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The 11th race.

Do you think it would ever be possible for Dremora/Daedra to be a playable race?
  • bertenburnyb16_ESO
    Haze Ramoran Dunmer Dragonknight Tank/Dps – Smoked-Da-Herb Saxheel Templar Tank/Healer

    Red Diamond, Protect us 'til the end (EU EP Thorn)
  • emeraldbay
    Short answer? No.

    Long answer? No, because sentient Daedra are, in almost all cases, the lackeys of one of the Daedric Princes. No one but Daedric cultists would even let you within a few feet of them without either running or attacking. Not only that, but in the rare case that one does happen upon a "good" Daedra, it wouldn't make sense for there to be tons of them running around. This is an MMO, remember.
  • MAOofDC
    emeraldbay wrote: »
    Not only that, but in the rare case that one does happen upon a "good" Daedra,

    By "good" he of course mean completely self serving and most likely will turn on you when you have served your purpose to their ends.
    Guild Master of the Guild <The Wrath of Sheogorath>. CHEESE AND CABBAGE FOR EVERYONE!!!

  • RedTalon
    You want to play a slave to a dreadic prince?
  • Gedalya
    Short answer: yes. There are no viable reasons to prevent you from playing as a Dremora or even a Daedra. I would personally like see a slew of races added such as the Sea Elves and Snow Elves. I think some of these should only be available for reaching certain milestones; for example finishing the main quest line or reaching Vet 10, and future Vet rankings. For example in Skyrim there are only 2 Snow Elves left (not to be confused with the Falmer); so ostensibly the milestones for that one example should be much more difficult than for the others. I'm sure we can all think of things we would like to be added. I for one would like to see the Imperials added as a playable Faction (not to be confused with the Imperial race); so that would be a forth faction in addition to the Aldmeri Dominion, Daggerfall Covenant, and Ebonheart Pact. Some of these additions could be deep and nuanced, and others simple; such as a character who could join the Wyrd Sisterhood et al.. Thoughts? Because we are dealing with all of Tamriel in an MMO format we are really only limited by ZoS and what they are willing to commit to from a story perspective.
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  • eNumbra
    Gedalya wrote: »
    For example in Skyrim there are only 2 Snow Elves left (not to be confused with the Falmer); so ostensibly the milestones for that one example should be much more difficult than for the others.

    *Feral Snow Elves.

    Falmer are Snow Elves just as Orsimer are Orcs, Altmer are High Elves, Bosmer are Wood Elves... etc.

    Skyrim's "Falmer" are a corrupted version, twisted by generations of living underground subsisting on poisonous mushrooms and the enslavement and torture at the hands of Dwemer. If anything, Skyrim's "Falmer" are not Falmer and the only Falmer left is Gelebor and any secluded populations that he speculated on when spoken to.


    As for Humanoid Daedric races, there's no reason for them to be playable because (lore-wise) they have no stake in the fate of Nirn... outside of the destruction/enslavement of mortals. They serve only themselves and Daedric princes.
  • Unmai
    The only issue I can see with recieving something like Snow Elves at VR10 is that to use it you would need to roll a anew character and having ground your way to VR10 are people going to want to roll a new character.

    I do think a 4th faction would be a good addition and may help to even out some of the inequality we are seeing in the campaigns.
    "Wonderful! Time for a celebration... Cheese for everyone! Wait, scratch that. Cheese for no one. That can be just as much of a celebration, if you don't like cheese. True?" - Sheogorath
  • Jankstar
    Do you think it would ever be possible for Dremora/Daedra to be a playable race?

    No. I think it would be the second worse thing ever. The worse are Argonians.
  • MasterSpatula
    What a terrible idea.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • gurluasb16_ESO
    Well, we have already seen Dremora that have expanded beyond their limits.
    Bangkorai even has a friendly Dremora that is bound to Nirn instead of Oblivion.

    I'd rather see Maormer , Falmer (Non-corrupted), and Chimer (The uncorrupted ones from Cathnoquey).
    Edited by gurluasb16_ESO on August 26, 2014 4:14PM
  • k9mouse
    ~rolls eyes~

    We have enough races, we don't need anymore -- playable or non-playable. Can we enjoy that we have instead of adding aspects with out depth? 1,000's Dremora running around trying to save Nirn from their own masters does not make any sense.

