The Alchemist's Worm.

Alchemy has been plagued with an issue since pre-launch, since Beta.

When you pick an Alchemy Plant you can leave the Worm. When you do this, the worm continues to sit. The ingredient doesn't respawn and the next guy gets a worm. Most people, including me, leave the worm.

The best fix is that when a Node is Partially Harvested it should vanish as though it were Fully Harvested to permit the respawn of the ingredient.

Within; Without.
  • killedbyping
    You underestimate the power of worms !
  • Attorneyatlawl
    I always grab the worm because otherwise the plant won't respawn for me if I'm farming them ;).
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • AshySamurai
    All time grab worms. Even if only worm left in this node, I grab it and someone else have plant there (node respawns and someone who will be here later see plant and not just a worm).
    Not sure that nodes dont respawns even with worms.
    Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • angel59
    Soloeus wrote: »
    When you pick an Alchemy Plant you can leave the Worm. When you do this, the worm continues to sit. The ingredient doesn't respawn and the next guy gets a worm. Most people, including me, leave the worm.

    So, let me get this straight. You know the plant will not respawn as long as the worm remains. Yet you leave the worm behind so any player that follows will not get the benefit of a respawn but rather have to settle for the worm. That is very generous of you.

    I find that most people take the worm and then use it to fish, or destroy it. I say this because I occasonally run across a node that only has any fish bait. If "most people" were doing it then most people would not get a plant resource. I would suggest that your practice is the exception, and not the norm.
  • DenverRalphy
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Alchemy has been plagued with an issue since pre-launch, since Beta.

    When you pick an Alchemy Plant you can leave the Worm. When you do this, the worm continues to sit. The ingredient doesn't respawn and the next guy gets a worm. Most people, including me, leave the worm.

    The best fix is that when a Node is Partially Harvested it should vanish as though it were Fully Harvested to permit the respawn of the ingredient.

    I was right up there with you, until I hit the bolded portion.
    Edited by DenverRalphy on August 22, 2014 12:03PM
  • Soloeus
    angel59 wrote: »

    So, let me get this straight. You know the plant will not respawn as long as the worm remains. Yet you leave the worm behind so any player that follows will not get the benefit of a respawn but rather have to settle for the worm. That is very generous of you.

    I find that most people take the worm and then use it to fish, or destroy it. I say this because I occasonally run across a node that only has any fish bait. If "most people" were doing it then most people would not get a plant resource. I would suggest that your practice is the exception, and not the norm.

    1. I use an Auto-Loot mod that takes the ingredient and not the worm. Even before using it, I left the worm because I didn't want to open my inventory to right click, click delete and press E every time I found a worm.

    2. The low sale value of a stack of Worms/Crawlers/Plump Worms is low enough that "The deal benefits the buyer more than the seller" so I won't do it. I don't fish and I am not stacking Fishing Mats to sell because that is more like doing the buyer a favor than making a transaction beneficial to me.

    It isn't out of ill will or maliciousness that I leave the worm, it isn't spite. It is inconvenient for me to take it, so I leave it. And once in a while I find a Cotton, Void Bloom or Columbine with just a Fishing Mat so I am not the only one. (I scour all faction zones with V12 + Char in each faction).

    My solution is one that permits the plant to Respawn after being harvested. I don't want leaving the worm to block Respawn but it does.

    The "plant" remains in the world until all objects inside are removed. It never vanishes, so it never Respawns.

    Edited by Soloeus on August 22, 2014 12:09PM

    Within; Without.
  • angel59
    I am sorry that removing a worm from inventory is so inconvenient for you. I guess it is much better to leave it and inconvenience everybody else behind you. I have no doubt that mallice or ill will was ever intended by your actions. However, you brought up the issue and yet you do nothing to make it better for the next player.

    This issue has been brought up before in at least one other thread and included a solution that is the same as you propose. A solution that I and many others agree with.

    I also want you to know that the worms and crawlers stack in inventory. They will take up, at most, two inventory spaces. It is a shame that the little inconvenience you incur is more important yhan the inconvenience to others who would like to have a plant resource, and not just the worm you graciously left behind.

    Finally, I always take the worm or crawler, even if that is the only item in an alchemy node, and delete them later. I will continue this practice because it is what I would like others to do for me. It is frustrating to get a node and find only the fish bait. It is unfortunate that you dont understand this. Oh wait, your OP did state this, so you must understand. You just dont give a ... about anyone else.
  • DenverRalphy
    angel59 wrote: »
    This issue has been brought up before in at least one other thread and included a solution that is the same as you propose. A solution that I and many others agree with.

