OK, I was under the impression that ANY CC that causes you to lose control of your character was breakable by holding right mouse and hitting left to do the "break free" animation, so long as you have enough stamina.
Is this not the case? Are there any exceptions?
I stopped by Alessia today against my better judgment, just for the hell of it, even though AD just sits there sending out survival clowns to get all the attacking noobs to bunch up for their siege stacking. Obvious tactic but people fall for it, over and over to farm AP... But that isn't the point.
The point is, the server started to crawl again which happens every single time an interesting large-scale siege gets started, and instantly makes continuing to play in that area pointless and uninteresting.
So, I decided to suicide to a nearby area that was under attack. No big deal, but I'm not going to just GIVE the AP to my free port. Oh no. I'm going to make them fight for it, and waste as much of their time and resources as possible, just because.
So I killed a couple AD siege snipers and stealthed around looking for more, helped pick off a few that were assaulting some of our siege guys, then when it looked like their flank was thinning out I picked an archer NB sniper I had seen to do my suicide.
Got some HoTs rolling and stealthed to get position, put some DoTs on him and stealthed again, threw up Immovable and started to burst him a bit. Apparently he had immovable up because my fear did nothing, even though there was no visual effect. Whatever, blame the lag.
Refresh my hots, throw up Healing Ward, stealth again, start bursting again. Fear still not working. Get feared myself. No problem, must have let Immovable fall off. Still have 2/3 of my stamina left, so break free... Break free! COME ON YOU GLITCHY PILE BREAK FREE!
Over and over I sat there holding right mouse and mashing left repeatedly, for a good 5 seconds, and NOTHING. This was NOT a stacking CC issue, because my character was running doing the fear animation. Of course by then three of the nearby flank pealed off and finished me since I couldn't stealth.
Granted I was trying to suicide anyway. At first I was thinking this was some sort of exploit, but honestly I don't think that archer NB had any idea what was happening. I think the server just couldn't handle all the activity.
But just to be absolutely clear, I thought I would ask anyway.
You CAN break free out of fear, right?
(I have seen people break out of mine, but I just HAD to ask.)
Edited by Phinix1 on September 14, 2014 9:09PM