Strange things happening today... Yesterday after I patched I had noticed my crit had dropped to 50% and weapon damage upped to 190. Whilst fighting I was getting 1695 from surprise attack out of stealth and then finishing off with killers blade for around the 1k mark (can't remember exact number).
Today, I log in and my crit has jumped up to 53% (as it was pre-patch) and weapon damage was the same at 190.
Using the same opening I am now getting 1587 from surprise attack and killers blade crits for 247 on the first hit - mob is still standing so I use killers blade again and this time it crits for 989. I have tried the same sequence on various differing mobs and get the exact same numbers. I now have to use killers blade twice to finish off whereas yesterday only one time.
Is this a bug or new mechanics?
Has anyone else experienced this or is it just me?
Oh, this is on a VR6 toon.
Edited by Mystwraith on September 17, 2014 7:12PM