    Yup. There have been several threads, all with the same solution. Until then, more players should adopt a "Courtesy trumps inconvenience" policy, because those of us who already do seem to be in a minority.
    Edited by DenverRalphy on August 22, 2014 12:51PM
  • Knootewoot
    Just get the darn worms. Don't delete them from inventory. They will stack so only 1 inventory used. Delete when you have 80-90. Not much work.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Neyephe
    I hate when I find a flower I need and all that is left are worms and crawlers. I still take the worms and crawlers because I'm still working on the fishing achievement, but it is rude to leave that for someone else to pick. It isn't that inconvenient to save up a stack of worms then delete them all at once. (which is what I did before I started fishing) One click for 100 nodes (and actually more since you don't get them for every node).
  • heavy_artillery
    I don't understand how using Auto-Loot or even hitting ONE key (R) to loot after harvesting is inconvenient for you. That's just griping for the sake of griping, AND it points out how inconsiderate you are for leaving the worm-node for the next person who comes along.
    @Bluenotebacker in-game, NA Server
  • pinkempyreal
    I love that there are so many inconsiderate players who leave the worm, knowing the plant will not respawn. I hope ZOS fixes this and makes it so you can't get the plant unless you take the worm just so those people can be inconvenienced.
  • Blooddancer
    Anyone leaving the worm should be put in the stocks for 24 hours realtime!
    C'mon people, seriously, they stack and you can destroy them, loot the worms already and have at least a small amount of consideration for your fellow games.
  • AshySamurai
    Only one good thing I can read in this thread - now I know that not only me grab all from nodes and make it respawn.
    @Soleus‌ - by the eight, hope you play on NA server, because I'm playing on EU.
    Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • Cthulhette
    I actually think this works as intended. :/
    Crafting components are supposed to be a tiny lil bit hard to find, so as not to just go farm them, but rather stumble upon them during questing / exploring...
    But then again, I actually use the worms (not having done all the achievements), so I'm in no place to speak.
  • j4k3s7a
    I don't think I've ever seen someone admit to being this selfish before, then try to justify it.

  • Super_Sonico
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Alchemy has been plagued with an issue since pre-launch, since Beta.

    When you pick an Alchemy Plant you can leave the Worm. When you do this, the worm continues to sit. The ingredient doesn't respawn and the next guy gets a worm. Most people, including me, leave the worm.

    The best fix is that when a Node is Partially Harvested it should vanish as though it were Fully Harvested to permit the respawn of the ingredient.

    Actually, most people DON'T leave the worm. We pick it and just destroy it later, cause what's 0.2ms of time when being polite for others and allowing the note to regenerate.

    This post sums up my perception of the ESO community: demanding changes to mechanics in the game because they're too self-centered to perform a SIMPLE action that benefits the community.

    So incredibly sad.
  • Ourorboros
    Welcome to the real world folks. Most people will do what is best for them. If that means leaving the worm, so be it. With inventory so tight, if I have to pick between something of value or a worm when I only have one slot left, is it so surprising I choose to leave the worm. Admittedly, I know the person behind me will not be happy, and I feel guilty, but that last slot is not going to be filled with a worm. And I usually do take the worms, and delete them later, though now I use them as bait. And I have found only worms at many nodes. To me, it's not as cut and dried an issue as suggesting everyone take the worm. Zenimax created this issue by putting worms in the plant nodes and handicapping node respawns. I think the answer is to turn everyone into fishermen :). Plus, bait prices have skyrocketed. You won't see many worm only nodes when people realize this.
    Breton Sorcerer Maester.White - BB meets GoT >Master Crafter< { 9 Traits completed 4/23/15 }
    TANSTAAFL--->There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.....Robert Heinlein
    Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea....Heinlein
    All those moments will be lost in time, like Time to die. "Blade Runner"
    ESO: the game you hate to love and love to hate....( >_<) May RNG be with you (*,_,*)
  • AoEnwyr
    I never leave the worm behind because I consider the player who comes along next. It's quicker just to take everything from the node and either use the worms for fishing or if you don't fish just destroy you pile when you've finished harvesting. I'm not sure who the "most people" are who leave them behind because when the issue has been raised in the guilds I am a member of, people seem to think those who leave worms behind are pretty ordinary.
  • Soloeus
    Every time I have tried to sell a stack of Worms/Crawlers, I am offered about 300-500 per stack. I wouldn't bother collecting something of such low value. That is equivalent to doing you a favor and I don't do that.

    Now, for those of you who want to lecture me about manners, are you saying you agree that partially harvested Nodes should vanish and respawn?

    Within; Without.
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    I know everyone else has said this already, but srsly, how hard is it to just take the worm or crawler as well? Even when my inventory is full (which is rare for me) there's always something I can destroy to wrap up the spawn. Personally, I am saving up for when I decide to fish, and you are all welcome to send your crawlers, guts, worms, and insects to me via mail at any time (I hear it takes many thousands of each so hook me up.) Don't send them cod tho, I am not paying for them just yet.

