Syre_Lancaster wrote: »
I think we have reached the threshold were some balancing is in order.
Syre_Lancaster wrote: »
But like this? It just feels like the AD are using exploits to win. (Which, admittedly having a higher population at night is not really their fault, but it definitely means there is a balance issue)
Syre_Lancaster wrote: »I honestly was enjoying the campaign there up until like a week ago. It was neck and neck and it felt like your contributions mattered and even when the enemy pulled ahead, it was because their players or strategy was better.
But like this? It just feels like the AD are using exploits to win. (Which, admittedly having a higher population at night is not really their fault, but it definitely means there is a balance issue)
Syre_Lancaster wrote: »
Thechemicals wrote: »The campaign has very close for 20 days.....then all of a sudden AD becomes what?
Syre_Lancaster wrote: »"Feels like" and "is" are two very different statements, mate. Pay attention to the adverbs. If I was accusing AD of exploiting, I'd say it flat out.
darkdruidssb14_ESO wrote: »If the system for underdogs to get enhanced rewards for things they contributed on their campaign was in then the player base may not have shifted so heavily to 1 side.
I really don't see how you are going to stop this from happening. As long as there is a server that doesn't stay locked 24/7 then there will always be some faction imbalance.
darkdruidssb14_ESO wrote: »If the system for underdogs to get enhanced rewards for things they contributed on their campaign was in then the player base may not have shifted so heavily to 1 side.
I really don't see how you are going to stop this from happening. As long as there is a server that doesn't stay locked 24/7 then there will always be some faction imbalance.
Welcome to any PvP game... ever... you know how you deal with it? You just play the game and not worry about it.
darkdruidssb14_ESO wrote: »darkdruidssb14_ESO wrote: »If the system for underdogs to get enhanced rewards for things they contributed on their campaign was in then the player base may not have shifted so heavily to 1 side.
I really don't see how you are going to stop this from happening. As long as there is a server that doesn't stay locked 24/7 then there will always be some faction imbalance.
Welcome to any PvP game... ever... you know how you deal with it? You just play the game and not worry about it.
I'm not worried about it. I was telling the OP this will always be the case.
How does it feel like AD is exploiting.... that word has no business being used at all in the context of any of your statements
darkdruidssb14_ESO wrote: »@Syre_Lancaster if it helps you sleep at night. Think of Cyrodiil as "Who's line is it anyway".. the TV show... "the show where everything's made up and the points don't matter".
Cyrodiil is made up and outside of the game the points don't matter. Just play to have fun.. because it is a game.
Who cares, theres no meaning in cyrodiil. Fighting here or there it's all the same.
Can't wait for Camelot Unchained.
darkdruidssb14_ESO wrote: »@Syre_Lancaster if it helps you sleep at night. Think of Cyrodiil as "Who's line is it anyway".. the TV show... "the show where everything's made up and the points don't matter".
Cyrodiil is made up and outside of the game the points don't matter. Just play to have fun.. because it is a game.
Points matter bro. Points matter. If not points, then what? What is best in life? Points.
darkdruidssb14_ESO wrote: »@Syre_Lancaster if it helps you sleep at night. Think of Cyrodiil as "Who's line is it anyway".. the TV show... "the show where everything's made up and the points don't matter".
Cyrodiil is made up and outside of the game the points don't matter. Just play to have fun.. because it is a game.
Points matter bro. Points matter. If not points, then what? What is best in life? Points.
s7732425ub17_ESO wrote: »Unfortunately, PvP needs to be restricted to 12 hours a day to avoid the lopsided time zone issue. During primetime when all populations are locked, things are very balanced. Once people get off for the night, then AD starts to steamroll.