Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

VR12 Templar Healer or Tank LF Active PVE/PVP Guild

I'm looking for an overall active guild in both Cyrodiil and Craglorn.

I have had a hell of a time finding a slot for trials and spamming Zone Chat is getting old.

My healer setup includes 5 piece VR 12 Warlock and my tanking setup is a newly crafted heavy setup using Hist Bark with around 3200 Health unbuffed and the Lord Stone.

I don't have Caltrops yet, but am hoping to grind that up in Cyrodiil shortly.

As of right now, I don't have a DPS setup and have not leveled medium armor or two hander to have the highest DPS Templar setup possible.

I have extensive experience tanking bleeding-edge end game content in other MMO's and look forward to having some place to go to to simply quest in Craglorn if possible.


You can reach me in game @PMarsico9 if you feel there may be a fit. If you need any other information and would rather chat here or via PM, I check the site often.
  • Pmarsico9

    I'm EP on the NA server in the Eastern Timezone.

    I generally log in every night during the week.
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