Hi there!
Sanguinare Vampiris is a very tight knit, active guild primarily in the Aldmeri Dominion on the North American server. However, we have quite a few members of other factions as well. We are a mix of everything, including PvP, PvE, Crafting/Trading, and of course end game content. We usually hover around 400-450 members at a time.
You may be wondering about our name, but originally when launched we were a vampire guild, but have decided to open to everyone. However, we do have a large amount of vampire/werewolf players, and we make sure that bites are given freely to our members.
There are constantly groups running in PvP (Chillrend ftw!) and we try to have at least two officer led trial groups a week, but there are always groups forming at all times for those looking to participate.
We are also an extremely friendly bunch of people. We love helping newbies out, and offer crafting services for free to help get people started as well.
There is so much fun to be had! We also do naked dungeon runs, naked dance parties, guild lotteries, hide and seek, and so much more!
If you'd like to join, post your username or send
@hilaria a message in game!
Edited by hilaria on September 11, 2014 5:54PM