PvP imbalance still stupid...

From stealth 3 hit a vr12 NB, from stealth while 4 others were already attacking a vr12 dk and took about 15 seconds to kill him with 4 others. Just stupid.

  • deepseamk20b14_ESO
    Lol, it can certainly be annoying. I find it a fun challenge. it means team work is needed and people need to get onto team speak and plan targets better. Would you get pissed while playing risk or stratego because you didn't have a good plan and the other guy ROFL stomped you? Again, I feel you. Yesterday I had a similar instance and I was totally baffled how this SOB just wouldn't die! But, in the end, we got him. It's like a mini boss battle. How would the movie Trory of been if Achilles was just a little punk B*****?
    Hey everyone! Look! It's a signature!
  • grimjim398
    Fifteen whole seconds? Wow, that's just so insane that the ^&*%*%& would not die faster like you wanted. This one instance absolutely proves imbalance in the game.
  • UnholyPerfection
    I don't fully understand your post.
  • jelliedsoup
    grimjim398 wrote: »
    Fifteen whole seconds? Wow, that's just so insane that the ^&*%*%& would not die faster like you wanted. This one instance absolutely proves imbalance in the game.

    It happens over and over again with DKs. It takes me about 2 seconds to die when 5 people are on me.

    I assume you're a DK and feel the need to try to pretend this is an single isolated incident.
  • thelordoffelines
    I think that's why DKs are the tank class. Nighblades die so quickly because they are suited for burst single target DPS which they sacrifice survivability for.
  • jelliedsoup
    I think that's why DKs are the tank class. Nighblades die so quickly because they are suited for burst single target DPS which they sacrifice survivability for.

    Yes I know they're meant to be the tank class, but their survivability is too high and out of scale. NBS can't DPS like dks tank. If they're going to follow this rule try to make their ability to DPS reduced. If I stumble on a dk in 1v1 and can't kill him in 3 or 4 shots I'm dead, or will just dark cloak out
    It really doesn't work. If you had 10 dks they would beat 10 Of anything else due to their ability to tank and do DPS. Maybe vamps sorcs with be and devouring swarm could.

    The devs have missed the boat of dk design since day one.
  • Artis
    So who's owning in PvP now? DKs, Sorcs or Templars? It's different in every topic :p
  • Jroc
    Artemis wrote: »
    So who's owning in PvP now? DKs, Sorcs or Templars? It's different in every topic :p

    The one that killed that thread's OP.
    It's all good Bollywood
  • Orchish
    So you did kill the DK right? only it took 15 seconds rather than 3? In other words the DK went full tank and did zero dps. Yet he still died. What's the problem? are you seriously crying because it took a whole 15 seconds?

    Can't wait until you come across a fully kitted out Templar with sword and board+restro staff spamming Blazing shield. That's going to take you 20 seconds!!!!
  • jelliedsoup
    No I'm crying because it takes 5 people 15 seconds to kill a VR 12 DK.

    Takes one person (i.e me a VR8 NB) 3 hits or 2 seconds to kill a VR12 NB.
  • Orchish
    NBs vanish when things go south, Sorcs bolt escape to safety. Templars and DKs stand their ground until death. Although any NB can tank if they wish simply by picking up a shield, they are not designed for it. Do not complain just because a tank didn't go down as fast as a glass cannon NB did.

    As you said, he died. All he achieved was holding you back for a mere 15 seconds. I honestly cannot believe that you created a thread over this. At least lie and pretend that he killed you all so that you don't sound as silly.
  • TheBull
    It's bad right now. I just watch a sorc almost solo 15 dudes, killed atleast 8 with streak streak bats swarm.

    So much stupid *** going on. I had just decided to take a break and saw this thread.

    Too much cheese atm ZOS. Not very fun.
  • jelliedsoup
    Obviously this needs to be spelt out for some. If 5 people are attacking one guy and spend a long time killing him then they're vulnerable to attacks from others, this happens time and time again.