    ~Hands OP a Lore book(s)~

    I be so glad when this topic dies away. No new races / no new playable races / no pink rabbit mounts / no flying mounts. Please Please ZOS, I beg you with your great power and wisdom, don't listen to these type of requests!
  • BBSooner
    While being an Auroran assigned by Meridia to help the mortal races would be cool, it adds unnecessary restrictions to questlines to have daedra belonging to any Prince become a playable race.
  • Enemy-of-Coldharbour
    There are enough races as is. But it might be cool to play the game from a Daedra point of view with the goal of destroying the factions to allow Molag Bal to rein supreme (insert evil laughter here).
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  • Hakhan
    Hi everyone!

    Answer: No, never.

    Take a look in The Elder Scrolls lore, plz...

    Edited by Hakhan on August 26, 2014 4:39PM
  • SG_Celerrimus
    RedTalon wrote: »
    You want to play a slave to a dreadic prince?

    Yes I do, namely Sheogorath.
  • SG_Celerrimus
    Now, what is... just be open minded, what if there was a 4th faction, and it was Sheogorath's faction, and it was a PvE only faction that didn't bother with Cyrodiil? Or, there were special campaigns specifically designed for 4 alliances that were different than the 3 faction campaigns.

    I am sure Sheogorath wants world domination as well.
  • gurluasb16_ESO
    For the record, humanoid Daedra are sapient, and can choose not to serve their master. This varies from an individual basis, Xivilai have a higher chance of going independent than Dremora who are usually loyal, but even Dremora can go rogue or join up with another Daedric prince.
    Edited by gurluasb16_ESO on August 26, 2014 5:25PM
  • MAOofDC
    Any type of intelligent Daedra would not willing submit to a mortal's command. Which is the way the story would have to go for them to be a playable race. They would much rather shove sword up a King's/Queen's ass the bend the knee to them.

    I can hear it now, but in Skyrim you could summon a dremora and he did as commanded. True but being summoned doesn't mean they came willingly it was more like forced servitude. Something that a creature bend on the destruction and enslavement of mortals can at least understand if not respect.

    Guild Master of the Guild <The Wrath of Sheogorath>. CHEESE AND CABBAGE FOR EVERYONE!!!

  • BBSooner
    Now, what is... just be open minded, what if there was a 4th faction, and it was Sheogorath's faction, and it was a PvE only faction that didn't bother with Cyrodiil? Or, there were special campaigns specifically designed for 4 alliances that were different than the 3 faction campaigns.

    I am sure Sheogorath wants world domination as well.

    He gets most of his entertainment from flipping an otherwise mundane existence on its head and seeding madness. Ruling his play things seems counterintuitive, and stands in the way of his fun. If everybody expected madness, where would be the joy of spreading it?
  • AlexDougherty
    Only the Daedric Princes have any interest in the Mortal plane, the lesser Daedra might journey to Mundus (the Mortal Plane), but they have no abiding interest here. They would just go on a rampage killing and torturing everybody, there was a Xivilai in Oblivion who said as much. (yes I know about the Xivilai pirate in Skyrim, but he was killing and torturing, just slyly).

    They are also Demigods at the least (immortal extremely powerful, and easily bored), if they got involved in Mortal affairs it would be as a ruler, not an adventurer. (Again the Xivilai pirate was a pirate captain, he had no interest in obeying or following)

    Also it has been stated on several occasions that there will never be any Daedra as Player Characters, Never.
    Edited by AlexDougherty on August 26, 2014 6:34PM
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
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    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Carnagan
    Could you play a- Seriously? No, they aren't going to do that, any more than they would allow Aedra player characters.

    Daedra work on a completely different level than the mortal races. The Mundas is, at best, a playground to them. A playground where every living thing exists for their own amusement, to be played with and discarded when they break.

    They aren't evil, but they aren't concerned with the Mundas in the slightest. It isn't their home and they don't have to live there. They don't care if Nirn burns to a lifeless cinder because when they die they will eventually reform in Oblivion.

