That's kind of how people really should approach achievements IMO. I can definitely understand not wanting to do the extort money from traders thing too, as I kind of don't want to do that one either. Why don't you want to do the "I like M'aiq" one though? Are you trying to say that you don't like M'aiq?!?Haxnschwammer wrote: »In general I think I will play on and take the achievements as I play but I won't waste my time to complete them all.
Some I really don't want to do like the "I like Maiq" thingie or the extort money from traders...
One of the worst decisions ZOS made pre-launch was to listen to idiots like Angry Joe and change it so that you didn't actually start on the starter islands. They are absolutely the best intro to the game, and even when you're an experienced player starting a new character (or moving on to a new alliance in vet content) they're still really worth doing.Haxnschwammer wrote: »Starter Islands
I tell you this islands are a must! They are tutorials and stuffed with stuff, but they are made with so much love for details.
You learn all the basics and get a good start into the game. Also the starter in Vet levels should be visited.
Loads of materials and chests, lore and of course skill points (skyshards).
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
Craglorn grinding isn't exploiting or elitist, it's just a different style of play .. actually calling it exploiting because it isn't your preference is a bit elitist.
There are actually some really cool quests in Craglorn you don't have to grind to do it. Some of the quests and dailies are actually pretty challenging. There are quite a few small scale dungeons and daily quests there. I think it is silly to write off the zone completely based on what seems like the other people's opinions on the forum about it. Unless you are just really against playing with other people I would not skip the zone based on other people's forum opinions.
ZOS_PierreL wrote: »Hi guys,
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We really appreciate it.
Also, do not hesitate to use the command /feedback in game to share directly your feelings concerning a specific feature in The Elder Scrolls Online.
Have a good day!
Haxnschwammer wrote: »The end is near! The last vet zone is nearly done and I want to share my thoughts and give some feedback.
Vet 10 without exploiting or rushing content playing a "weak" templar. Not that I couldn't beat most enemies, but
It's no match for some DKs I've seen facerolling 10+ mobs in public dungeons. Still I like the templars most.
I played about 5 months with about 3.5 hours per day. Scenery, quests, lore, story kept me entertained.
Some choices I made have been hard and took me 10 minutes to finally make a decision (screw you Sheogorath!).
Some NPC deaths have been touching, others... well just let's say the next time I see Razum-Dar I'll take his skalp!
Damn khajit have 9 lives...
So, what's left?
I have to go back to Cadwell, collect 4 skyshards, make that spikeball run in Reapers March.
Hmm, yes, there are a few dolmens I skipped and some world bosses. Oh, and I missed two public dungeons.
I guess there is enough work for a week until the 3 zones are completely finished.
And what's next?
Hardly been in Cyrodiil, make some quests, collect skyshards, maybe I even do some PvP.
Craplorn, I mean Grindlorn, Anomaly City, damned I mean Craglorn. Until now I avoided visiting this
place. Too many bad storys about elitists, exploiters, you know them. At least I can make some money selling golden stuff.
Maybe I find a guild that's worth to spend my time on in Craglorn. Oh, and of course with the coming nirnhoned traits
I have to get them. Crafters OCD.
Achievement runs
Fishing? No. Maybe when you can use the fish for cooking.
Killing spree? Kill 1000 dwemer spiders, kill a bunch of atronarchs... Well, maybe. I won't take the easy tour in
low level areas just to fill in the numbers. Maybe except for dolmen bosses as they are level related.
Dolmen hunting, release anchors and stuff. Hmm, don't think so.
In general I think I will play on and take the achievements as I play but I won't waste my time to complete them all.
Some I really don't want to do like the "I like Maiq" thingie or the extort money from traders...
And the future?
Well, there is stuff coming that I'm looking forward to, some I don't give a [snip] about.
Time will show if I like that. Spellcrafting sounds good, justice system too as long they
manage to keep the potential griefing down.
And finally some feedback about the game
Starter Islands
I tell you this islands are a must! They are tutorials and stuffed with stuff, but they are made with so much love for details.
You learn all the basics and get a good start into the game. Also the starter in Vet levels should be visited.
Loads of materials and chests, lore and of course skill points (skyshards).
The zones have been made like I imagined them. They are a bit small and everything is near. Ride a minute from capital to main bandit camp.
But on the other hand, not many want to spend their time to just reach another town. Beside that the zones represent the cultural
background and climate zones. Alik'r is a desert, there is snow in Skyrim, and so on. Cities use their typical architecture style.
Black Marsh is so far my favourite. Love the argonians and the lore about them.
There are far over a thousand quests. Of course some kind of quests will repeat, but everywhere have been quests
with a touching/sad/maddening/enraging story. I've read every line, listened to every speech, even listened to the NPCs at the market for a laugh.
