I like how the bugs go docile after a certain level. I can still attack them, but otherwise we can leave each other alone. I think other animals should do the same thing, based on level differences. Although some animals should remain aggressive such as large predators.
jambam817_ESO wrote: »its annoying, but it happens. Everquest had "con levels" based on Mob level VS your own, like as follows:
Grey=nothing from it(XP), much lower, easy
Green=pretty much nothing from it(XP), much lower, easy
Light Blue=a little XP, maybe a few levels lower, but still pretty easy
Dark Blue=Decent XP,1 or 2 levels lower, may present a challenge
White=Good XP, same level as you, challenging
Yellow=Good XP, Higher level and challenging
Red=Great XP, who knows how much higher, very challenging if not impossible.
And they all continued to agro you no matter what levelGreys Kill! was a popular phrase...
I say keep it the way it isI don't wanna play god mode and run around everywhere free of risk.
smeeprocketnub19_ESO wrote: »This is completely untrue and wrong.
Try walking past a decaying skeleton in one of the newbie zones at level 100 if you want to test it.
Actually, I think skeletons are like the only mob this is true for, they dgaf what level you are.
I have a level 100 troll shaman, if I go into guk nothing will attack me, unless I sit down. Sitting down makes mobs angry, as you know if you've played.
Have to be honest, sometimes it would get annoying when I was trying to farm kills for the achievements with titles. But training low level mobs through low level zones and inevitably on top of low level players would suck.
jambam817_ESO wrote: »
ok well maybe i am not completely remembering every mobs behavior, but i do remember that it was not weird or uncommon to be agro'd by grey/green monsters, especially Skellies like you mentioned. They sure DGAF
my bad.
Venereous44 wrote: »I don't miss pet agro at all... the worst was when path finding would send them on a perimeter run because you dropped 2 feet off of a ledge and then here it comes around the corner with a literal horde on its tail... that was never fun.
Venereous44 wrote: »I don't miss pet agro at all... the worst was when path finding would send them on a perimeter run because you dropped 2 feet off of a ledge and then here it comes around the corner with a literal horde on its tail... that was never fun.
jambam817_ESO wrote: »
Now-a-days people would scream BUG so fast...... The agro/pathing in that game is still pretty terrible haha. But no pet agro helps.
I played this past holiday weekend, its been YEARS since I've seriously played Everquest and my original account is no longer in my control. Double XP with XP potions on top i got from 25 to 40 with a friend duoing, in a few hours of play.
we spent 30 minutes in every zone we went to (thats the potion duration) and made sure to visit plenty of classic zones that I hadn't seen in a while, and he had never seen.
smeeprocketnub19_ESO wrote: »grinding up to about 70 is ridiculously fast and easy. You slowed yourself down depending on which classic zones you visited. Also, I hope you were using mercs, or you slowed yourself down even more.
They took the effectiveness out of the rank 5 mercs during one of the more recent expansion and then added in points you could earn and put towards your mercenary to get it back to the previous level. They literally removed content and pretended it was new content so you had to grind to get it.
That expac was the last for me. Everything about it was awful and finished the game for me. It's just sad, they are pretty much in maintenance mode at this point.
That is intended, and should not be changed. This is why horse stamina is important - if you're sprinting on your horse and it has run out of stamina you are very vulnerable to attack, because a single hit will dismount you, and once dismounted you will be disoriented and can be savaged for a while before you can do anything about it. If the mechanic didn't work this way horse stamina would be entirely meaningless.Also with the current horse system it is very easy to be knocked down from the saddle and the animation where your character stands up is very clumsy indeed. It takes several seconds and during this time creatures gnaw you while you have to suffer till the animations is over and you can attack or heal yourself.
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
jambam817_ESO wrote: »its annoying, but it happens. Everquest had "con levels" based on Mob level VS your own, like as follows:
Grey=nothing from it(XP), much lower, easy
Green=pretty much nothing from it(XP), much lower, easy
Light Blue=a little XP, maybe a few levels lower, but still pretty easy
Dark Blue=Decent XP,1 or 2 levels lower, may present a challenge
White=Good XP, same level as you, challenging
Yellow=Good XP, Higher level and challenging
Red=Great XP, who knows how much higher, very challenging if not impossible.
And they all continued to agro you no matter what levelGreys Kill! was a popular phrase...
I say keep it the way it isI don't wanna play god mode and run around everywhere free of risk.
But why do small rodents like skeevers or various kwama creatures attack on sight?