Would you be content if your tank couldn't use a shield or block anything?
What about if your Healer couldn't use healing spells?
Im thinking the answer would be obvious. My question then is why do people feel the need to bash on NB players because we are unhappy that our stealth class has absolutely ZERO stealth capacity? You would be complaining worse if your Sorcerer couldn't cast spells. Welcome to the world of the Night Blade. A Stealth Based Class that lacks the ability to use stealth any better than a Knight in Full Plate.
First off, I am a skilled player. My character is optimized and maxed out and I am very competent. This is not a L2P thing. On a DK I can easily take on and kill 4 or more players at the same time without breaking a sweat and yet my Nightblade can not 1v1 any -skilled- combatant. There are several reasons for this but what it comes down to is Blocking. The I win style for my DK for instance is to run into a mob and hold block. Dont bother attacking because all I gotta do is block until my ult pops. Once it pops everyone around me dies. If I get hurt I just use dragon blood to insta-heal. This strategy is impossible for the nightblade however. It simply does not work not because NBs cant block, but because we cant heal unless we are using a resto staff.
I had written a novel worth of information about why Night Blades are under powered or are weak in PVP that I just deleted because while typing it, a thought occurred to me. Night Blades are not Weak. They are not under powered. The problem that is plaguing this class and this game is that BLOCKING is OVERPOWERED.
You see our class is 100% damage based. We use crits, we use stealth and we use ranged/melee attacks to deal damage. The problem is that any character, in any armor can push and hold down 1 button and completely negate our ability to deal any damage what so ever. So I thought about it. The best way to fix this game isnt to rebalance the classes. I noticed this because in PVE my Nightblade can easily perform on par next to any other class. The issues don't occur until you get into PVP and see that everything you try to do is negated by blocking.
So how do we fix it? I think the solution is an easy one.
Light Armor- Primarily worn by Mages. When wearing this armor, blocking should mitigate less than 10% of damage done. No shirt or robe is going to stop an arrow from puncturing your lung. If a mage wants to block then they should have to spend their resources to erect a magical barrier or shield. Holding the block button should do absolutely nothing for someone in light armor and all mitigation should come from defensive magic.
Medium Armor - Boiled Leather offers more protection than light armor, but still will not stop an arrow or sword from piercing your gut. Blocking in Medium Armor should mitigate no more than 20% of total damage done. Slightly more than light armor but by no means should holding block in medium mitigate 100% of incoming damage. Medium is less weight than heavy armor, so I feel that blocking in medium should cost less stamina over all but should not mitigate near as much damage as Heavy Armor
Heavy Armor - Now we're talking. Steel Plate Armor is by far going to be able to block more than any other armor. This armor style should be able to block 40% of damage but at the cost of higher stamina price to do so because blocking for a long durration in a 200lb suit of metal would definitely fatigue the wearer.
Shield - This item should increase total blocking mitigation by another 10%. This means that someone in Heavy Armor with a Shield could block up to 50% of incoming damage.
Over all I feel that no combination of armor, magic or otherwise should ever block 100% of damage done. I also feel that flanking should reduce the blocking ability. If someone hits you from behind, that shield your holding in front of you isn't going to do very much.
This right here is the heart and soul of why Nightblades feel so under powered. Our primary focus is damage but all it takes is a nancy in a robe holding down right mouse click to reduce our effectiveness by 100% And there it is.
So please Zenimax. Fix the blocking system and I guarantee you will notice a reduction in complaints from night blades (not including broken stealth complaints) by far.
Honestly I don't even see how anyone could argue against this. It just makes too much sense and I cant believe it didn't occur to me sooner. Adjust blocking to appropriately reflect the armor and equipment you are wearing and SO MANY aspects of PVP would improve
Edited by Blackthorn51 on September 20, 2014 4:43PM