If you're going for the achievement that requires completion without any deaths in your party, it's good for the healer and tank to have decent dps. On the second phase of the final boss, he will lift one of your party member and that party member will die if the rest of the group does not have enough dps to break the boss's shield. So if one of the two dps gets lifted, the healer and tank will need to contribute to the dps unless the remaining dps is stellar.I don't have a single Dps spell as a healer most of the times on either bars so if I pull a mob in solo while on a Healer build I am up for some fun
If you're going for the achievement that requires completion without any deaths in your party, it's good for the healer and tank to have decent dps. On the second phase of the final boss, he will lift one of your party member and that party member will die if the rest of the group does not have enough dps to break the boss's shield. So if one of the two dps gets lifted, the healer and tank will need to contribute to the dps unless the remaining dps is stellar.I don't have a single Dps spell as a healer most of the times on either bars so if I pull a mob in solo while on a Healer build I am up for some fun
This is our favorite dungeon so far.
We've gotten all the achieves for it (several times over taking others with our main 3 - you should see the stack of staves and daggers and such we have from running this so many times) and have actually done it as a three man group a couple of times:http://youtu.be/MYcuw8nKyaQ
We plan to get a three man run with no deaths, but so far someone always seems to drop to something stupid early on that we normally never die to - like a normal mob pull lol or one of the less powerful bosses. The video above is our second attempt, the first attempt wasn't much different - just a diff person dying first.
Only problem is that the dungeon continue to reset the vampirism for a couple players that are vamps back to stage one every time, which is irritating for them.
If you're going for the achievement that requires completion without any deaths in your party, it's good for the healer and tank to have decent dps. On the second phase of the final boss, he will lift one of your party member and that party member will die if the rest of the group does not have enough dps to break the boss's shield. So if one of the two dps gets lifted, the healer and tank will need to contribute to the dps unless the remaining dps is stellar.I don't have a single Dps spell as a healer most of the times on either bars so if I pull a mob in solo while on a Healer build I am up for some fun
I had heard that this dungeon was incredibly hard, to be honest I just thought it was awesome! We were able to do it with 3 vet 12 and a vet 10 tank. I loved the challenge of each boss and the difference from the original dungeons.
The trick is for each player to have as much DPS on their second bar as possible, because when it comes to the second phase of the final boss it's vital. On top of that it's very useful for the mobs and adds when you need to burn them fast.
I had heard that this dungeon was incredibly hard, to be honest I just thought it was awesome! We were able to do it with 3 vet 12 and a vet 10 tank. I loved the challenge of each boss and the difference from the original dungeons.
The trick is for each player to have as much DPS on their second bar as possible, because when it comes to the second phase of the final boss it's vital. On top of that it's very useful for the mobs and adds when you need to burn them fast.
That's okay, if you don't have enough dps just try not to die from AoE if you're NOT grabbed and resurrect the fallen person later^^ We had to do this 3 times in a row today, lol, stupid us kept screwing up. Didn't wipe though:)bosmern_ESO wrote: »I was never able to do it on my NB, our tank had to go after a few trys on the last boss then had to go.
We could've gotten him but every time we got to the second phase he would get me first and I would die, so we had so much less dps to take him down :l