gamerlucretiusb14_ESO wrote: »It's not the sales, it's these "fund raising events" that a lot of trade guilds are using to raise gold to bid on guild trader locations. Generally they never report to the guild how much they ended up paying, and then just pocket the excess.
Or you could just check bank history... It includes kiosk bids.
So far none of the trade guilds I'm in have ever once asked for donations, so the only thing going into the guild coffers from me are the store fees, and I guess better there than being destroyed like in most MMO auction houses. Several of them have also done a fairly good job of keeping active vendors.)
Two out of the three purple recipes require hireling-only ingredients, so you're limited with dominating the market with food (or drink).
Not sure what you mean by "artificial scarcity" other than creating some funky sounding term to make it seem like they somehow should be scarce, and thus not be cheap.
gamerlucretiusb14_ESO wrote: »Or you could just check bank history... It includes kiosk bids.
Seeing the transactions doesn't help players understand what those withdraws are being used for.
Also, most players are restricted from withdrawing gold from the bank, while the inner circle does what it pleases.
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »If you made alchemical materials have a terrible respawn, it would all but ruin potions. It would also adversely effect a whole class (Nightblade) that is meant to rely on them. I think this would be a bad idea.
gamerlucretiusb14_ESO wrote: »It's not the sales, it's these "fund raising events" that a lot of trade guilds are using to raise gold to bid on guild trader locations. Generally they never report to the guild how much they ended up paying, and then just pocket the excess.
So yeah, you can compare to other MMOs. I'm not a WoW player, nor have I been. But I don't think we really have a sustainable economy that supports players in any way. What we have is a game world that is saturated with items we can never sell or profit from.
So yeah, you can compare to other MMOs. I'm not a WoW player, nor have I been. But I don't think we really have a sustainable economy that supports players in any way. What we have is a game world that is saturated with items we can never sell or profit from.
I think I have made more than 1 million with those items I can never sell or profit from. Maybe I am playing wrong.
Recipes and motifs will continue to sell, but they will continue to be a one-off item. Materials will continue to sell, but they are not a very good investment of your time.
gamerlucretiusb14_ESO wrote: »Or you could just check bank history... It includes kiosk bids.
Seeing the transactions doesn't help players understand what those withdraws are being used for.
Also, most players are restricted from withdrawing gold from the bank, while the inner circle does what it pleases.
david271749 wrote: »It literally tells you who bid what on which kiosk. It doesn't show up as a withdrawl. If someone is withdrawing money from a guild bank, they're not using it for a kiosk. Bids are made directly from the guild bank gold. There's nothing ambiguous about it.
If players are withdrawing gold, just take your business to a more trustworthy guild. It's not that difficult of a concept.
DigitalHype wrote: »david271749 wrote: »It literally tells you who bid what on which kiosk. It doesn't show up as a withdrawl. If someone is withdrawing money from a guild bank, they're not using it for a kiosk. Bids are made directly from the guild bank gold. There's nothing ambiguous about it.
If players are withdrawing gold, just take your business to a more trustworthy guild. It's not that difficult of a concept.
Too late. The damage is done. There is a constant supply of new and uniformed players that are being taken advantage of. This model relies purely on trust. That doesn't work well, when you have no reliable method of tracking reputation. Doing so is nearly impossible when guild membership, and leadership is in a constant state of flux.
david271749 wrote: »Try one of the mmos with reputation trackers then. Let me know when you find one.
DigitalHype wrote: »Hiyde, you appear sincere. You report measures to be transparent about guild transactions. But, I think you are proving my point. Not excited about reading a plug for your guild in the forums threads.
"Tired of being ripped off by those other guys, try our <insert special recipe> here."
If you or someone in your leadership is being deceitful it is too late for those that participated in your guild's 'raffle' in order to be part of your trade group. If someone in leadership goes awol with the 1Mil "cushion", it is too simple to "rinse/repeat".
Lots..and Lots..of choices. Pick the type that works for you.
gamerlucretiusb14_ESO wrote: »dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »If you made alchemical materials have a terrible respawn, it would all but ruin potions. It would also adversely effect a whole class (Nightblade) that is meant to rely on them. I think this would be a bad idea.
1) I'm not advocating limiting alchemical materials, the market there is fairly stable, without being flat-lined. On a per-flower basis.
2) It wouldn't "ruin potions" it would require players to use their resources more wisely... instead of just spamming pots.
As a nightblade, I agree it would make playing a nightblade a lot more difficult.
im one of those players who believed that gold is a strength in any game, so making gold will give you all you need to have an advantage over others. all i did are things how to get lots of golds, so many ways to do it. Now I have lots of golds, for legendary armors and weapons with legendary glyphs, different kinds if builds, potions, name it and I can have it. It is expensive tho, soI have to continue making golds, but I notice the game's economy is dying. Lots of people are getting to max level evryday, getting max items everyday, and whenthey reached that stage, they stop purchasing things. Harvesters and crafters will continue to do their things, but it will only make the supply at a higher rate as time pass by, the demand will go down. Now, upgrade mats are getting cheaper and cheaper. The game might need another level cap at some point in the future, better gold sink, higher decay rate. The truth is, to sustain a stable economy, gold should be sinking as fast as we can acquire it.
A game so easy to get anythingu want would not be so good in the long run.
While improvements can be made, again I'd have to say that I believe the overwhelming majority of Guild Leadership are doing it for the right reasons and aren't stealing anyone's money.
And let's not forget, the following is easily searchable public info to every guild member:
- Every Deposit
- Every Withdrawl
- Every Guild Trader Bid (there can be several bids on the same trader over the week)
- Exact price of the successful bid.
One thing I'd love to add is a 'memo' field on any withdrawal. And I'm sure there are more things that could create more transparency.