Been an interesting week hasn't it?
The first post got a lot of feedback, namely on our DPS...
To which i will do something unheard of on forums...
I admit i was wrong
Now ill let that sink in for a minute and go into a little more detail. I was going about templar dps the wrong way, i was using too many templar skills. But, no matter how you look at it, there are a few viable dps specs for a templar atm, especially a promising 2h build that i am more than happy to run around with since it gets me out of my bathrobe+broom set up and away from looking like every other dps character out there.
Is it perfect? No, but its still a viable option for templar dps.
I still feel we are lacking in the magicka management area along with a few other key areas. Magicka management is a big issue for us, and its just going to get worse when spellcrafting comes into play. Best to get ahead of that problem before it starts.
June 19th=
Hi folks,
We hear you loud and clear about the need for resource management improvements for Templars. We're looking into what we can do there, too, and appreciate your suggestions.
Coming up on 3 months and still nothing has been said since, and this isn't the first time its been mentioned of course.
So once again i will submit my thoughts on the subject, and again i welcome any feedback from the community.
Magicka Management=
Dawn's Wrath line - Restoring Spirit passive... scrap it and replace with
Passive skill- Restoring Spirit <name works well enough>
Restore .25/.50% magicka/stamina when damaging an enemy and .13/.25% magicka/stamina for healing an ally per Templar ability slotted.
For dealing 1000 dps <simple round number> with 5 templar skills slotted it would give 25 magicka/stamina, for healing 1000 per second it would give 12.5
This would in no way affect where the templar is its strongest, small scale pvp, because you couldn't generate enough healing or dps to make it too strong. Yet in group content it would give enough to help us sustain our damage and healing.
Given that most people would probably run 3-4 templar skills max, it would be even less. But still enough to help us sustain ourselves.
The numbers could go up or down depending on how strong/weak it is. But i think the idea is sound.
Aedric Spear line - Sun shield <and its morphs>
50% magicka penalty while ability is active.
100% penalty was too much with the new magicka regen softcaps i agree, but as it stands this skill is too spammable. With a new magicka management skill it would be even worse. And then would come the nerfs to something we probably couldnt afford nerfed.
Aedrid Spear- Puncturing strike <and its morphs>
Make it so Expert Hunter can proc from the skill. Even just the closest target would go a long way. <I thought it did before, but after hours of testing, it is not proccing the skill atm>
Aedric Spear Line- Toppling Charge
Unable to use any kind of followup skill for a full second after hitting an enemy with the skill. Not much point in stunning them if you can't follow it up with something
Ability can lock animation leaving you unable to block, attack, roll, or use skills. For 10 seconds or more you can run around getting the crap beat out of you and do nothing about it. Seems to mostly happen in pvp, but had a few times in pve.
Dawn's Wrath Line- Sun Fire <and its morphs>, and Dark Flare
Spell animations are just flat out too slow. Throw it at a player and they can go for a coffee break, check up on current events, take a nap, come back and THEN dodge roll to avoid these abilities. Not to mention reflects, target changes in pve due to immunities/shields etc.
Dawn's Wrath Line= Eclipse <and its morphs>
Still haven't had a dev response that i've seen saying yes or no if its supposed to be able to be broken with "Break Free" in pvp. So until i hear otherwise, ill treat it as another bug, and keep requesting it be fixed. Also cannot be dropped on targets with CC immunity.
This passive increased the duration of dawn's wrath abilities and with abilities like sun fire (vampire's bane and reflective light) it also increases the DoT duration but the damage doesn't go up accordingly. That means that this ability plus its morphs is actually losing effectiveness in one area. However, the snare will last a little longer, though.
Still, is this an intended design?
I want the passive so that my other dawn's wrath abilities last longer but I really don't like losing potency of others.
Rushed Ceremony (+morphs) "smart-heal" doesn't target the ally with less Health too often. This really needs to be fixed, because it makes our instant heal very unreliable.
There are some suggestions out there to make the Heal priorice caster > group members> rest. But even if that never happens, at least they should fix it, so it doesn't bug out healing full Health allies/npcs while the player you are trying to heal keeps dying in front of your wasted skill spamming.
Thats what comes to mind at this point. Again, i welcome any and all comments from the community. And i urge templars to post problems they see and bugs that need fixed. Together we are more likely to get these issues resolved than separately.
Proud Templar of Aldmeri Dominion
Some men are alive simply because it is against the law to kill them. -Edward W. Howe