am currently limited to logging in, doing my research and
staring at the screen logging back out, due to a hand injury (no, not
that kind of a hand injury you devious mind, the sports really); few more days at most;
so i thought i would take advantage of the interim and seek out any like-minded souls or hopefully even guilds out there.. while it may be that no such group exists at the moment ..which is very likely.. perhaps people sharing my points of view would step up, here or in private (pm), see if at the very least we could expand our social list? Never hurts

taking full advantage of the solo-centric nature of this genre, i thought i may just for once skip the compromising and see where it lands in detail, what i would be looking at is:
- no online baby sitting. None. Regardless of your sex, your protégé's sex, or your circumstances. Just none
- no politically correct 'awareness' and all it entails in chat limitations. Because you were around prior to it becoming the next trend to follow
- no taboos. If you have an issue with 'x' concept or practice, you are mature enough to comprehend that it is -
your- issue, and as such the rest may discuss it to their hearts' content
- no thought policing
- no young ones, no immature ones. Because they can be in their forties, and your hair still falls out when they express themselves. Yours mind, am balding already
- an understanding/appreciation of black humour. /Baldrick
Yes master!
- an understanding of the joys of internet. Anonymous = i need
not pretend. Not here as well as in RL. I comprehend, i take advantage. I am myself sans the consequences
- a focus towards enriching your play through the input of others. Rather than enriching your play through loots
expecting replies ^^