When you pick an Alchemy Plant you can leave the Worm. When you do this, the worm continues to sit. The ingredient doesn't respawn and the next guy gets a worm. Most people, including me, leave the worm.
Alchemy has been plagued with an issue since pre-launch, since Beta.
When you pick an Alchemy Plant you can leave the Worm. When you do this, the worm continues to sit. The ingredient doesn't respawn and the next guy gets a worm. Most people, including me, leave the worm.
The best fix is that when a Node is Partially Harvested it should vanish as though it were Fully Harvested to permit the respawn of the ingredient.
So, let me get this straight. You know the plant will not respawn as long as the worm remains. Yet you leave the worm behind so any player that follows will not get the benefit of a respawn but rather have to settle for the worm. That is very generous of you.
I find that most people take the worm and then use it to fish, or destroy it. I say this because I occasonally run across a node that only has any fish bait. If "most people" were doing it then most people would not get a plant resource. I would suggest that your practice is the exception, and not the norm.
This issue has been brought up before in at least one other thread and included a solution that is the same as you propose. A solution that I and many others agree with.
Alchemy has been plagued with an issue since pre-launch, since Beta.
When you pick an Alchemy Plant you can leave the Worm. When you do this, the worm continues to sit. The ingredient doesn't respawn and the next guy gets a worm. Most people, including me, leave the worm.
The best fix is that when a Node is Partially Harvested it should vanish as though it were Fully Harvested to permit the respawn of the ingredient.
There is no toothpick in my foot and will not be. What I don't want, is a nasty, grimy 0 Gold Worm/Plump Worm/Crawler in my pocket or bag. Eww!
I will not take the worm, it doesn't benefit me to do. I will leave it, because it benefits me. Also, consider that "Person Blame" is a deflection. You are not actually answering "Do you feel the partially harvested node should respawn?".
I get your sentiment; You think the problem would be fixed if everyone would just take the worm. But that isn't the case. And so long as I have a choice, I will never take the worm.
The solution is that when even one item is taken from a Node, the Node should vanish so it can respawn normally.
This makes me happy (I can leave the worm without leaving you a worm).
It makes you happy (you won't be one of 16 people in The Rift about one hour ago to find a Worm in what looked like a Columbine, Bugloss or Lady's Smock).
1. You are making a slippery slope based on idiocy. Stupid can't be fixed they say. You know nothing about me, other than I leave the worm. Trying to make a quantum leap from that, to assumptions about my morality is exactly that; a quantum leap.
2. I am not going to insult your mother or teachers because I don't troll or use aggressive communication techniques to assault others whom I disagree with. I follow the Conversation Hierarchy and keep the focus on the topic. This is about being Civil, and if you want to talk about being sheltered, your use of these techniques shows much more anti-social and incivility than leaving worms.
3. I am very considerate to others. I probably donate more money and time to Charity than you. When I am dealing with others, I am also sure not to be inconsiderate or make assumptions and quantum leaps about who someone is based on one behavior. I also don't make generalizations about people who are homeschooled, low income, high income, breton or argonian. When I compare this, to your posts, you seem to be the one who doesn't know how to deal with others.
4. If you want to talk about Community Toxicity, lets start with making personal attacks against people, their teachers and mothers and making generalizations about how moral people are based on one behavior. Then you make another quantum leap and make it look like I am abusing people? You are using abusive language, I am leaving a worm in a Columbine. I hope you make it a personal goal as an adult to be more responsible in your communication techniques.
5. And the lack of a proper mechanic is exactly what this is about. This is about a bad mechanic that prevents the node from respawning. We all respond differently to it. For people who don't Fish, or keep Bait to sell the best option will always be to leave the worm. That doesn't make the person who leaves the worm socially abject, immoral, abusive or anything else.
I will always, ALWAYS leave the worm. My problem however, is that the node doesn't Respawn. Nor does the plant go away and leave a harvestable Worm on the floor. My problem is that the graphic of Columbine is left in the world, and only a worm is in it.