timidobserver wrote: »@Stratti
I agree with most of what you said except for DPS requirement. Not every boss should be a DPS check, but I am okay with having one of the bosses in a trial/raid be a DPS check encounter.
They could fix the current content IMO here is how
Force the Fire Atro to be killed - door or gateway - Make them hit like trucks requiring two tanks just to get through
1st Boss - Beef the hell out of the AOE with the first pulse half your bar second pulse full bar third pulse unhealable. Make it so people have to respect the mechanic
Add a Freeze of 1 tank so you need a second off tank and swap the freeze
Make the boss hit so hard that you need to be a real tank to tank him and increase the health pool so that it lasts a tonne longer than the joke it is now
2nd Boss - Make abilities immune to shield etc . Make the adds immune to negate and make them able to 1 or 2 shot the raid so you need a second tank for the adds. This worked well in heroic encounters in wow where the tank had moments before the raid was being wiped. Balance it so that it is achievable within DPS
3rd Boss - Reduce the silly dps requirement philosophy and make it mechanically harder. As a tank I do this very easy using Absorb Magic and Reflective Scales - Crazy this should not be . Remove this to make her dangerous and change the adds so they need to be tanked and burned or they one shot
4th Boss - I like this boss - Simply make it that she needs to be tanked so 1 tank for Boss and 1 tank for the Axes - To be fair this fight is pretty good imo
That together with more difficult add fights would make it a real trial instead of the zergfest
There are certain people here who feel like puking whenever the word WoW is mentioned in any conversation whatsoever .
Please do not compare an Elder Scrolls game with WoW.
Please do not try and turn this game into WoW.
Please do not try and imply that this game was in any way imaginable inspired or should be inspired from any of the WoW content , whether it worked over there or not .
So yeah, my vote about scripted fights is a big NO
My vote about fights that use any form of mechanics is a big NO
I`m not saying the current trials are good as they are. They`re not , at least not to me .
The only way i can enjoy a fight is if my opponent is unpredictable , forcing me to improvise throughout the entire lengh of the fight no matter how long it lasts.
I agree trials should be challenging , but i don`t think this challenge should necessarily come from simple insane damage .
My biggest wish is that ZoS would simply give those bosses a load of abilities ,including CC, DoTs, Knock backs, pulls, Direct damage spells , direct damage melee attacks, AoE`s and why not throw in 3 or 4 or each ones of those abilities and simply let the boss decide for himself when to use them.
Make the entire fight completly unpredictable which means that no matter how many times you fight that same boss, it will never do the exact same thing twice in a row. Making each fight against him completly different.
I`m completly against scripted encounters. WoW was purely made of scripted boss fights.
This simply allows players to learn exactly where to stand and when, when to save their magicka and when to spam it , when to attack and when not to attack.
When to use shields and so on and so forth. There is no longer any form of surprise after the first few times you fight a certain boss and therefore, no form of improvisation required .