    You know, I used to sew by hand as a kid. (I broke a needle off while using a machine and the end almost hit my eye so there was a period of time when I avoided said machine.) I had this bad habit of losing pins and needles and being too lazy to look for them. Without fail, I was always the one to step on them. That's not even counting the time I was too lazy to pick up toothpicks and one got jammed in between my toes and broke off in there. Not fun.

    My point being, do you really want a needle and/or toothpick in your foot? Be considerate and take the damn worm.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Soloeus
    There is no toothpick in my foot and will not be. What I don't want, is a nasty, grimy 0 Gold Worm/Plump Worm/Crawler in my pocket or bag. Eww!

    I will not take the worm, it doesn't benefit me to do. I will leave it, because it benefits me. Also, consider that "Person Blame" is a deflection. You are not actually answering "Do you feel the partially harvested node should respawn?".

    I get your sentiment; You think the problem would be fixed if everyone would just take the worm. But that isn't the case. And so long as I have a choice, I will never take the worm.

    The solution is that when even one item is taken from a Node, the Node should vanish so it can respawn normally.

    This makes me happy (I can leave the worm without leaving you a worm).

    It makes you happy (you won't be one of 16 people in The Rift about one hour ago to find a Worm in what looked like a Columbine, Bugloss or Lady's Smock).

    Edited by Soloeus on August 30, 2014 4:50PM

    Within; Without.
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    Soloeus wrote: »
    There is no toothpick in my foot and will not be. What I don't want, is a nasty, grimy 0 Gold Worm/Plump Worm/Crawler in my pocket or bag. Eww!

    I will not take the worm, it doesn't benefit me to do. I will leave it, because it benefits me. Also, consider that "Person Blame" is a deflection. You are not actually answering "Do you feel the partially harvested node should respawn?".

    I get your sentiment; You think the problem would be fixed if everyone would just take the worm. But that isn't the case. And so long as I have a choice, I will never take the worm.

    The solution is that when even one item is taken from a Node, the Node should vanish so it can respawn normally.

    This makes me happy (I can leave the worm without leaving you a worm).

    It makes you happy (you won't be one of 16 people in The Rift about one hour ago to find a Worm in what looked like a Columbine, Bugloss or Lady's Smock).


    So you are saying because the system is flawed in your mind, you don't feel obligated to try and do your part to rectify that manually, and help other people in a way in which you no doubt would like to be helped?


    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Rude and Insulting comments]
    Edited by ZOS_LucasA on August 30, 2014 6:24PM
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • kieso
    I leave it because I like it when others have to grab my worm. :blush:
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    Soloeus wrote: »

    I think you are getting far too worked up over what amounts to common place forum jabs. Too bad you're not as sensitive towards other peoples' needs and feelings.

    I do enjoy the worms, btw, I am working on saving up for fishing, but the lack of a proper mechanic does not excuse you exacerbating the problem. I just hate when that's all I get.

    I have had friends who were homeschooled, they were all very very sheltered. They didn't originally properly know how to interact with the rest of the world because almost of of their outside stimulus was dictated by their parents' attempt to sculpt their image of a perfect human being. I thought perhaps you were just inexperienced with being considerate towards others due to a lack of exposure.

    If you want to insult my mother or teachers back, feel free, I won't get offended. You've never met my mother, and I would agree that I have had some terrible teachers. Many of them didn't even like me and made that very clear. Though that was more in elementary/middle school than after that.

    As for your first point, which is the most important part: this isn't real life but those are real people playing the characters around you. They are capable of the same emotions that you are. Being seperated by some geographical distance and a couple of computer monitors does not excuse you abusing them or stepping all over them in any way with no regard for their feelings or needs. Even with minor things in life, video game or face to face, you should want to behave like a respectful adult. It should be a personal goal, and if it isn't, you need to reevaluate your goals in general.

    See one person who thinks like you won't have much of an effect, it's when it starts to cascade into more and more people, via you raising children to think that way or encouraging your peers to think that way or just spreading that attitude in general, that it becomes a problem. All communities, virtual or otherwise, require everyone to try and participate and do their best to give back, or the roots become corrupted and the community becomes toxic.

    Moderator Edit: Removed moderated quote
    Edited by ZOS_LucasA on August 30, 2014 6:54PM
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Soloeus
    1. You know nothing about me, other than I leave the worm. Trying to make a quantum leap from that, to assumptions about my morality is exactly that; a quantum leap. I suppose I could make a lot of generalizations and judgements about you from your communication techniques but I won't assault you as a person like you do me because I am an adult.

    2. I am not going to insult your mother or teachers because I don't troll or use aggressive communication techniques to assault others whom I disagree with; It is counterproductive to the conversation, and topic.

