather hear "what do you want scum" then "help, help, help".
  • Sallington
    There will never be another Morrowind. :'(

    *pours 40 on ground*
    Edited by Sallington on September 30, 2014 5:28PM
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Sallington - Templar - Stormproof - Prefect II
    Cobham - Sorcerer - Stormproof - First Sergeant II
    Shallington - NightBlade - Lieutenant |
    Balmorah - Templar - Sergeant ||
  • Sallington
    oren74 wrote: »
    I wanted to go back and play the single player games also. So during one of the longer maintenances I decided to get Skyrim off Steam for about $5. I had so many problems with it when I tried to play it was ridiculous. Since release I have had ESO crash maybe twice and both times disabling add ons fixed it. Skyrim wouldn't even start and took me an hour of uninstalling and re installing it 3 times to even get it to load then kept crashing for no reason. Once I was able to play it would randomly freeze, there where graphical glitches, and all sorts of bugs. I think people forget how bad the bugs are in those single player games. Finally after uninstalling and re installing again and doing some more player made patches I got it to work right.

    But while playing Skyrim I realized that it was kind of boring, there where places to go but I would be walking around for a long time without ever coming into contact with an NPC or an enemy, there was no one to group up with so couldn't even go make my own fun. The controls where clunky and felt odd. Every fight was just swinging the sword and that was it, no strategy no dyeing and trying again. I felt like a super powerful god that no one could touch. Having to pause to switch weapons and skills, picking up too many items then can't move. After playing ESO I just don't want to go back. I will be playing Elder Scrolls 6 but I am not giving up ESO either.

    This blows me away. I never ran out of things to do in Skyrim. Not even close...pick a direction, run, hit a cave, dungeon, quest, etc.

    I remember my quest log just being insanely large. Play the game for HOURS on end heh...

    There was a lot of stuff to do in Skyrim, sure, but you didn't have nearly the amount of freedom that you had in Morrowind.
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Sallington - Templar - Stormproof - Prefect II
    Cobham - Sorcerer - Stormproof - First Sergeant II
    Shallington - NightBlade - Lieutenant |
    Balmorah - Templar - Sergeant ||
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    oren74 wrote: »
    I wanted to go back and play the single player games also. So during one of the longer maintenances I decided to get Skyrim off Steam for about $5. I had so many problems with it when I tried to play it was ridiculous. Since release I have had ESO crash maybe twice and both times disabling add ons fixed it. Skyrim wouldn't even start and took me an hour of uninstalling and re installing it 3 times to even get it to load then kept crashing for no reason. Once I was able to play it would randomly freeze, there where graphical glitches, and all sorts of bugs. I think people forget how bad the bugs are in those single player games. Finally after uninstalling and re installing again and doing some more player made patches I got it to work right.

    But while playing Skyrim I realized that it was kind of boring, there where places to go but I would be walking around for a long time without ever coming into contact with an NPC or an enemy, there was no one to group up with so couldn't even go make my own fun. The controls where clunky and felt odd. Every fight was just swinging the sword and that was it, no strategy no dyeing and trying again. I felt like a super powerful god that no one could touch. Having to pause to switch weapons and skills, picking up too many items then can't move. After playing ESO I just don't want to go back. I will be playing Elder Scrolls 6 but I am not giving up ESO either.

    This blows me away. I never ran out of things to do in Skyrim. Not even close...pick a direction, run, hit a cave, dungeon, quest, etc.

    I remember my quest log just being insanely large. Play the game for HOURS on end heh...

    It's not that there wasn't stuff to do but its not the same. It feels dead and lifeless. It's the exploration I can go explore and find a cave but I may not run into a single enemy between one cave or another and definately no people most of the time.
  • Stroggnonimus
    Caroloces wrote: »
    Is there anyone who's done the whole series?I think Daggerfall was the first, then Arena??? I didn't do
    I did the whole series, still own Arena on a floppy disk ! :smiley: And Arena was before Daggerfall. yea you should try it, not going to loose anything. I also recommend playing Redguard and Battlespire. though imo Redguard is the worst TES, but Battlespire was great
    Whoever said that argonians aren't sexy, is obviously not a sexy argonian.

    OG Argonian tank


  • BBSooner
    I tooled around on arena, never completed. I've beaten daggerfall through skyrim though. I jumped in to daggerfall around the same time as morrowind released, too young to really get in to the dude questing in either game. Going back is fueled by nostalgia for me but I can imagine the retro graphics are a hurdle for many.
  • Pallmor
    I tried going back and playing Skyrim. But the world seems so lonely now, after having played with a bunch of real people.
  • BBSooner
    But for the OPs desire to play older games: Dooo eeet. No reason you shouldn't go back to a great game you have the itch to play. Currently splitting my time between eso, morrowind and dwarf fortress at the moment, you can enjoy them all!
    Edited by BBSooner on October 1, 2014 8:32PM
  • Nestor
    but Battlespire was great

    Also, Battlespire was the first on line TES game. True the online component was not like todays' ESO, but you could play cooperatively and competitively. They had Team Play, Death Match and Team vs Team play.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Galen
    Woot for Battlespire love! (Love the music, and the voices for the Daedra like the Scamps and Spider Daedra are just hilarious.)

