I've been reading a lot of post's that people complain about the clunky combat system...
I personally am not seeing any issue's but it does pose the question, what are your system spec's for those who are experiencing clunky combat controls?? Be Honest, if the dev's read this they'll most likely take into account what hardware is having issue's with the game...
j.murro2ub17_ESO wrote: »LOL I guess no one wants to admit that MAYBE the problems they are having are their OWN underpowered machines?
It doesn't matter what anyone's computer specs are. Unlike consoles, there are thousands of variations of PC hardware, drivers, and game settings that players use. This game cannot be optimized to run 100% smoothly for everyone.
AlexDougherty wrote: »I get an issue when I block sometimes, the game decides I wanted to open up my map or my Inventory, or any other one button opening.
And no, I haven't rekeyed them, the game is just being bad at those points.
Lol the guy is in a guild where the only allowed race is American ./Faceplam.
timidobserver wrote: »Weapon swap should cancel any action and take priority over everything. Other than that, I am fine with combat.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
AlexDougherty wrote: »I get an issue when I block sometimes, the game decides I wanted to open up my map or my Inventory, or any other one button opening.
And no, I haven't rekeyed them, the game is just being bad at those points.
this never happened to me xD