    I follow the Conversation Hierarchy and keep the focus on the topic. This is about being Civil, and if you want to talk about being sheltered, your use of these techniques shows much more anti-social behavior and incivility than leaving worms.

    3. I am very considerate to others. When I am dealing with others, I am also sure not to be inconsiderate or make assumptions and quantum leaps about who someone is based on something like "He leaves the worm in a video game." If I were going to judge someone, I would rather judge how they handle conversations.

    I also don't make generalizations about people who are homeschooled, low income, high income, breton or argonian because I am an adult. When I compare this, to your posts, you seem to be the one who doesn't know how to deal with others.

    4. If you want to talk about Community Toxicity, lets start with making personal attacks against people, their teachers and mothers and making generalizations about how moral people are based on one behavior.

    Then you make another quantum leap and try to make it look like I am abusing people? You are using abusive language and hostile communication techniques. I am leaving a worm in a Columbine. I hope you make it a personal goal as an adult to be more responsible in your communication techniques. You said you think this should be a personal goal of all adults, so I call on you to lead the charge.

    If the posts you prior made in this forum are your example of the behavior you want from others, I am worried about the community you want to create. I want to create one where we discuss topics and don't try to paint each other as villains.

    5. And the lack of a proper mechanic is exactly what this is about. This is about a bad mechanic that prevents the node from respawning. We all respond differently to it. For people who don't Fish, or keep Bait to sell the best option will always be to leave the worm. That doesn't make the person who leaves the worm socially abject, immoral, abusive or anything else.

    I will always, ALWAYS leave the worm. My problem however, is that the node doesn't Respawn. Nor does the plant go away and leave a harvestable Worm on the floor. My problem is that the graphic of Columbine is left in the world, and only a worm is in it.
    Edited by Soloeus on August 30, 2014 5:48PM

    Within; Without.
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    Soloeus wrote: »
    1. You are making a slippery slope based on idiocy. Stupid can't be fixed they say. You know nothing about me, other than I leave the worm. Trying to make a quantum leap from that, to assumptions about my morality is exactly that; a quantum leap.

    2. I am not going to insult your mother or teachers because I don't troll or use aggressive communication techniques to assault others whom I disagree with. I follow the Conversation Hierarchy and keep the focus on the topic. This is about being Civil, and if you want to talk about being sheltered, your use of these techniques shows much more anti-social and incivility than leaving worms.

    3. I am very considerate to others. I probably donate more money and time to Charity than you. When I am dealing with others, I am also sure not to be inconsiderate or make assumptions and quantum leaps about who someone is based on one behavior. I also don't make generalizations about people who are homeschooled, low income, high income, breton or argonian. When I compare this, to your posts, you seem to be the one who doesn't know how to deal with others.

    4. If you want to talk about Community Toxicity, lets start with making personal attacks against people, their teachers and mothers and making generalizations about how moral people are based on one behavior. Then you make another quantum leap and make it look like I am abusing people? You are using abusive language, I am leaving a worm in a Columbine. I hope you make it a personal goal as an adult to be more responsible in your communication techniques.

    5. And the lack of a proper mechanic is exactly what this is about. This is about a bad mechanic that prevents the node from respawning. We all respond differently to it. For people who don't Fish, or keep Bait to sell the best option will always be to leave the worm. That doesn't make the person who leaves the worm socially abject, immoral, abusive or anything else.

    I will always, ALWAYS leave the worm. My problem however, is that the node doesn't Respawn. Nor does the plant go away and leave a harvestable Worm on the floor. My problem is that the graphic of Columbine is left in the world, and only a worm is in it.

    I read some of this, but it started to sound repetitive. You can't lead off by calling me stupid and then rotate between lecturing me for being uncivilized and attacking me yourself. You just sound incredibly defensive.

    Please don't put words in my mouth, as someone who is on govt assistance and very low income, I don't ever appreciate it being assumed that I would make disparaging remarks about the poor. It would make no sense, unless I thought I was a special snowflake and all the OTHER poor people were lazy, except me. I realize you are saying that to try and discredit me and make me look like a bad person, but you are accusing someone who makes 14,000 a year (for two people,) of insulting the poor. Honey, I AM the poor.

    #3: Don't care about what you do in real life in face to face situations. This is extraneous information that you are using to try to prove yourself to be moral. [snip] Sometimes money is not what's needed, and putting effort towards helping a person has more effect than throwing a check at them.


    Personally, I don't care if the node respawns or not. I don't care what you want either way. It is clear you are detrimental to your fellow players, and are only able to think about yourself. I don't think that will be solved by your request. You will find other things to be inconsiderate about and drag people's happiness down in whatever way you can.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Rude and Insulting comments]
    Edited by ZOS_LucasA on August 30, 2014 6:56PM
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
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