The choices offered had me take a couple of minutes of the game to make a decision. Some have been clear and and hard at the same time.
Sometimes I regret a choice later. And for some pixels on a screen that's damned good work.
I have never been bored with quests, even the "I found something, let's ride over the continent to find the owner"-quests.
The main questlines (the zone questline, not Molag Bal) made me stay awake at late hours. Again and again.
Most rewards are crap. Just standard stuff I can collect from everyday bandits. There are a few rewards I kept as a trophy though,
even when they aren't game trophys. Rewards from important NPCs should be something special. Saved the king? Here take that
boots for deconstructing...
Combat system
Adapt or die. Still there are balancing issues, but in general I like the system. Red circle? Move! Power attack? Interrupt! Block!
Stun! CC! Counter! Synergies! Buff! Debuff! And use the damned potions if you run low!
No place for F1-monkeys (Eve-Online reference), no "fights" where you press 1-2-3-4 repeat.
Of course, I also did just spam jab the trash mobs on the street, but for tougher monsters or bosses I used
a variety of skills. Because tree monsters (spriggans) and trolls burn, you know.
Good system. researching, collecting, sets. Not bad. But make sure crafted gear is on par or better as found gear. The second
found gear is better crafting is dead.
Provisioning and Alchemy is good, but needs some fine tuning (which is already in the pipe).
Thank the Devs there is no central auction house. Keep away that crap! Trade guilds, kiosks, keep shops. A kind of medieval
trading system that supports immersion. And it works if you get off your lazy ass! I make a few thousands a day and I do
not even try to sell in bulk. Not counting the occasional golden sets.
The game came to early, it had far to many bugs that have been reportet in beta again and again.
Meanwhile most of them are gone and the game is (as far as I played it) stable. I know Cyrodiil has problems but I haven't been there much so I can't tell about them. I personaly haven't encountered much of them.
Still there is much to be improved. Like lists in shops, stacking in banks, insert point here...
Just look at a random thread in this forum.
Was it worth the money I spend?
Yes, definitely. I enjoyed it so far and I think I will have fun in the next months, too.
So thanks to ZOS for a good game. Not exactly the game I wanted but still a
good game. I have two months on my sub and I will buy another 6 months unless
the devs *** on my shoes (That's not a challenge, you hear me?)
The whole thing is no discussion but you can of course post your own point of view.
Not that I could stop you anyway...
[Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
slopezgamesub17_ESO1 wrote: »Haxnschwammer wrote: »The end is near! The last vet zone is nearly done and I want to share my thoughts and give some feedback.
Vet 10 without exploiting or rushing content playing a "weak" templar. Not that I couldn't beat most enemies, but
It's no match for some DKs I've seen facerolling 10+ mobs in public dungeons. Still I like the templars most.
I played about 5 months with about 3.5 hours per day. Scenery, quests, lore, story kept me entertained.
Some choices I made have been hard and took me 10 minutes to finally make a decision (screw you Sheogorath!).
Some NPC deaths have been touching, others... well just let's say the next time I see Razum-Dar I'll take his skalp!
Damn khajit have 9 lives...
So, what's left?
I have to go back to Cadwell, collect 4 skyshards, make that spikeball run in Reapers March.
Hmm, yes, there are a few dolmens I skipped and some world bosses. Oh, and I missed two public dungeons.
I guess there is enough work for a week until the 3 zones are completely finished.
And what's next?
Hardly been in Cyrodiil, make some quests, collect skyshards, maybe I even do some PvP.
Craplorn, I mean Grindlorn, Anomaly City, damned I mean Craglorn. Until now I avoided visiting this
place. Too many bad storys about elitists, exploiters, you know them. At least I can make some money selling golden stuff.
Maybe I find a guild that's worth to spend my time on in Craglorn. Oh, and of course with the coming nirnhoned traits
I have to get them. Crafters OCD.
Achievement runs
Fishing? No. Maybe when you can use the fish for cooking.
Killing spree? Kill 1000 dwemer spiders, kill a bunch of atronarchs... Well, maybe. I won't take the easy tour in
low level areas just to fill in the numbers. Maybe except for dolmen bosses as they are level related.
Dolmen hunting, release anchors and stuff. Hmm, don't think so.
In general I think I will play on and take the achievements as I play but I won't waste my time to complete them all.
Some I really don't want to do like the "I like Maiq" thingie or the extort money from traders...
And the future?
Well, there is stuff coming that I'm looking forward to, some I don't give a [snip] about.
Time will show if I like that. Spellcrafting sounds good, justice system too as long they
manage to keep the potential griefing down.
