I have been searching many guild kiosks today for all sorts of items and I'm finding that there is a distinct lack in the variety of sets that are widely available.
Obviously there are PVE and PVP sets available from trials and for purchase with AP. Apparently, the PVP sets are a grab bag of sorts and it can take thousands or hundreds of thousands of AP to finally get the item that you've been waiting for. I personally don't PVP much but would find this to be one of the most annoying aspects of the game.
I'd describe this aspect of the game as being along the same lines as going to a restaurant, not looking at the menu, letting the waitress decide which meal you will be eating, all while knowing in the back of your mind that you are allergic to half of what the restaurant makes and dislike another quarter of it. But you already spent your AP when you walked in the door so there is no turning back.
No wonder out of all of the guild stores I've searched I saw maybe a total of 15 PVP set items that someone bought to sell outside of cyrodiil. I'm not including "Pact's" "Dominion's" or "Covenant's" xyz. I'm referring to sets like "Armor of Truth", "Durok's Bane", "Kyne's Kiss", "Hawk's Eye", "Almalexia's Mercy", "Desert Rose", etc.
These sets are so uncommon that either their prices are outrageous, no one has ever heard of the set, or crickets.
Currently, I am getting very sick of seeing the same listings for the same sets over and over again. I've noticed that there is a huge influx of VR11 Way of the Fire and Way of the Air set pieces practically falling out of guild stores as everyone and their brother tries to sell their own 6 pieces of the set for maybe a few hundred gold if that.
Not to mention the sheer quantity of Ice Furnace and Storm Knight pieces cluttering up every search for heavy armor ever (I'll give you one guess as to why these sets seem to accumulate the way they do). The abrupt stop at VR10, where some sets don't come in VR11/12 doesn't help either. Those sets in VR10 can be rarer yet compounding the apparent lack in diversity on guild stores. (everyone buys the same select few things while leaving the waste behind to rot for the next 30 days).
What about the completely dysfunctional ring and amulet drop rates for every armor set that actually has them? I've seen VR10 jewelry sell for 10k easy. Being sold by, no doubt in my mind, a VR12 who has been farming (with ease) VR10 zones for the sole purpose of selling a VR10 set piece to a VR10 at a crazy inflated price.
Maybe there are way more sets than I ever see in the game, but shield selection is always very limited everywhere I go. There does not seem to be more than a few rather uninteresting or mundane sets that include a shield. Let alone sets that include a shield that is a common enough drop to even see more than 2 versions of it in the wrong VR rank at any given time.
Why aren't set weapon and armor traits random? You'd think that would add a little bit more zing while shopping guild stores? Finding that just right or just shy of perfect item in other games has always given me immense levels of enthusiasm and joy. Here is ESO you just know ahead of time that a specific item will always be that same mundane version of itself. It lacks that feeling of discovering the item all over again, where by the 5th time you've seen the item in a slightly different form it finally clicks in your mind what the possibilities are.
By at least randomizing the traits on set pieces there would be a little more variety. (at the very least have each set drop with 3-4 different trait possibilities). Yes there would be even more competition for specific traits over others, but to me the variance in demand is much better than the entire supply being choked because every player "need's" that one item. Randomize the traits, let the crazies fight over the "good" ones, while I snag the 300g "throw away" that no one wants because it doesn't give me 5 more magic per hour, thus preventing me for being accepted into some secret guild. Nope, don't need that, just wanted the cool set bonus for a few levels/quests moving on from there.
I would love to see a listing count or bar for each vendor before I click on them. I would also love it if interacting with a vendor would just skip the dialog, go directly to the store, and place the bidding option inside the store somewhere for those who are placing bids.
Can you at least give me a few minor indicators of what each guild store is selling? For instance, let me see a few bars that represent the proportional quantity of items in a type of items with respect to every other type. The bars would not indicate quantity itself, but proportions of quantity (to prevent skipping the store altogether due to low number of listings). So the crafting section might have 2000 listings, while the weapons might have 200, and the armors have 400, so the bars I would see as i pass by would be filled 10 to 1 to 2.
I imagine that looking at the store vendor could show this information as part of their health bar. Maybe each player could set which bars they see for vendors if they are specifically looking for light armor for instance (Obviously limiting how narrow a selection one can set).
I realize this is a giant wall of text and that this kinda devolved into a rant of sorts in certain areas but it still touches on most of what I set out to say. I still do have many many more things to say about the game. I am by no means fed up or angry or disgruntled with ESO. I love ESO and want it to last for a very long time. Look forward to hearing some responses.
TLDR: Guild stores are constantly overstocked with the same craptastic sets and items for a variety of reasons and have limited stock of many other sets or desired / wanted items. Set item's traits should be randomized a bit so the "good" traited items sell well to those willing to pay and any "bad" traited items are still available but at a lower cost. Plus give guild store vendors a visual indicator that informs people what kind of items each store is selling before they check the store.