I'll admit that you do have a point, but when it comes to the point that you get ganked while trying to talk to a quest-giver and then having to waste ten or so minutes riding back to them only to get ganked again that feeling is undermined and the gameplay becomes tedious and unenjoyable. At the moment it's more of a certainty than a worry. The PvP Cyrodiils would still be there for anyone who wants that threat as they PvE.
The problem I see is this spirit is also detrimental to the story that went into Cyrodiil. And story is one of ESO's high points.Also, literally every other zone in the game is there for PvE-only play. There are some PvE quests and rewards and collectibles in Cyrodiil, and I understand that, and the idea is that these things are to be done w/ the feeling of danger from unexpected attacks.
A PvE-only Cyrodiil undermines this experience entirely, and gives players an extremely easy (as though it weren't already easy enough) way to achieve all of these things w/out any of the intended dangers.
I know this has been said many times before, but it clearly needs to be said again. We need a PvE Cyrodiil phase. And before any hardcore PvPers lol this post without reading it, they ought to know that the existence of PvE Cyrodiil would benefit them as well.
As it stands, anyone who wants to PvE or RP in Cyrodiil has to risk getting ganked while they mind their own business. This wasn't as much of a problem with the old campaigns, as there were enough for each alliance to have its own dead(ish) campaign where its members could go to enjoy the PvE in Cyrodiil or RP there in relative safety. Not any more. It's nigh impossible to do anything there without getting ganked, especially if you're on your own. Even some other PvErs are bad enough to gank fellow PvErs from other alliances. Shortly before posting this I got ganked twice in the space of five/ten minutes while just trying to do some PvE near Cheydinhal. I know I'm not the only one, as I've talked about similar situations with other players, one of whom got so sick of it she considered quitting the game. It's unfair to force anyone who wants to enjoy the game to decide between grouping up for content that they ought to be able to solo (hmm, that sounds familiar) or having it cut off from them.
A PvE Cyrodiil would also provide opportunities for inter-alliance co-op. This would take away the need to make and grind an alt if you want to play with friends in different alliances.
Now onto why it would benefit PvPers. Even if they are at risk of getting ganked, PvErs are still going to go to Cyrodiil, and they're going to take up space, of which there is a limited amount. That's space that could be occupied by PvPers who would aid in the alliance war. This would also take away from the huge queues that anyone who wants to go to Thornblade and sometimes Haderus has to deal with.
If anyone can think of any more reasons that I haven't listed, please post them.
PS: There is a special place in Hell for players who lurk in Cyrodiil's PvE-focused zones just to gank PvErs, right next to the gold sellers.
That would be a great idea, if there were a way to implement it. Since it's entirely possible to have quests in your journal to do later and do some PvP in the meantime, this would mean that anyone who wants to switch between the two either has to keep a clean journal or do or abandon they quests they have before than can PvP.@Flexar @Varicite I seems to me that, perhaps, when a player is on a quest, their instance is removed from the PvP instance, so they would be invisible to gankers... Would that be a possible good compromise for both of your point of views? the rewards/dropped loot for a PvE-Cyrodil could be different from those that are hard-earned from having survived in PvP Cyrodil, yet still satisfying to those PvE players.
How very articulate. Any reason for that, or are you disagreeing simply for the sake of "eww, people who are not me are trying to enjoy the game in a different way to me"?No.
That would be a great idea, if there were a way to implement it. Since it's entirely possible to have quests in your journal to do later and do some PvP in the meantime, this would mean that anyone who wants to switch between the two either has to keep a clean journal or do or abandon they quests they have before than can PvP.@Flexar @Varicite I seems to me that, perhaps, when a player is on a quest, their instance is removed from the PvP instance, so they would be invisible to gankers... Would that be a possible good compromise for both of your point of views? the rewards/dropped loot for a PvE-Cyrodil could be different from those that are hard-earned from having survived in PvP Cyrodil, yet still satisfying to those PvE players.How very articulate. Any reason for that, or are you disagreeing simply for the sake of "eww, people who are not me are trying to enjoy the game in a different way to me"?No.
@Flexar @Varicite I seems to me that, perhaps, when a player is on a quest, their instance is removed from the PvP instance, so they would be invisible to gankers... Would that be a possible good compromise for both of your point of views? the rewards/dropped loot for a PvE-Cyrodil could be different from those that are hard-earned from having survived in PvP Cyrodil, yet still satisfying to those PvE players.
I'll admit that you do have a point, but when it comes to the point that you get ganked while trying to talk to a quest-giver and then having to waste ten or so minutes riding back to them only to get ganked again that feeling is undermined and the gameplay becomes tedious and unenjoyable. At the moment it's more of a certainty than a worry. The PvP Cyrodiils would still be there for anyone who wants that threat as they PvE.
I don't get all the naysayers, it's not like you're unable to do what you're already doing if a PvE Cyrodiil was included as you simply have to keep joining the PvP ones. Those who enjoy doing both PvP and PvE would assumably keep joining those while those who would rather avoid the PvP would simply join the PvE one (sure it may be incomplete as a PvE zone but nobody is asking for it to be turned into a full out PvE zone)
I don't get all the naysayers, it's not like you're unable to do what you're already doing if a PvE Cyrodiil was included as you simply have to keep joining the PvP ones. Those who enjoy doing both PvP and PvE would assumably keep joining those while those who would rather avoid the PvP would simply join the PvE one (sure it may be incomplete as a PvE zone but nobody is asking for it to be turned into a full out PvE zone)