Ok first of all, I have been playing MMO's since Ultima Online. I will say that I have enjoyed this game greatly. I enjoy doing the quests, Dolmens, Dungeons, and everything this game offers.
With that being said. I do hope that the development and Artists are paying attention as to what is missing in this fantastic game. The Art style especially that of females is hugely lacking. It seems every armor has the same look, just different texture which is so boring and it takes away from being excited about what you might find. This is a mature game, are we really afraid of at least making Armor appealing to look at? It goes for the males too. Bring sexy back!
I think the bigger issue here is a lack of special, unique items in this game. Everything is copy paste, bosses are set with certain values, but what happened to the "Bracelet of Blindness", not sure if you all remember that from EQ days, but you could get this item, you could click on it (we can hotbar it) and it would blind other players for a short time. I remember being in Greater Faydwer (sp) and getting hit by it, falling out of the trees to my death. I laughed so hard seeing people dropping from the platforms. More importantly, these items looked awesome. They looked unique.
I think my biggest disappointment here is, the fact that all the work was done into this great game, and the Armor has more than fallen short. I mean why cant we have the armor Almalexia has? The armor is drawn, but players cannot wear it or have it? A quest where we can choose to side with either Almalexia or Vox, yet no matter what we choose, it ends the same way. Why can't we usurp Vox (temporarily) just like we did with Molag, and take her Armor as the reward that does something cool like adds 10 HP regen for 10 minutes or something? Lets us walk on water, Lets us Fly up into the sky and come crashing down. Yeah its pointless, but its also fun.