This is going to sound like im raging, well, I am. troll me all you like.
Tell me, AD players of blackwater blade, What in your right minds got you to attack EP instead of DC today? We had DC pushed to aleswell, You guys had plenty of opportunity to hit ash. Once you got ash, you could have come to aleswell, and de-throned the false emperor(hehe) of the DC, AND have a chance to get your scrolls back from DC.
And what did you guys do with this awesome chance to get your stuff back and drag DC down from first place? You attacked EP instead. im not even sure you guys got BRK. after DC took chal, I asked how BRK was doing. I got no answer, so I said (snip) it, and logged off.
To the AD of blackwater blade. I hope you guys love being in last place, because that is where you will remain if you continue to play like that. You people are almost a disgrace.
to the DC of blackwater blade, I enjoyed fighting with you guys, we WOULD have had you de-throned, but AD decided to be fools for whatever reason. Im glad you guys' emperor is not another run of the mill impulse spamming DK. I had a lot more fun fighting benzi than any other emperor I fought. It will be interesting to see how everything turns out when he logs off and gets de-throned by the game.