    Being a glass cannon NB is the only option unless you're doing the light armour/ staff thing.
  • jelliedsoup
    TheBull wrote: »
    It's bad right now. I just watch a sorc almost solo 15 dudes, killed atleast 8 with streak streak bats swarm.

    So much stupid *** going on. I had just decided to take a break and saw this thread.

    Too much cheese atm ZOS. Not very fun.
    Yeah the be and devouring swarm coupled with lag is just annoying and pretty cheap, but sadly effective.
  • Akula
    The stupid never ceases to amaze me.
  • TheBull
    Obviously this needs to be spelt out for some. If 5 people are attacking one guy and spend a long time killing him then they're vulnerable to attacks from others, this happens time and time again.

    Being a glass cannon NB is the only option unless you're doing the light armour/ staff thing.
    NBs don't even belong in this game, in this state.
  • Emperor
    Hi OP, I am a DK and I know what you are talking about. We can survive for a good 15 seconds probably with 4 people hitting us, but surviving and killing are 2 very different things. If the DK is surviving through all that DPS then the DK is using all his/her mana to survive which means no one from your team is dieing so what is the problem here?

    Now better DKs know how to manage their mana and survive while killing others which you probably don't run into as often (I've killed many DKs that don't know how to properly manage their mana). The secret to killing these better DKs is knockdowns, fear, etc. Anything that causes us to use our valuable stamina and then not have any more left to break out of CC to heal ourselves.

    There you go. Good luck next time on the battle field my friend.
    Edited by Emperor on August 24, 2014 3:08AM
    If you like small group PvP (2-4 players) and solo PvP check out my video ;)https://youtube.com/watch?v=jechGImtFio

    SPOILER: The first 40 seconds of the video contains a scene from the final Molag Bal boss fight!

  • Orchish
    Obviously this needs to be spelt out for some. If 5 people are attacking one guy and spend a long time killing him then they're vulnerable to attacks from others, this happens time and time again.

    Being a glass cannon NB is the only option unless you're doing the light armour/ staff thing.

    I think you're not understanding the point of a tank. He is there to hold you up while his friends smash your face in. In this case he had no friends and simply died after 15 seconds while posing no threat to you.

    Looking forward to your next thread when you encounter a Templar using sword & board + restro staff with blazing shield. You're going to rage if a DK who took "only" 15 seconds to die bothers you this much.
  • jelliedsoup
    I'm not raging. It's been like this since day 1 and I'm still playing.

    In a 1v1 a DK tank will beat a NB DPS, so they do enough damage to kill as well as recover from an initial 'onslaught' from a DPS build. I've seen the blazing shield as well. The devs like tanks, while the glass cannon builds such as those persisting with stam DW builds are on a hiding to nothing against tanks.

    I usually just dark cloak my arse out, as it's either that or die. It's not even remotely competitive. And yes it's obviously as l2p issues (i.e. play as a DK tank, or Vamp Sorc).
  • Emperor

    DK, sorc, and templars all have amazing tank builds at the moment while KB currently has the best burst DPS. No other class burst like my KB friend can who uses vampire and bow.
    If you like small group PvP (2-4 players) and solo PvP check out my video ;)https://youtube.com/watch?v=jechGImtFio

    SPOILER: The first 40 seconds of the video contains a scene from the final Molag Bal boss fight!

  • Emperor
    If you don't like being a burst DPS player and would rather be a tank then pick any of the other 3 classes.... (I will take your knightblade btw, I really want a high level KB too because I think burst DPS looks fun)
    If you like small group PvP (2-4 players) and solo PvP check out my video ;)https://youtube.com/watch?v=jechGImtFio

    SPOILER: The first 40 seconds of the video contains a scene from the final Molag Bal boss fight!

  • Orchish
    I'm not raging. It's been like this since day 1 and I'm still playing.

