We love reading your questions for each Loremaster's Archive. Remember to submit them for our next edition by emailing us at community@elderscrollsonline.com.
Edited by ZOS_JasonLeavey on September 26, 2014 2:36PM
Ok, I'm not as big of a roleplayer as ESO devs are, so I'm going to translate it into literal terms for the common person:
"Thank you for your time in sending in your feedback for the game. We value your input."
"The two requests and the inquiry that you have posted here on the forums have been viewed by us and selected for this Loremaster's Archive. Hopefully the info presented in this article is enough. We will keep your letter/email (with identification deleted) for future reference. However, you must write to our office and pay a nominal fee to receive a copy. If you are under 18, you must receive permission from a parent."
"Regarding the book you want to see expanded: We appreciate your opinion. Though we have to limit it due to UI problems, we will take your opinion into consideration. We noted the heavy amount of High Elf heroes in the book, and will take this into advisement in the event we change it (such as in a future hotfix)."
"Regarding the Sugar Singing: Sadly, we cannot re-institute it due to complaints from players like you. However, you can sign a charter of players wanting to re-institute it and mail it to us."
"Regarding being a dev: You can join us. Just apply whenever there is an opening."
"Thank you for your letter. If you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to send ESO Customer Support an email at help@elderscrollsonline.com."
ZeniMax Online Studios"
Again, I'm not as big of a roleplayer, and in addition, trying to translate it has given me practice for that big PSAT test I have to take on Wednesday.
If you can't handle the heat...stay out of the kitchen!