    They are completely inappropriate as player characters because they have no reason to care about the Mundas any more than you care about the bacteria in yoghurt. You can't play a game that is based around the idea of being involved and trying to save the world and it's people when the character has absolutely no reason to care.

    And while Daedra do plot against one another lesser Daedra do not plot against Princes.
    "You dream of the Moon and a man who is less than a man."
    Proud explorer of Tamriel since 1996
  • UrQuan
    Most of the race suggestions in this thread are super lore-unfriendly (although there are races that could be made player races while still being lore-friendly: Maormer being one example that has been brought up in this thread).

    I would be OK with daedra as a playable race if they only got to adventure in various parts of Oblivion (aside from maybe a couple of quests where you get sent to Nirn), and only PVE. Frankly, though, at that point there's no point in having it as the same game.
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    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • AngryNord
    10 races - at least twice the amount of races available in virtually every other MMO - really isn't enough?
  • AngryNord
    I'd rather see Maormer , Falmer (Non-corrupted), and Chimer (The uncorrupted ones from Cathnoquey).

    Only two uncorrupted Falmer in existence, and they live deep in a cave in Skyrim. Cathnoquey and its Chimer is not official lore.
  • MAOofDC
    Carnagan wrote: »

    And while Daedra do plot against one another lesser Daedra do not plot against Princes.

    Well duh since Daedric Princes are on the same level of the Aedra, the gods known as the Divines. To plot against them is to invite a very painful existence one that could last until the universe ends since they cannot be killed. A punishment rather like that of Prometheus from the Greco-Roman stories.
    Guild Master of the Guild <The Wrath of Sheogorath>. CHEESE AND CABBAGE FOR EVERYONE!!!

  • Carnagan
    MAOofDC wrote: »
    Carnagan wrote: »

    And while Daedra do plot against one another lesser Daedra do not plot against Princes.

    Well duh since Daedric Princes are on the same level of the Aedra, the gods known as the Divines. To plot against them is to invite a very painful existence one that could last until the universe ends since they cannot be killed. A punishment rather like that of Prometheus from the Greco-Roman stories.

    Exactly, and the main plot for the game puts you in direct conflict with a Daedric Prince. I don't see any way that they could include a Daedric player race without throwing out the entire main story for them.

    ZOS isn't going to, and shouldn't have to, make a completely different story arch just to accommodate a new race.
    Edited by Carnagan on August 26, 2014 7:37PM
    "You dream of the Moon and a man who is less than a man."
    Proud explorer of Tamriel since 1996
  • Maverick827
    AngryNord wrote: »
    10 races - at least twice the amount of races available in virtually every other MMO - really isn't enough?
    Considering the next biggest contenders have fourteen and ten races themselves, ten isn't exactly extraordinary.
  • purple-magicb16_ESO
    Do u want 2b the slave of a daedric lord? Yes? Ok then bye-bye freewill, hello to being told what my every action will be. Just kiddin - kinda.

    Seriously tho and notwithstanding the sarcastic comment, they could always make an exception to the rule. A dremora that has essentially broken free of his slavery bonds somehow. Not sure how they could do this as it is my understanding that they derrive their power from their lord and if it did ever happen they would be hunted down and obliterated by the hordes of other daedra. Food 4 thot anyway.
    I don't comment here often but when I do, I get [snip]
  • Carnagan
    Not sure how they could do this as it is my understanding that they derrive their power from their lord and if it did ever happen they would be hunted down and obliterated by the hordes of other daedra. Food 4 thot anyway.

    There in lies the problem. A mortal who ends up on a Princes' hit list only needs to worry about retribution for a could of decades or maybe a century or two. A Daedra who ends up on the list gets to spend the rest of eternity on the run, safe in the knowledge that death is no escape from the endless suffering that would follow getting caught.

    It is also questionable that other Princes would give said upstart their protection. They don't want to give their own minions ideas, after all.

    "You dream of the Moon and a man who is less than a man."
    Proud explorer of Tamriel since 1996
  • brandon
    No I do not
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