I've been playing since early release and have finished all the content I can solo, its getting a bit lonely. I've been playing MMO's for about 13 years, but I'm getting older and have less and less time to play. I do still manage to hop on for at least an hour or 2 a day, but lately most of that is spent staring at zone chat and occasionally asking for a group. I love this game and I'm trying to make it work but I can't do it alone anymore.
I'm looking for an Aldmeri Dominion guild. I enjoy pvp and pve. I have not done any veteran dungeon, trials, or the new arena. Not for lack of desire or skill, but for lack of patience and time to spend looking for a group, replacing members, and the myriad of other frustrations involved with pugging.
I mostly play a Templar, I can heal very effectively and do some mediocre damage. I haven't entirely conformed to the dress/stick nature of the game although I do wear 5 pieces of light armor. My resto staff is for the rare occasion I get into a group, 2h sword for everything else.
Contact me in game
@Murtrem with questions, comments, invites, jokes, silly stories, or anything else.
They're called fingers but I've never seen em fing