    Anyway, yeah, I get the itch to play the older TES games from time to time, especially if I hear a snippet of music similar to or actually from the older games. While I like all of them that I have played (which is all except Arena and the mobile games), Oblivion will always have a special nostalgic feel for me being my first TES game.
    PC - 2013-2016
    Xbox One - 2017-2021
    Xbox Series X - 2021-present
  • MADshadowman
    Just installed skyrim last week, cause i wanted to try some ESO play styles there. Before i could play i had to spend an hour of fixing the input lag, after that was fixed, i played 15 minutes, crashed 5 times, closed the game and decided to never ever touch this game again. So freaking annoying. There is no TES game that just works out of the box. Every vanilla game had weird bugs and graphic issues.
  • leeux
    Hey Caroloces!

    I've played all of them, in this order 1-Oblvion, 2-Skyrim, 3-Morrowind, 4-Daggerfall, 5-Arena, and, finally, after a long hunting process, 6-Redguard.

    I've only completed (meaning, the main quest, as you cannot really "complete" them!) Oblivion, Skyrim and Morrowind, while the others are currently ongoing. I also get the itch to get to them from time to time :)

    I've played Oblivion non modded first, and then discovered mods and restarted again with a new char. Totally different game.

    I'd order them like this for the purpose of my enjoyment:

    Morrowind/Modded Oblivion > Skyrim >>> Unmodded Oblivion.

    Daggerfall is a great game, I love it, but is not easy to jump directly into it... you have to get into the mindset of the game in order to really enjoy it (the same could be said of Morrowind, though... but with Daggerfall is worse.)

    I'd recommend watching a LPer playing it first (just a bit), as an introduction to it... I enjoyed GrimithR playthrough as he knows the game very well and explains the mechanics (when he's not cursing it :P)

    Arena is simpler in comparison.

    And Redguard, is an adventure game... you know, gathering clues, dialog, more dialog, following leads, talking to people, some fights here and there... but specially getting into the world and following the story.
    As such is a totally different game. I've started playing it around Christmas, but I've put it on hiatus as soon as ESO launched.

    Don't have and never played Battlespire, but I'd love to find it (put it in GoG Beth!) and play it :)
    Edited by leeux on October 2, 2014 2:00AM
    PC/NA - Proud old member of the Antique Ordinatus Populus

    My chars
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    Leinwyn Valaene (AD mSorc L50+) =x= Levus Artorias (AD mDK-for-now L50+) =x= Madril Ulessen (AD mNB L50+) =x= Lyra Amnis (AD not-Stamplar-yet L50+)
    I only PvP on AD chars

    ~~ «And blossoms anew beneath tomorrow's sun >>»
    ~~ «I am forever swimming around, amidst this ocean world we call home... >>»
    ~~ "Let strength be granted so the world might be mended... so the world might be mended."
    ~~ "Slash the silver chain that binds thee to life"
    ~~ Our cries will shrill, the air will moan and crash into the dawn. >>
    ~~ The sands of time were eroded by the river of constant change >>
  • Pendrillion
    I recently fired up Skyrim. And in many parts I found it more realistic than ESO. I know thats a big word to throw around. Its so much less linear might be the better description. Eso is big as whole. But my Favorite corners are small. I totally love Stonefalls, because it reminded me in many ways of Morrowind. But its a streamlined more mainstream version. I see many things that come directly out of the game. But I would have loved more architectural diversity. Or some Telvanni or Velothi Towers. Or at least they could have made the strongholds similar to the ones on Vvardenfell...

    I did go to Cyrodiil, I wanted to see if the Cities are around. If I can see places I was in Oblivion. I found Cloud Ruler Temple and a lot of keeps which I looted "centuries later". Although I never made it to Bravil. I am saddened that they didn't add the Colovian parts and the Gold coast. Would have loved to see Skingrad again. What I really adore is the fact that the Terrain is much bigger than in Oblivion. Or lets say more vast. I wish I could explore a bit more, without all the ganking squads.

    When I started ESO I ended up on Bleak Rock Island: And I really was sick to see those Barrows and the snow. BUT. Later on I returned to the Island and helped my GF to quest. And I started to appreciate what they did there in the former starter zone. When I got into the Eastmarch, I was also positively surprised how things are handled. I felt right at home in Windhelm, even though the 4th Era version has shrinked significantly. The rift... Well... Sometimes the roads take odd turns there. But I was happy to return to the bone strewn crest area with its hot springs. See the ever going Autumn and have a look around at Ivarstead. Still they should have made the path down to the Eastmarch available. The one along the river in Ivarstead. If you look over the rocks there you see only the endless seas. That is pretty disappointing.
  • AoEnwyr
    My favourite of the single player series was Oblivion. I personally found Skyrim a bit bland, but yes I have been replaying Obilivion in my down time. Something about the madness of it all I just can't get enough of.
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