And finally some feedback about the game
Starter Islands
I tell you this islands are a must! They are tutorials and stuffed with stuff, but they are made with so much love for details.
You learn all the basics and get a good start into the game. Also the starter in Vet levels should be visited.
Loads of materials and chests, lore and of course skill points (skyshards).
The zones have been made like I imagined them. They are a bit small and everything is near. Ride a minute from capital to main bandit camp.
But on the other hand, not many want to spend their time to just reach another town. Beside that the zones represent the cultural
background and climate zones. Alik'r is a desert, there is snow in Skyrim, and so on. Cities use their typical architecture style.
Black Marsh is so far my favourite. Love the argonians and the lore about them.
There are far over a thousand quests. Of course some kind of quests will repeat, but everywhere have been quests
with a touching/sad/maddening/enraging story. I've read every line, listened to every speech, even listened to the NPCs at the market for a laugh.
The choices offered had me take a couple of minutes of the game to make a decision. Some have been clear and and hard at the same time.
Sometimes I regret a choice later. And for some pixels on a screen that's damned good work.
I have never been bored with quests, even the "I found something, let's ride over the continent to find the owner"-quests.
The main questlines (the zone questline, not Molag Bal) made me stay awake at late hours. Again and again.
Most rewards are crap. Just standard stuff I can collect from everyday bandits. There are a few rewards I kept as a trophy though,
even when they aren't game trophys. Rewards from important NPCs should be something special. Saved the king? Here take that
boots for deconstructing...
Combat system
Adapt or die. Still there are balancing issues, but in general I like the system. Red circle? Move! Power attack? Interrupt! Block!
Stun! CC! Counter! Synergies! Buff! Debuff! And use the damned potions if you run low!
No place for F1-monkeys (Eve-Online reference), no "fights" where you press 1-2-3-4 repeat.
Of course, I also did just spam jab the trash mobs on the street, but for tougher monsters or bosses I used
a variety of skills. Because tree monsters (spriggans) and trolls burn, you know.
Good system. researching, collecting, sets. Not bad. But make sure crafted gear is on par or better as found gear. The second
found gear is better crafting is dead.
Provisioning and Alchemy is good, but needs some fine tuning (which is already in the pipe).
Thank the Devs there is no central auction house. Keep away that crap! Trade guilds, kiosks, keep shops. A kind of medieval
trading system that supports immersion. And it works if you get off your lazy ass! I make a few thousands a day and I do
not even try to sell in bulk. Not counting the occasional golden sets.
The game came to early, it had far to many bugs that have been reportet in beta again and again.
Meanwhile most of them are gone and the game is (as far as I played it) stable. I know Cyrodiil has problems but I haven't been there much so I can't tell about them. I personaly haven't encountered much of them.
Still there is much to be improved. Like lists in shops, stacking in banks, insert point here...
Just look at a random thread in this forum.
Was it worth the money I spend?
Yes, definitely. I enjoyed it so far and I think I will have fun in the next months, too.
So thanks to ZOS for a good game. Not exactly the game I wanted but still a
good game. I have two months on my sub and I will buy another 6 months unless
the devs *** on my shoes (That's not a challenge, you hear me?)
The whole thing is no discussion but you can of course post your own point of view.
Not that I could stop you anyway...
[Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
damn thats a wall of text and I thought I talked a lot.
Haxnschwammer wrote: »
Starter Islands
I tell you this islands are a must! They are tutorials and stuffed with stuff, but they are made with so much love for details.
You learn all the basics and get a good start into the game. Also the starter in Vet levels should be visited.
Loads of materials and chests, lore and of course skill points (skyshards).
lordrichter wrote: »
It takes 5 months to clear all the single player content this game has to offer
Craglorn can be cleared in 2 days with a group, but we need more single player content?
It's all based on the fun you have in game...which varies from person to person. I loved the game until I hit vet lvl...and found out my other 2 toons were a waste of time. And kudos for gaining gold so easily, sadly there's nothing to spend it on. All your points are great to hear even if rare on these forums. I wish I could agree but at over $120 and counting I don't find the value that you do in the game.
I think a big factor is not having built in voice chat and the lack of incentives. Like you the king and get some boots for deconstructing....This really makes the game boring. Since I don't pvp much there's not much left that's not a repeat. Skill points are not so important since I've unlocked all that I use. And the only thing playing an alt does is show how much harder it was with a DW templar.
The main reason for me to play was to have something to do until consoles were released. I have over a decade worth of friends on xbox and was really excited to join up with them. But based off of reviews and such it looks like unless they make major changes console sells will be much lower then expected.
When grouping takes 1.5 hours of waiting for 7 mins of play...This is the biggest gripe I found and the biggest reason to not be excited about all the group content.