My observation is based on use of OmniStats addon that keeps a realtime display of stats on the screen. On a normal basis my Weapon Crit reads 54% on both OmniStats and my Character Sheet. Seems consistent with actual rate of crit.
Today I tried Shadowy Disguise IV prior to Focused Aim IV (the snipe morph) and the displayed value on OmniStats changes from the percentile "54%" to the integer "154" for the duration of the Shadowy Disguise buff. Based on a small test run of 20 or so shots I did not see any crits which while possible seems statistically slim.
Can any of you with greater insights into these things tell me if I am seeing a true glitch (errant math conversion for example) or is the formula for SD-IV to just add 100% to any unbuffed percentile and OmniStats is just reading it as 154?
Or, I suppose, would there be an alternate reason why SD-IV would not apply the critical strike bonus to a bow shot?
Cheers and thanks,
Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.