Robe top's exist. Now. are we gonna see robe bottoms as well?

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Just curious as the top pieces of robes have been separated, has there been any talk of giving robe bottoms as options to pants as well?

I think robe bottoms would match well with many types of medium or heavy armor to create more unique looks.. Plus we could make our own robe from top and bottom both from different style.
>>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
  • Tapio75
    Not interested at all?
    >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
  • Super_Sonico
    I don't think I'm clear about what you mean.

    They added a shirt to light armor so you can wear light armor and not look like you're wearing a dress. (You can wear a shirt and pants.)

    If you want to wear a shirt and a skirt, just put on the dress. It's the same look. The only thing I can think might look different is the ability to dye the top different from the bottom, but that's minor and can mostly be accomplished with how they tier the 3 dye slots on the robe.

    I'd be more interested in seeing skirt options for medium and heavy armor.

  • DragonLane555
    This would be awesome! I've been using the Daedric light legs for my look, but there are other Robed bottoms that would work much better.
  • Black_Wolf88
    dont like the current robe bottoms and I dont see how any new ones would look much better. the pants fit the style I want on my character so im saying no.
    "The key to immportality is first living a life worth remembering." -Bruce Lee
  • Tapio75
    What i mean, is that robe bottoms be available as separate dress/kilt to be used with any armor. Me for instance have characters that mix armor types and i know couple of combos where heavy/medium top would be just perfect with light dress bottom.

    By all means mediem leather skirt/kilt could also be quite nice but i dont thinbk plate skirts be very plausible options.

    Plus wearing a bottom from Altmer robe added to medium breton top with right color combination could look very good. Also battlemage combinations wearing top plate with cloth skirt and such similar combos.
    Edited by Tapio75 on August 22, 2014 9:18PM
    >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
  • NorthernFury

    Robes don't need a bottom.

    Skadi Storm-Blade - VR14 Altmer Sorcerer
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    - The Havamal
  • CapuchinSeven

    Robes don't need a bottom.

    I read that in his voice for some reason.
  • PSLAnimal

    I read that in his voice for some reason.

    How could you not? The Hef is awesome.
    Animal (Ask me what the PSL stands for. Go on. Ask.)
    @PSLAnimal on the NA Megaserver
    Making people wonder just what the hell is wrong with me since 1961.
  • Tapio75
    Robe has top and bottom which are together. Top half of robe is usually above waist unless character is upside down and bottom is below waist unless, again is the character upside down. Accept this and you will have bit more wisdom to add to that humorous side of yours ;P

    Now take a scissors or whatever and cut robe to half horizontally and you have robe bottom and top separated ^^
    >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
  • Mataata
    Aka a skirt? Yes, please.
    I love the Power Glove! It's so bad!
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  • Circuitous
    Thank Stendarr it’s Fredas.
    Elanirne: Altmer Templar Healer, DC
    Auria Dolabella: Imperial Nightblade Tank, DC
  • LtCrunch
    Yes, me and some guild's have talked about how great it would be to see the option to have a skirt/kilt option like we now have the jerking/robe option. It opens up even more unique and cool looking gear combos. Full heavy plate with a light belt/skirt is a great look. As it stands only Daedric has a skirt.
    Edited by LtCrunch on August 22, 2014 10:35PM
    NerdSauce Gaming
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  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    daedric bottoms are a skirt, if that helps.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Tapio75
    Well.. The robe bottom aka skirt which i would like to combine with armor top is not daedric. I just hope we see them someday next to pants in clothing stations.
    >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
  • RedTalon
    A skirt would be nice, would create a char that would wear nothing but one.

    A male char.
    Edited by RedTalon on August 24, 2014 1:18AM
  • Targolak
    I like the idea. Kilts. I want more kilts. Akin to the wonderful fur kilt of TESV: Skyrim for one, and perhaps some proper tunics hanging above your kneecaps.

    I'm still trying to figure out what the purpose of those floating slabs hanging over the thighs on your armour and clothing is!
    "These boots are meant for walking, and that's just what they'll do."
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    Tassets, you mean. They are decorative, and yea, for some reason they levitate.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Tapio75
    Targolak wrote: »
    I like the idea. Kilts. I want more kilts. Akin to the wonderful fur kilt of TESV: Skyrim for one, and perhaps some proper tunics hanging above your kneecaps.

    I'm still trying to figure out what the purpose of those floating slabs hanging over the thighs on your armour and clothing is!

    I suppose they are magickally floating magnets that keep our weapons on our side.. Sometimes it just happens that weapon has magnet as well and ends up floating too due magnetic fields..

    YEA! Thats it >_<

    Truthfully, i think they added them to armors so our armors would nbot look as much like "painted" on the skin as they could otherwise be. At least some of them.

    >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
  • Probitas
    Uhm, they have them, they are called greaves (pants).

    Geez. You want a full body robe, put on a damned robe.
  • Tharvall
    Probitas wrote: »
    Uhm, they have them, they are called greaves (pants).

    Geez. You want a full body robe, put on a damned robe.

    lol, fail
    read again.
    oh my god.
  • Tapio75
    Sometimes it indeed is good to read before saying something funny :)
    >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
  • Zarman
    I want a Cape.
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