    In a 1v1 a DK tank will beat a NB DPS, so they do enough damage to kill as well as recover from an initial 'onslaught' from a DPS build. I've seen the blazing shield as well. The devs like tanks, while the glass cannon builds such as those persisting with stam DW builds are on a hiding to nothing against tanks.

    I usually just dark cloak my arse out, as it's either that or die. It's not even remotely competitive. And yes it's obviously as l2p issues (i.e. play as a DK tank, or Vamp Sorc).

    I am not denying that NBs didn't need buffs and that DKs didn't need nerfs at release. That said, i can't take this seriously when you're playing as a glass cannon and go up against a tank who's role is to absorb damage and then you complain that it took you 15 seconds to kill him. You killed him... do you see why this sounds silly to me?

    It's different when you are in a 1v1 compared to 1v5. He knew he was dead from the moment 5 players ganged up on him. He did exactly what i would have done in that situation and that is just tank you all using every bit of magicka to spam dragon blood whilst also using crafted potions (did you take this into account?) to stay up before his inevitable death. Remember unlike a NB we cannot vanish and escape from battle. In a 1v1 most of his magicka is going to be used on flame lash,talons etc... and thus he would have far less survivability once he starts going dps on you as he then lacks the magicka to use on dragon blood as much.

    Unless of course he is using light armour, warlock set and getting magicka flood. Which is another issue entirely with light armour being far superior right now.

    I will not lie, i prefer to fight NBs over Templars/DKs right now in 1v1, yet i have come up against some amazing Nightblade players who are fantastic at harassing me and wearing me down over time. Many simply go down fairly quickly, but there are those few NB players who put my DK tank to shame.

    What you described can be done by Templars,DKs and Sorcs just as easy. You are the glass cannon right now.
    Edited by Orchish on August 24, 2014 4:07AM
  • TheBull
    All NBs are glass canons. They have no uber heals, or uber shields. What about the VoB Sap Essene builds? Garbage w/o a healer.

    How about this, 1/3 of our skills are from a DoT tree, that we can't even *** use if we want to use Dark Cloak our "iconic" spell.

    Imagine if Dragons Blood stopped working if you placed a DoT on someone, or if Blazing Shield canceled, or if Streak wouldn't activate. It's *** up atm for NBs.

    Edited by TheBull on August 24, 2014 4:10AM
  • Orchish
    That's something ZOS needs to fix sooner rather than later, my buddy who has been playing with me since release is a NB and the main reason he never renewed his sub last month was because of broken NB abilities/passives. He did start a second sorc character, but it wasn't enough to keep him here.
  • Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    The pvp in this game is a joke. I gave up on it. I am close to finishing all achievements in the game and I already finished all the quests and skills... so once that last achievement is finished I will have to unsub due to the pvp being pointless..

    awesome design derps..
  • jelliedsoup
    Yes I understand, the issue I have is the disparity between tanks and dps. They don't stack comparatively as tank outdoes dps.
  • Aeratus
    It is possible for NB to tank 4 people. I've survived against 4 people for almost 15 seconds in some instances. Put on veil of blades, equip resto staff, and keep spamming resto staff heals while holding block. Just watch out for sorcs that negate your veil.
    Edited by Aeratus on August 24, 2014 6:21AM
  • Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    ^ i think the point is people are f'ed off that other classes tank 4 people withouttttttt a ulti hahahaha...

    Oh and continue to deal decent dps.
    Edited by Hortator Indoril Nerevar on August 24, 2014 6:19AM
  • jelliedsoup
    Yeah I don't do staffs or aoes. Just don't appeal to me despite that the game loves both.
  • cazlonb16_ESO
    Of course you can't 2 or 3 hit kill a tank who is prepared to be attacked, otherwise tank builds would be useless. A DK or Templar without their shields and Immovable up die to NB alpha strike just as easily as everyone else.

    A key skill in playing a glass canon is target selection.
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