Vampires/Werewolves & The Justice System!
As I am sure you'll know a Justice System (which looks similar to the previous TES game's Justice System) has been announced, but how would an "abomination" of Nirn fit in to this?
I suppose the following:
A vampire at stage 4 (blood staved) upon entering a town or city should automatically flagged as a hostile by the local populace, this can be avoided through seeking and/or feeding on humanoids to lower said vampirism stage (stage 3 or below). This being said, a vampire should not be flagged for PvP due to the crime of "Vampirism".
Why have this? Previous Elders Scrolls titles have had this system as a consequence for being a stage 4 vampire (strongest stage, unless you run into fire), remeber Vampires are considered "abominations", would you let this walk around your city?

Currently there is no real consequence for being a stage 4 vampire.
A werewolf in beast form in a city or town should be attacked on site (I doubt much needs to be said on this).
I think anyone would attack this on site?

For all we know this might be included with the Justice System? But most importantly what do
you think about this?
Please share your thoughts and/or improve upon the idea if you wish.
Added a spoiler tag to the original OP to keep things nice and neat.
I'll admit I failed to suggest any changes or new mechanics to help explain the this suggestion.
Putting werewolves aside (it's pretty much black and white with them) I'm going to forward idea(s) which will help balance and allow stage 4 vampires to "hide" from the system:
- Stage 4 vampire is flagged as hostile to city/town NPCs
- Level 2 vampire can unlock an ability called "Mortal's Mask" , this ability when activated can hide player's vampiric appearance (changing players appearance to what it was before they became a vampire). Mortal's Mask ability has no timer but player's magika recovery is halted or halved? (could use suggestions for this).
Mortal's mask ability would allow players to safely do their normal activities within cities as a stage 4 vampire at the cost of no magika recovery or something like that.
An alternative to being killed on site:
- Stage 4 vampire is flagged as "vampire" by city/town NPCs. When a player makes contact with an NPC (merchant, banker etc) there is a 50/50 chance if said NPC interacts with the player, e.g. I approach a merchant as a stage 4 vampire and they may say "I'm not dealing with your kind" or something similar based on that 50/50 chance.