Hello Vestiges!
Pink is the colour of spring blossoms and blushing cheeks but so few of us know how to apply it to our armour effectively. It is a fine balance between looking dashing with a slightly sensitive side and looking like a particular brand of doll with questionable morals. There is also the age old question of gender identity when it comes to wearing pink. Some feel it to be not particularly masculine. Given that three quarters of you are running around in dresses, it really shouldn't be that much of a leap for you to splash a little pink around.
In the below images I will demonstrate how to apply pink to the three armour types.
We will start with Homespun Robes. A soft pink coupled with whites and red highlights presents an inviting visage of a generous lover. I suggest taking the opportunity to pose in front of blossoming trees to attract attention. Light and Pastel pinks on wrist gloves will also create a "Jazz Hands" effect which makes spell casting appear all the more impressive. If you prefer a moodier pallet, I suggest a vibrant pink trim against dark blue satins for a cheekier look.

Now. I hear you say "Seras that's fine on a dress but hardly appropriate when I'm trying to sneak into someone's bedside dresser! I need to be well hidden in shades of black." Well lovelies, if I wake up to a strange man hanging around my bed in the middle of the night, I don't care what he is wearing, he won't have it on for long! Now leathers:

As you can see "Steve" is rather chuffed at this pink and black combination. It has enough black to allude to his night time activities whilst proclaiming his confidence to strut in any shade.
Enough of the lads though. How about the ladies? I know girls, it's easy for the frock wearing Lolitas to pull off all sorts of colours without a second though but how does the larger lass in Heavy Armour maintain her femininity? With highlights of course! Adding a hint of pink to the trim of your plate will not only demonstrate you are still "All That" under those greaves but that you are still more than capable of crushing a man's skull in one hand while swigging down a tankard of ale in the other.

However you choose to wear you pink, just remember do not combine it with green! Being fabulous is one thing, being a garden fairy is another!
Seras Loren
Edited by AoEnwyr on August 26, 2014 5:13AM