Hypertionb14_ESO wrote: »a bad group will take 12 hours, and a good group of friends and guildes who you raid with, can do it in just under 2 hours easily..
the problem with the arena is that its effectively a RAID zone... not a small dungoen.
its a unspoken rule that expects true RAID fights to be either exceedingly hard, or exceedingly long in a mmo.
Causal players should never play a MMO imo... simply because you wont have the time to put the effort needed into it.
its like raising a child when you can only actually have time to interact with them for one day a year....
the best thing you can do is get a good guild who is willing to help.
smeeprocketnub19_ESO wrote: »Hypertionb14_ESO wrote: »a bad group will take 12 hours, and a good group of friends and guildes who you raid with, can do it in just under 2 hours easily..
the problem with the arena is that its effectively a RAID zone... not a small dungoen.
its a unspoken rule that expects true RAID fights to be either exceedingly hard, or exceedingly long in a mmo.
Causal players should never play a MMO imo... simply because you wont have the time to put the effort needed into it.
its like raising a child when you can only actually have time to interact with them for one day a year....
the best thing you can do is get a good guild who is willing to help.
MMOs are not like raising a child, lol.
like1tiger wrote: »smeeprocketnub19_ESO wrote: »Hypertionb14_ESO wrote: »a bad group will take 12 hours, and a good group of friends and guildes who you raid with, can do it in just under 2 hours easily..
the problem with the arena is that its effectively a RAID zone... not a small dungoen.
its a unspoken rule that expects true RAID fights to be either exceedingly hard, or exceedingly long in a mmo.
Causal players should never play a MMO imo... simply because you wont have the time to put the effort needed into it.
its like raising a child when you can only actually have time to interact with them for one day a year....
the best thing you can do is get a good guild who is willing to help.
MMOs are not like raising a child, lol.
Agreed you have no kids I take it. Thats a terrible comparison.
like1tiger wrote: »smeeprocketnub19_ESO wrote: »Hypertionb14_ESO wrote: »a bad group will take 12 hours, and a good group of friends and guildes who you raid with, can do it in just under 2 hours easily..
the problem with the arena is that its effectively a RAID zone... not a small dungoen.
its a unspoken rule that expects true RAID fights to be either exceedingly hard, or exceedingly long in a mmo.
Causal players should never play a MMO imo... simply because you wont have the time to put the effort needed into it.
its like raising a child when you can only actually have time to interact with them for one day a year....
the best thing you can do is get a good guild who is willing to help.
MMOs are not like raising a child, lol.
Agreed you have no kids I take it. Thats a terrible comparison.
If your group is bigger than 6 members gain 75% damage reduction.
So casual players have no right to be playing an MMO then? Really? It should only be for people who don't work or have any kind of life?? It may well be that the "casual" players are the ones who keep the game dev going with their subs, either way, they have just as much right to play, question, praise or moan as anyone else
timidobserver wrote: »The time comittment is a little steep even for a solid group. I would like to at least be able to save my team's progress.
My take:pcdunkleyub17_ESO wrote: »timidobserver wrote: »The time comittment is a little steep even for a solid group. I would like to at least be able to save my team's progress.
I like the idea, but I tend to group with different people everytime. Why not present the group with the option to A. Start from the beginning or B. Whoever has progressed the least in Arena, start from their furthest clear. ?
2 to 3 hours every day is casual? I wonder what I am then, at about 3 hours per week?
Causal players should never play a MMO imo... simply because you wont have the time to put the effort needed into it.